Are you an upper-intermediate- or advanced-level student of Italian looking for something fresh to read/listen to?
Then you’re in luck!
This week at EasyReaders.Org we have a new, simplified ‘easy’ Italian reader, and it’s 25% off the usual easy reader price, at just £5.99!
As this one’s for higher-level learners, the blurb is in Italian…. (If you’re not a higher-level learner, check our catalog for something that might suit you better!
Il signor Mario gira la chiave nella serratura e solleva la serranda del Bar Ateneo. Il locale si trova davanti all’Università Statale nel centro di Milano. Il proprietario del vecchio bar, puntuale come ogni mattina, apre la porta di legno scricchiolante, indossa il grembiule e si aggiusta gli occhiali da miope sul nasone aquilino. Poi si dirige svelto a infornare i cornetti e a preparare la macchina del caffè.
Quando ha finalmente le mani libere, Mario si avvicina al calendario per eliminare la pagina del mese appena trascorso: febbraio. Ha una breve esitazione e prende tempo massaggiandosi i corti ricci grigiastri che, nonostante i suoi cinquantotto anni, resistono sul capoccione a forma d’uovo. Un respiro profondo per farsi coraggio dicendo a se stesso:
“Anche quest’anno è arrivato il primo marzo. Stiamo a vedere che diavolo succede”.
Download the Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) to read more and to get an idea of the level and length of the material.
Save the .pdf on your computer, or print it to study in the old-fashioned way. There’s a link to the online audio in the sample chapter – the entire story is available to listen to FREE online, no purchase required.
N.b. This new ebook is NOT YET available in .mobi (Kindle-compatible) or .epub (Kobo, iBooks and other ereader) formats. For the moment, we only have it in .pdf. We hope to have the other versions ready in a few weeks, when our specialist ebook formatter is back from her travels…
- .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online at
- 8 chapters to read and listen to
- Comprehension questions to check your understanding
- Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
- Suitable for students at upper-intermediate level or above
- LAUNCH OFFER (until 23/07/19) just £5.99!
- Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)
Your ebook will be emailed to you within 24 hours of purchase.
Buy ‘Il bar‘ | Download the free sample chapter (.pdf) | Browse catalog
Also today, don’t forget to listen (for free) to Tuesday’s bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news: