Italian ebooks by level: A1 | A1/A2 | A2 | A2/B1 | B1 | B1/B2 | B2 | B2/C1 | C1 | C1/C2 | C2
‘Easy Reader’ Ebooks
A nurse, a DJ, a tour guide, a carer, and five more, tell you about a typical day from their lives. More…
Ti racconto la mia giornata (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle) £9.99
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Giacomo’s son asks his father why there are so few stars to be seen in the night sky. More…
Cielo libero (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle) £9.99
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Girl-crazy architect Claudio falls in love… in a supermarket! More…
L’amore ai tempi del supermercato (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle) £9.99
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Three friends decide to spend a weekend trekking in the mountains. More…
La montagna (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle) £9.99
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A big-city journalist takes a much-needed break in a picturesque Umbrian village. More…
Il ciclista (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle) £9.99
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One of the most famous masterpieces of Italian cinema, simplified for learners of Italian. More…
Il sorpasso (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle) £9.99
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‘Easy Reader’ Bulk-Buy!
Three ‘easy reader’ ebooks, at a discounted price: Cielo libero / La montagna / L’amore ai tempi del supermercato (see descriptions and samples above) More…
Italian Easy Readers ‘Three For Two’ – Level A2 (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle) £19.99
‘Parallel Text’ Ebooks
Learn Italian with parallel texts: an original story in Italian with an accompanying English translation!
Giacomo’s son asks his father why there are so few stars to be seen in the night sky. More…
Italian/English Parallel Text: Cielo libero (.pdf) £9.99
Girl-crazy architect Claudio falls in love… in a supermarket! More…
Italian/English Parallel Text: L’amore ai tempi del supermercato (.pdf)
Three friends decide to spend a weekend trekking in the mountains. More…
Italian/English Parallel Text: La montagna (.pdf) £9.99
‘Italian Workout!’ Grammar/Vocabulary Workbook Ebook
Designed to walk you through the Italian grammar and vocabulary typically taught at A2 (Pre-intermediate) level.
(.pdf only)