Like poems? So do we, here at
In fact, during the present gloom and doom, we’ve been cheering ourselves up by re-reading some verses we wrote a year ago, when the world was a very different place!
You’ll be unaware, but our ebook cover-designer, Anya Lauri, is also a talented illustrator. So last spring we had the crazy idea to email her some of our poems to see what she would make of them.
The result was a hilarious illustrated ebook.
What’s that monstrosity on the cover, you might be wondering?
It’s the submarine bird, of course, a flying pest that, last spring, used to wake me up long before dawn each morning.
If anyone knows what sort of bird it could be (read the poem in the free sample chapter .pdf for a fuller description) do write to let me know!
Download the free sample chapter (.pdf) to get a flavour of the poetry. Mostly it doesn’t rhyme, but it IS at least guaranteed to include no mention whatsoever of viruses…
And to enjoy more of Anya’s illustrations, of course. That’s me above, with the glasses and the quill pen. And you’ll find the submarine bird perched in a tree on page twenty-seven, being ignored by all the other birds…
‘No Permit’s Required’ is a 113-page .pdf format ebook containing “some verses for those who like to laugh or ponder”.
Get the full version this week and save 25%!
Find out more | FREE sample (.pdf) | Buy ‘No Permit’s Required, just £8.99