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Downloaded the FREE Italian/Spanish/French/German e-books, yet?

Yes, that’s correct.

At you can download two different types of ebook, for each of four different languages (Italian/Spanish/French/German), at a cost of ZERO!

The two FREE Italian ebooks are:

Il ristorante‘ is an ‘easy reader’, a simplified story with exercises and audio. It’s IDEAL for beginners!

La sorpresa‘ is an Italian/English parallel text, also intended for beginners. You get the original Italian, and an accompanying English translation, so you can compare the two versions line by line.

The two FREE Spanish ebooks are:

El restaurante‘ is an ‘easy reader’, a simplified story with exercises and audio. It’s IDEAL for beginners!

La sorpresa‘ is a Spanish/English parallel text, also intended for beginners. You get the original Spanish, and the accompanying English translation, so you can compare them line by line.

The two FREE French ebooks are:

Le restaurant‘ is an ‘easy reader’, a simplified story with exercises and audio. It’s IDEAL for beginners!

La surprise‘ is a French/English parallel text, also intended for beginners. You get the original French story, along with the accompanying English translation, so you can compare them line by line.

The two FREE German ebooks are:

Das Restaurant‘ is an ‘easy reader’, a simplified story with exercises and audio. It’s IDEAL for beginners!

Die Überraschung‘ is a German/English parallel text, also intended for beginners. You get the original German text, plus an accompanying English translation, so you can compare them line by line.

Which ebook will be best for you? The ‘easy reader’ (simplified text + audio) or the ‘parallel text’ (simplified text + translation)?

We recommend that you try both formats for the language or languages you’re learning, so you’ll know which best suits your style of learning!

N.b. Next week we’ll be having a half-price offer on another ebook, with versions in these same four languages, at a slightly higher level… More details to follow!

Browse our online shop:

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