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Climb the ‘Italian Comprehension Ladder’: 50% Off This Month

What’s a ‘comprehension ladder’?

Suppose you want to improve your understanding of written and spoken Italian, from a basic level up to a point at which you feel confident dealing with real Italian texts and audio recordings.

Practice with ‘graded’ materials will help build your skills and confidence, each gradation (or ‘level’) being like a step on a ladder.

You climb to the first step, then the next, and another and another, until soon… you’ve high above where you began!

Check out the eleven rungs in our ‘Italian Comprehension Ladder’, all of which will be 50% off the usual ‘easy reader’ price for the next few weeks.

Use the free sample chapters and links to the free online audio to select which rung of the ladder to begin your climb from.

Or grab them all, while they’re half-price!

L’appuntamento – level A1 Italian easy readers: L'appuntamento - cover image

Stefano and Chiara have known each other since they were children but, as they live in different places, have to make arrangements if they want to meet. Today they’ve agreed to see each other. Stefano has something important he wants to ask Chiara…

Buy now -50% | Free sample (.pdf) | Free online audio | Other ebooks at A1

Mistero al Circo Garotti – level A1-A2 Cover image: Mistero al Circo Garotti

The Circo Garotti is the most famous circus in Italy. But lately its owner, Alvise, has been troubled by the disappearance of some of the circus’s performing animals… Can Alvise find out the truth behind these mysterious events?

Buy now -50% | Free sample (.pdf) | Free online audio | Other ebooks at A1/A2

La montagna – level A2 Cover image: La montagna

Three friends decide to spend a weekend trekking in the mountains, as they used to do when they were younger…

Buy now -50% | Free sample (.pdf) | Free online audio | Other ebooks at A2

Quando suonano alla porta – level A2-B1 Italian easy reader ebook - Quando suonano alla porta - cover image

After an evening of wine and streaming TV series, singleton Stefano is asleep on his couch, surrounded by books and pizza boxes. But at five a.m. the doorbell rings…

“Stefano! Stefano apri, ti prego!”

Di chi è questa voce? Chi è che batte con forza alla porta di casa mia?

“Stefano, sono Laura. Per favore, apri, è un’emergenza!”

Buy now -50% | Free sample (.pdf) | Free online audio | Other ebooks at A2/B1

La volta buona – level B1 Easy Italian reader ebook - La volta buona - cover image

“In Italia ci sono circa 1.200 canili e rifugi per cani. In queste strutture vivono circa 120.000 cani. In Italia esiste una legge che impedisce il sacrificio dei cani in canile. Però, solo il 30% dei cani abbandonati viene adottato da una nuova famiglia. Il resto passa la vita in una prigione.”

Gigio is overweight and has skinny legs so, unless there’s food on offer, he moves slowly, or not at all. His cellmate, Pablo, is a ‘cane corso’, a large, powerful and intimidating dog. The human, Carola, who brings their meals often tells Gigio, “Pablo è un cane alfa, tu no… Tu sei un pacifista.” It’s just as well, thinks Gigio!

Only the most heartless students of Italian will read Gigio’s entertaining ‘prison diaries’ without wondering whether they’ve space at home for a dog…

Buy now -50% | Free sample (.pdf) | Free online audio | Other ebooks at B1

Le vie del cuore – level B1-B2 Easy Italian reader ebook - Le vie del cuore - cover image

In your home town, street names may have been chosen by a city planner hoping to orientate you, by a developer so as to evoke pleasant images in your mind (and so raise real estate prices), or by local leaders to commemorate an important person, place or event. At the very least, they’ll be familiar to you. But in another country? The names of Italy’s piazze, strade and vie can often seem mere strings of hard-to-remember syllables, devoid of any meaning to visitors from afar…

But no! Take a little time and – with the help of this ‘easy reader’ ebook – you’ll soon know as much as any local!

Chi visita più di una città italiana, trova alcuni nomi di vie e piazze molto ricorrenti: sono i nomi di personaggi celebri e importanti, di date significative o di luoghi con un valore storico o sociale. Per esempio, in molte città italiane c’è una “Via Leonardo da Vinci” o una “Piazza Dante Alighieri” in onore del grande genio e del famoso autore della Divina Commedia. Ci sono anche tante “Via Roma” in ricordo della splendida capitale…

E poi ci sono un sacco di nomi ed eventi sconosciuti o quasi. Per esempio: chi diamine era Giuseppe Mazzini? Perché è famoso Enrico Fermi? E cosa è successo il 4 Novembre?! Conoscere i personaggi e i fatti che danno il nome a molte strade e piazze delle città del Bel Paese è un po’ come fare un tuffo nella cultura italiana. Allora, siete pronti a tuffarvi?

