‘No Permit’s Required’ is a 113-page .pdf format ebook containing “some verses for those who like to laugh or ponder”.
No permit’s required
No permit’s required
I realize
to capture moments
from my life
in words
to share with others
From a middle-aged
beginner poet:
some verses
for those who like
to laugh
or ponder
And everyone else
can go to hell
About this ebook
The editorial staff
would like to assure readers
that no poets were killed, injured,
or in any way mistreated
during the writing
of this ebook
Non-unionized writers
were not employed
and no financial
or other incentives
were offered
The e-book itself
was manufactured
from only the finest electrons,
which were cold-pressed
within an hour
of being harvested
You may be certain
that this product
is 100% cellulose-free
and that our production processes
minimized the use
of polluting inks
! Readers of
a sensitive nature
are advised
that this ebook
contains taboo language
as well as comments
that some
may consider to be
in questionable taste
Download the FREE sample chapter (.pdf)
N.b. POETRY DOES NOT HAVE TO RHYME, and in fact most poems in this ebook don’t (rhyming is difficult.) But a poem has to have something – perhaps it’s a certain rhythm, or a creative way with words, humour perhaps, or pathos. Whatever.
Some bastards
Some bastards
rhyme their poems
And load them up
with portent terms
While I’ve just rhythm,
that’s hard to spell
And a vague sense
of something to say
Actually, there is one that rhymes, but it’s dreadful.
So if you’re old-fashioned about these things, do everyone a favour and take a look at the FREE sample chapter (.pdf) before you consider parting with any cash.
Liked the FREE sample chapter (.pdf)?
Then why not treat yourself to the full version? 80 or so more pages of poetry and illustrations! There’s even a…
Money-Back Guarantee
If this volume of poetry
does not fully satisfy
your expectations,
fails to make you laugh
or think,
or is
in any other way
not as described
in the product description,
please return it
with a request
that your payment
be reversed forthwith
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How do I access my ebook?
When your order is ‘completed’ (allow up to 24 hours), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook (.mobi/Kindle-compatible, .epub) cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them.
Terrina Horton (verified owner) –
I love this collection. Highly recommended.
Anna Newton (verified owner) –
This is a delightful compilation of poems. A mix of gentle humour and deep observations about life (and death) expressed in a beautifully understated way. Deceptively simple, yet quite profound. They appealed to me 100% and I would very much recommend them.