Buy now -50% | Free sample (.pdf) | Free online audio | Other ebooks at B1/B2

Per colpa di una lettera – level B2 Easy Italian reader ebook - Per colpa di una lettera - cover image

One morning Albina gets an unexpected visitor – because of a letter!

“Arrivo, arrivo! Che diamine! Un po’ di pazienza!” strilla Albina con voce acuta e civettuola, mentre qualcuno bussa insistentemente alla porta della sua piccola ma elegante casetta a due piani. È convinta che sia uno dei suoi ammiratori che le porta un mazzo di fiori.

Buy now -50% | Free sample (.pdf) | Free online audio | Other ebooks at B2

La diaspora italiana – Italiani negli Stati Uniti – level B2/C1 Easy Italian readers - La diaspora italiana - Italiani negli Stati Uniti - cover image

A ‘diaspora’ is a population that lives somewhere different from their original home, or that of their forebears. Since the late nineteenth century, millions of Italians have emigrated in search of better prospects. By 1980 it was estimated that twenty-five million Italians had made their home outside of Italy, in countries all over the world…

Secondo il censimento del 2010, gli Italo-americani sono 17.250.000 e corrispondono al sesto gruppo etnico più numeroso negli Stati Uniti d’America.

Gli Italo-americani si sono distinti nei più diversi settori della società. Nel campo dell’invenzione, per esempio, ricordiamo Antonio Meucci, il padre del telefono, e la famiglia di origine friulana Jacuzzi, che ha prodotto le famose vasche da bagno.

In ambito sportivo si sono distinti, fra gli altri, il mitico giocatore di baseball Joltin’ Joe (Giuseppe Paolo) di Maggio, sposato per qualche anno con la diva Marilyn Monroe e citato in una famosa canzone di Simon and Garfunkel, e poi il campione dei pesi massimi Rocco Francis Marchegiano, meglio conosciuto come Rocky Marciano, the Brockton Blockbuster.

Anche nel mondo dello spettacolo non mancano cognomi italiani: da Frank Sinatra a Leonardo di Caprio, da John Turturro a Madonna (alias Veronica Ciccone) a Frank Zappa, passando per Robert De Niro, Jake LaMotta, Joe Pesci, Liza Minelli, Al Pacino e Jon Bon Jovi… La lista è lunghissima!

E, infine, un buon numero di italiani di prima, seconda, terza o quarta generazione hanno contribuito a governare il paese. Per esempio, Fiorello La Guardia è stato sindaco di New York negli anni della Grande Depressione.

“Little Flower”, così era chiamato (traduzione letterale del suo nome italiano), ha amministrato con grande onestà ed efficienza la città e ne ha rilanciato l’economia.

Buy now -50% | Free sample (.pdf) | Free online audio | Other ebooks at B2/C1

Il miracolo del paese – level C1 Easy Italian readers - Il miracolo del paese - cover image

Italia, circa sette anni dopo la Prima Guerra Mondiale e la successiva influenza spagnola, che insieme avevano decimato la popolazione giovane e fertile di Villalba, un piccolo paese nel nord d’Italia

Fuori dalla casa di Luigia c’era un gruppetto di persone che si guardava in attesa. Il marito di Luigia, che stava per diventare padre, mostrava tutta la sua preoccupazione.

“Voi credete che sia normale? Tante ore per…”

Il parroco sbottò, quasi fosse offeso: “Certo che è normale, abbi fede nel Signore, che diamine! Le cose ben fatte son lunghe da farsi!”

Marcello chiese scusa, rammaricato per aver messo in dubbio i piani del buon Dio. Ma in quel momento qualcuno gridò: “È nato, è nato!”

Buy now -50% | Free sample (.pdf) | Free online audio | Other ebooks at C1

Tumulto a Firenze – level C1-C2 Italian easy readers - Tumulto a Firenze - cover image

The thrill of revolution!

Nel 1378 la situazione sociale, politica ed economica della Repubblica di Firenze è precaria. La città è stata fortemente debilitata dalla Peste del Trecento e da una recente guerra contro lo Stato Pontificio. La nobiltà cittadina e il “popolo grasso” (ricchi banchieri e imprenditori) aumentano dunque la pressione nei confronti dei lavoratori salariati (soprattutto lavoratori della lana).

Nel dialetto toscano, “ciompare” significa battere, colpire, picchiare. Si definivano dunque “Ciompi” i battilana. Vi erano molti tipi di lavoratori di tessuti, e i Ciompi sgrezzavano la lana. Si occupavano solo della fase iniziale e più dura della lavorazione.

Nell’estate del 1378, a fronte di uno scontro tra nobili e corporazioni, anche i poveri salariati si riversano in città. In un primo momento il loro numero e la loro disorganizzazione sono sconcertanti. Presa coscienza della propria superiorità numerica e supportati inizialmente dalle Arti, i lavoratori della lana, detti Ciompi, iniziano a esigere diritti politici.

“Svelto, Luigi, prendi le armi!” mio padre aveva fatto irruzione, tutto trafelato, nel retro della casa. Io e mia sorella Angela, che stavamo battendo la lana, interrompemmo il lavoro.

“Quali armi? Che succede babbo?” chiesi sorpreso.

“Non c’è tempo, ti spiego durante il cammino… tu prendi il coltellaccio, che non si sa mai!” Mi strinse una spalla con la mano. Gli lanciai uno sguardo interrogativo ma obbedii.

Buy now -50% | Free sample (.pdf) | Free online audio | Other ebooks at C1/C2

La carriera – dietro le quinte del Palio di Siena – level C2 Italian easy reader ebooks - 'La carriera - dietro le quinte del Palio di Siena' - cover image

“E mancano solo quattro giorni al Palio, la corsa di cavalli più famosa d’Italia!”
sebbene la radio gracchiasse, si distinguevano piuttosto chiaramente le parole dell’esaltato commentatore: “Siena freme e si dipinge dei colori delle contrade, agghindate per la festa. Come ben sapete, cari ascoltatori, tra le dieci contrade che gareggiano vi sono alleanze e rivalità secolari. Per ogni contrada è stato già estratto a sorte un cavallo. I migliori di quest’anno sono il giovane Trifoglio, che è al suo secondo palio e corre per la contrada dell’Istrice, e la veterana Caruccia che vestirà i colori della Lupa. La Lupa e l’Istrice sono due storiche rivali, che fatalità, signori! Se ne vedranno delle belle!”

Follow Il Guercio, the diminutive one-eyed Sardinian jockey, as he’s hired to ride one of the year’s best horses, bareback, in Italy’s most famous urban race, the Siena Palio!

Buy now -50% | Free sample (.pdf) | Free online audio | Other ebooks at C2

P.S. Free Trial Lesson Offer Next Week!

Learning Italian/French/Spanish/German?

Next week our sister website will be running their semi-annual Free Trial Lesson promotion.

Regular online meetings with a native speaker teacher of the language you’re learning help give structure to your self-study, and are essential to practice speaking and interacting!

But many students are anxious that one-to-one lessons might not be right for them. We were nervous ourselves, before we tried being online students!

So why not take the chance to do just the one, for free, while the promotion is on?

There’ll be details of how that works in next week’s email. Watch this space!

No longer interested?

All bulk emails we send (including this one) contain an unsubscribe link, usually at the bottom. Scroll down to find it, click the link and select ‘unsubscribe’. That will permanently remove your email address from our ebooks mailing list.

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Don’t forget – the 2025 January Sale on ebooks ends tonight!

Don’t forget – the 2025 January Sale ends tonight, Sunday February 2nd.

Coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off is still valid on EVERYTHING in our online store,  which specialises in ebooks for learning foreign languages, in particular Italian, but also French, Spanish, German and some other languages.

Browse our extensive range of ebooks for learning Italian:

Italian Easy Readers | History/Historical | A Day in the Life of…Italian LiteratureWorld LiteratureItalian Cinema | Opera

Easy Reader Multi-Packs!Italian-English Parallel TextsSelf-Study Workbooks

And/or other languages:

Spanish | French | German

You’ll find FREE sample chapters for just about everything, so you can get an idea of the level and format of the material, and decide what may work best to keep you learning in 2025.

For example, ‘Easy reader’ ebooks, which are simplified texts and accompanying online audio at 12 different levels!

Or ‘parallel text’ ebooks (simplified texts + translations) at different levels – the language you’re learning along with a line-by-line translation into English.

Depending on the way you prefer to learn, either could be ideal for supplementing a more traditional language course.

An ebook ‘easy reader’ might normally cost £9.99, but until midnight tonight you can use coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off to reduce that by 25%, to just £7.49.

Stock up on the study materials you need today, before the 2025 January Sale ends. The next similar promotion won’t be until the end of March…

Italian | Spanish | French | German

Don’t forget, the coupon code to save 25% on the published prices is 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off .

Paste it carefully into the box in your cart, where it says ‘Coupon Code’.

Then presss the ‘Apply Coupon’ button. Finally scroll down to check that your order total has been discounted by 25%, before proceeding – it’s the order total that is discounted, not the item price which you see on your screen, though that amounts to the same thing.

Italian | Spanish | French | German | Ebooks catalog | Cart

No longer interested?

All bulk emails we send (including this one) contain an unsubscribe link, usually at the bottom. Scroll down to find it, click the link and select ‘unsubscribe’. That will permanently remove your email address from our ebooks mailing list.

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2025 January Sale: final 36 hours to save -25% on ebooks

A quick reminder about the 2025 January Sale, which will end at midnight on Sunday February 2nd.

Save 25% on EVERYTHING in our online store,, using this coupon code:


Ebook ‘easy readers’ (simplified texts + audio) or ‘parallel texts’ (simplified texts + translation), either of which are ideal for supplementing a more traditional language course, normally sell at £9.99.

But with coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off, you could add four ebooks to your cart and the twenty-five percent saving means you’ll only pay for three!

So how exactly do you save money on your language-learning?

Start by making your selection of ebooks for learning languages, so grammar workbooks, ‘easy readers’ and ‘parallel texts’ from our online store:

Italian Easy Readers | History/Historical | A Day in the Life of…Italian LiteratureWorld LiteratureItalian Cinema | Opera

Easy Reader Multi-Packs!Italian-English Parallel TextsSelf-Study Workbooks

Spanish | French | German

Next, go to your shopping cart and paste in coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off (where it says ‘Apply coupon’), which will reduce the cart total by 20%. Press the ‘Apply coupon’ button and scroll down to check that the CART TOTAL (not the individual item price) really is discounted by 25%.

Remember: coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off expires at midnight on Sunday February 2nd.

Stock up today with the easy readers, parallel texts and grammar workbooks that you’ll need to make progress with your chosen foreign language!

Here’s that coupon code once more:


Use it here:

Italian | Spanish | French | German | Ebooks catalog | Cart

No longer interested?

All bulk emails we send (including this one) contain an unsubscribe link, usually at the bottom. Scroll down to find it, click the link and select ‘unsubscribe’. That will permanently remove your email address from our ebooks mailing list.

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2025 January Sale: Top 10 Ebook Best-Sellers / Last 48 Hours

The 2025 January Sale is nearly done. It ends in approximately 48 hours (depending on your time zone.)

So what have other students of Italian been buying, from our extensive ebooks catalog?

Here are the Top 10 best-sellers (data from January 2025):

  1. The Tenses You Need To Speak Italian
  2. Italian Workout! (levels in order of popularity: A2, A1, B2, B1, C1/2)
  3. Il fazzoletto rosa (A2/B1)
  4. Italian Easy Readers ‘Three For Two’ – Level A1
  5. Diventare regina. La storia di Caterina de’ Medici (B2)
  6. Zio Ciro e la pizza (B1)
  7. Verdi e il Va’ pensiero (B2)
  8. Anselmo e l’avvelenamento del Papa (C1/2) (n.b. this is the third volume in a trilogy!)
  9. Il calendario di Laura (A2/B1)
  10. Eighteen Italian Easy Readers – HALF PRICE!

There are, of course, many more options in our online ebooks store for language learners.

Why not explore these categories?

Italian Easy Readers | History/Historical | A Day in the Life of…

Italian LiteratureWorld Literature

Italian Cinema | Opera

Easy Reader Multi-Packs!

Italian-English Parallel Texts

Self-Study Workbooks

All of the above can be found, organised by type and level, in our ebooks catalog.

There are also ‘easy reader’ and ‘parallel text’ ebooks for other languages, for example French, Spanish and German.

Last 48 hours of the 2025 January Sale

Don’t forget the 2025 January Sale ends on Sunday night, which means there are just two full days left to save 25% on the ebooks you’ll need to make progress in 2025.

Everything in our online ebooks store for language learners is a quarter cheaper for another 48 hours or so (IF you remember to use the coupon code – see below for details.)

Add four ebooks to your shopping cart and you’ll only pay for three of them.

Or buy just one or two, but save 25% anyway!

The coupon code that reduces the total of your order by 25% is:


Select from our range of ebooks.

Then, go to your shopping cart and paste in coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off to reduce the cart total by 25%.

Press the ‘Apply coupon’ button and scroll down to verify that the CART TOTAL has been discounted 25% (the individual item prices don’t change, only the total.)

The 2025 January Sale coupon code is good until midnight on Sunday February 2nd 2025 – you can use it as often as you wish until then, with no limit, nor minimum/maximum spend. | Ebooks catalog | Cart

No longer interested?

All bulk emails we send (including this one) contain an unsubscribe link, usually at the bottom. Scroll down to find it, click the link and select ‘unsubscribe’. That will permanently remove your email address from our ebooks mailing list.

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2025 January Sale: Save Even More with Ebook ‘Bulk-Buys’!

There are just a few days remaining of the 2025 January Sale promotion, which ends on Sunday February 2nd (see the P.S below for details).

So still time to use the coupon code, and so save 25% on materials that will help you progress with your Italian in 2025.

But did you know that the coupon code is also valid to save 25% on our bulk-buy ebook ‘Multi-Packs”, which are already significantly cheaper than buying the materials individually?

For example, an ‘easy reader’ ebook normally sells for £9.99, which would be £7.49 if you use a 25% coupon code.

But we have a ‘Three For Two’ Multi-Pack (scroll down to see them) – at each of eight half-levels – which contain theee £9.99 ebooks (normal price £29.97) but cost the equivalent of two, so just £19.99.

If you then use the 25% coupon code (only valid until Sunday February 2nd 2025) you’ll end up paying just £14.99, so £4.99 per ebook compared to the undiscounted price when bought individually of £9.99.

That’s a 50% saving!

But you could do even better than that with the really big ‘Bulk-Buys’ (the final three, scroll down), which are already discounted 50% for quantity.

Use the coupon code on those and you’ll end up paying just 37.5% of the cost of undiscounted ebooks bought individually, which is a bargain, by anyone’s standards.

N.b. To get the additional 2025 January Sale 25% discount, remember to use the coupon code in your shopping cart. Full details of how to do that are below, in the P.S.

Italian Easy Readers ‘Three For Two’ – Level A1 £19.99 (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

Italian easy readers A1 'Three for Two' product image

Italian Easy Readers ‘Three For Two’ – Level A1/2 £19.99 (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

Italian easy readers A1/2 'Three for Two' product image

Italian Easy Readers ‘Three For Two’ – Level A2 £19.99 (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

Italian easy readers A2 'Three for Two' product image

Italian Easy Readers ‘Three For Two’ – Level A2/B1 £19.99 (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

Italian easy readers A2/B1 'Three for Two' product image

Italian Easy Readers ‘Three For Two’ – Level B1 £19.99 (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

Italian easy readers B1 'Three for Two' product image

Italian Easy Readers ‘Three For Two’ – Level B1/2 £19.99 (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

Italian easy readers B1/2 'Three for Two' product image

Italian Easy Readers ‘Three For Two’ – Level B2 £19.99 (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

Italian Easy Readers ‘Three For Two’ – Level B2/C1 £19.99 (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

Eighteen Italian Easy Readers – HALF PRICE! £89.99 (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

18 Italian easy readers - Half Price! Product image

Nine Book Of The Film Easy Readers – Save 50%! £44.99 (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

9 'Book of the Film' Italian Easy Readers - 50% off! Product image

Seven ‘Day in the life of…’ Easy Readers – Save 50%! £34.99 (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

There are free sample downloads for all the titles included, which you can find on our catalog page or by clicking through to the individual ebook product information page using the link on the product information page of the ‘Bulk-Buy’ that interests you.

Don’t forget, either, that our ‘easy reader’ ebooks, while being .pdf files by default, also allow you the option to request .epub and .mobi versions of the text, for use on ebook readers such as the Kindle, at no extra cost! Just ask us – email or add a note to your order (parallel-text ebooks are .pdf only, because of the special formatting required… Sorry Kindle fans!)


Not so interested in reading/listening?

Prefer to work directly on grammar/vocabulary instead?

Check out these six self-study workbooks, one called ‘The Tenses You Need To Speak Italian’, and five levels of our ‘Italian Workout’ series (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1/2).

Each has a substantial free sample to download, so you can see if they’d help your learning, and find the right material for your current/future level.

These are .pdf only (no .epub or .mobi versions), because of the special formatting, which isn’t suitable for ebook readers such as the Kindle.

The Tenses You Need To Speak Italian £19.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

Cover Image: The Tenses You Need To Speak Italian

Italian Workout! A1 £19.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

Cover Image: Italian Workout! A1

Italian Workout! A2 £19.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

Cover Image: Italian Workout! A2

Italian Workout! B1 £19.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

Cover Image: Italian Workout! B1

Italian Workout! B2 £19.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

Cover Image: Italian Workout! B2

Italian Workout! C1/2 £19.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

Cover Image: Italian Workout! C1-2

P.S. Don’t forget, the 2025 January Sale ends Sunday Feb. 2nd!

Until midnight on Sunday night everything in our online ebooks store (including the grammar workbooks!) is 25% cheaper, though only IF you remember to use this coupon code:


Make your selection from our range of ebooks, which have been especially written to keep you interested and making progress: Catalog

Or browse Italian ebooks by level: A1 | A1/A2 | A2 | A2/B1 | B1 | B1/B2 | B2 | B2/C1 | C1 | C1/C2 | C2

To get your discount, just copy and paste coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off into your shopping cart, then scroll down to check the cart total has been reduced by 25%.

Coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off also works on graded material for learning Spanish, French or German.

Apply coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off in your shopping cart to reduce the cart total by 25%!

Stock up on online easy readers, parallel texts and grammar workbooks – at an unbeatable price!

Italian | French | Spanish | German

Here’s that coupon code again:


Don’t forget to use it when you order to save 25% on the price of everything in your cart!

No longer interested?

All bulk emails we send (including this one) contain an unsubscribe link, usually at the bottom. Scroll down to find it, click the link and select ‘unsubscribe’. That will permanently remove your email address from our ebooks mailing list.

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2025 January Sale: Italian self-study workbooks -25%!

As part of the January Sale promotion (see below for details), today we’re drawing your attention to our six ‘self-study workbooks‘.

Each has a substantial free sample, so you can take a look to see if this material might help you progress. There are links below to download the free samples.

And each/all can be discounted 25% , assuming you remember to use the January Sale coupon code (details of how to do that are below, in the P.S.)

Here’s are the details from our ebooks catalog:

Italian Self-Study Workbooks

Cover Image: The Tenses You Need To Speak Italian

The Tenses You Need To Speak Italian £19.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

Cover Image: Italian Workout! A1

Italian Workout! A1 £19.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

Cover Image: Italian Workout! A2

Italian Workout! A2 £19.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

Cover Image: Italian Workout! B1

Italian Workout! B1 £19.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

Cover Image: Italian Workout! B2

Italian Workout! B2 £19.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

Cover Image: Italian Workout! C1-2

Italian Workout! C1/2 £19.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

Not that into studying?

So why not work on improving your reading/listening comprehension skills instead?

Browse the ‘easy readers’ in our ebooks catalog, where they’re organised by type and level, all with free sample chapters and free online audio!

P.S. Don’t forget, the 2025 January Sale ends Sunday!

Until Sunday 2nd February everything in our online ebooks store (including the grammar workbooks!) is 25% cheaper, though only IF you remember to use this coupon code:


Make your selection from our range of ebooks, which have been especially written to keep you interested and making progress:


Or browse Italian ebooks by level: A1 | A1/A2 | A2 | A2/B1 | B1 | B1/B2 | B2 | B2/C1 | C1 | C1/C2 | C2

To get your discount, just copy and paste coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off into your shopping cart, then scroll down to check the cart total has been reduced by 25%.

Coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off also works on graded material for learning Spanish, French or German.

Apply coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off in your shopping cart to reduce the cart total by 25%!

Stock up on online easy readers, parallel texts and grammar workbooks – at an unbeatable price!

Italian | French | Spanish | German

Here’s that coupon code again:


Don’t forget to use it when you order to save 25% on the price of everything in your cart!

No longer interested?

All bulk emails we send (including this one) contain an unsubscribe link, usually at the bottom. Scroll down to find it, click the link and select ‘unsubscribe’. That will permanently remove your email address from our ebooks mailing list.

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2025 January Sale: ‘Easy readers’ and how to use them

‘Easy readers’? The term may evoke memories of the simple books you learnt to read with as a child.

But besides helping five-year-olds, ‘Easy readers’ are a valuable, yet often neglected or ignored, tool for language learners.

At we like them so much we named our ebooks store after them, and they’re by far our biggest product category, with around a hundred and thirty titles published, across twelve ‘half-levels’.

We have sixty-five ‘general’ Italian easy readers, plus twenty-nine ‘History/Historical’ readers, ten ‘A Day in the Life of…’ stories (which are also historical), six classics of ‘Italian Literature’, five of ‘World Literature’, eighteen ebooks based on classic Italian movies, and nine telling the stories of operas.

None of them were written for children.

All  our ‘easy readers’ for language learners have text and online audio, and all have free sample chapters to download, so you can verify that the level of the material is right for you.

Our ‘easy readers’ are best browsed on the store’s Catalog page, where you’ll find them organised by genre and in level order, from easiest to hardest: Catalog

But wait! There’s a promotion on right now. Scroll down to the P.S. to find out how to save 25% on ‘easy readers’ and other ebooks!

Not convinced ‘easy readers’ will help you progress with your Italian?

Take a look at these Frequently Asked Questions.

How will ‘easy readers’ improve my foreign language skills?

Assuming your goal is to speak and interact in the language you’re learning, listening practice is essential from day one, as whenever you speak you’ll also be listening. And if you don’t understand what others say to you…

Unfortunately, few learners get enough listening practice, which is a problem. After all, there’s not a lot of point studying grammar, vocabulary, and so on if you can’t then understand it when you hear it, right?

And if you can’t read confidently in the language you’re learning, everything will be that much harder to assimilate.

‘Easy readers’ offer the reading and listening skills practice that your language course or app may not otherwise be providing. Better still, they come at all levels, from beginner to advanced, so you can select material that’s right for your current learning stage.

How do I listen to the audio at the same time as reading the .pdf?

(Try this by downloading a free sample from our Catalog page…)

You need to juggle two applications on your device (computer, tablet, etc.), the .pdf reader (which opens the .pdf ebook) and the web browser (which will play the online audio when you click on the audio link in the ebook text).

First, download the .pdf ebook. Save it some place safe, where you’ll know to find it again. Then click on it. Your device’s usual .pdf reader will open it. On Apple devices, try using the Books app to open the .pdf download link.

‘Easy readers’ have a link to the online audio at the top of Chapter 1. The audio files for the entire text, not just Chapter 1, are available to listen to, absolutely free of charge, at Click the audio link in the free sample chapters (get them from the Catalog page) to locate the FREE online audio files.

When you click the online audio link, a new browser window will open on  your device showing the interface. Press the play button (white triangle in an orange circle). The audio will begin. Make sure you have the audio on your device turned on, and up enough so you can hear it.

You can see from the page whether the track is playing or not. If you still don’t hear anything, the problem is at your end (on your tablet, smart phone or computer.) Verify that by visiting another site with audio and seeing if THAT works. If not, you’ll need to figure out how to play audio on your device, or use a different device.

Audio playing OK? Now minimise the internet browser showing the audio player (leaving it playing.) Go back to your .pdf viewer and view the ebook as you did before. To listen and read at the same time, all you have to do is juggle the two windows (leaving both applications on and working.)

Switch to the browser to pause, stop, replay, etc. And back to the .pdf viewer to follow along with the text.

How to use your ‘easy reader’ to improve your reading/listening skills

(Try this by downloading a free sample from our Catalog page…)

1.) First read/listen at the same time. Aim to complete a chapter per study session. Don’t worry about stuff you don’t understand, don’t stop to look things up, just try to finish the chapter, reading as best you can at the speed of the audio. You should get a sense of achievement just by ‘finishing’ the audio + text, even if your understanding of it is very limited. At this first stage, that’s fine.

2.) Now (maybe another day) read again at your own pace, without the audio. Best to guess the difficult words from context if you can. Use a dictionary only if you really must, as it will make the whole thing more arduous and reduce the benefit you’ll get from actual reading… [optionally, repeat stage 1 at this point]

3.) The next stage is to listen again but this time without the text. This phase is to work on listening comprehension and only that. You should by now have a reasonable idea of what’s going on in the text, so the challenge is to see how much you can pick out when just hearing it. You can repeat this as often as you want. It’ll be hard at first, but will get easier with practice. And come back to it again in the future! As with a song, the more times you hear it, the more you might get out of it.

4.) When you’ve done all the chapters, find another ‘easy reader’ and repeat the process. Stay at approximately the same level of difficulty until you can do the steps above with confidence. Then move up to something harder, knowing though that you’ll feel less confident at first. Gradually push up through the levels until you feel confident moving on to authentic materials like novels, films, etc.

Help! I can’t figure out how to play your audio recordings multiple times.

The audio tracks for our ‘easy readers’ are hosted on, so as not to overload our store’s server. When you click on the ‘Listen online’ link (which you’ll find in the ebook text, if you look), a browser window will open showing the page at for this particular audio book. You’ll see ‘Play’ and ‘Pause’ buttons.

The problem comes when your track finishes. Where the ‘play’ and ‘pause’ controls were, you see a message ‘Explore more tracks like this on…’, when what you really want to see is the ‘Play’ command, so you can hear the track again.

Look for the little X in the right-hand corner of the Soundcloud ad. Click on that, and the grey part will disappear. You’ll then be back where you were before and will see the ‘Play’ command you need to hear the track again as many times as you wish.

How do I add the ebook to my Kindle or other ebook reader?

When you buy an ebook from our store, you’ll automatically be sent a link to download the .pdf version of the text. Other versions of the ebook text (used for Kindle/other ebook readers) can’t be downloaded that way, but will be emailed manually to buyers who request them. Do that by adding a note to your order form, or emailing us separately (just reply to any of the automated emails the online store sends you.)

When we manually email you the .mobi and/or .epub versions you asked for, save them to a location on your computer or tablet where you’ll easily be able to find them again when you need them i.e. on the desktop, or in the ‘downloads’ folder.

Switch on your Kindle/ebook reader and connect it to a computer’s USB port using the cable that came with the device when you bought it. It will appear as an external storage drive on the computer’s desktop (in Windows navigate to ‘My computer’ to find it).

Click on the device icon on your computer and look for a folder named “documents” or similar (the one in which other ebook files are stored). Now drag or copy/paste the .mobi/.epub ebook version from the location you previously saved it on your computer to the folder on your Kindle or other ebook reader.

When it has finished copying, unplug your Kindle/other ebook reader. Your ebook should then be readable on it.

Kindle users can also add .epub files to their devices by emailing them to the special ‘Kindle’ email. Locate your Kindle’s “Send-to-Kindle email address” by switching on your Kindle, selecting “Settings” from the home screen menu, then choosing “Device Options” followed by “Personalise Your Kindle”. There’s a note of your “Send-to-Kindle E-mail” under that heading.

P.S. The 2025 January Sale ends Sunday!

Don’t forget to save 25% on the ebooks you need to give your foreign language skills a boost in the 2025 January Sale!

Until Sunday 2nd February everything in our online store,, is 25% cheaper IF you remember to use this coupon code:


To get your discount, just copy and paste coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off into your shopping cart, then scroll down to check the cart total has been reduced by 25%.

Make your selection from our range of ebooks, which have been especially written to keep you interested and making progress:


Or browse Italian ebooks by level: A1 | A1/A2 | A2 | A2/B1 | B1 | B1/B2 | B2 | B2/C1 | C1 | C1/C2 | C2

Coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off also works on graded material for learning Spanish, French or German.

Apply coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off in your shopping cart to reduce the cart total by 25%!

Stock up on online easy readers, parallel texts and grammar workbooks – at an unbeatable price!

Italian | French | Spanish | German

Here’s that coupon code again:


Don’t forget to use it when you order to save 25% on the price of everything in your cart!

No longer interested?

All bulk emails we send (including this one) contain an unsubscribe link, usually at the bottom. Scroll down to find it, click the link and select ‘unsubscribe’. That will permanently remove your email address from our ebooks mailing list.

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2025 January Sale: ‘easy reader’ ebook picks at your level!

On January 10th we announced that our 2025 January Sale had begun. You’ll find full details about how to save 25% on your learning materials in the P.S. at the end of this article (scroll right down!)

So today, as part of this promotion, I’m going to give you my top ebook picks for beginner, intermediate, and advanced-learners of Italian – I hope there’ll be something here that grabs you!

Not learning Italian? Then follow these links to browse our selection of graded material for the language you’re learning: Italian | SpanishFrench | German

OK, so when I say ‘my top picks’, what I mean is the ebooks that I have enjoyed the most (I read them all, multiple times, during the editing and publishing process).

My criteria is just that: enjoyment. Why?

Because as a language-learner myself, I find that if there’s a story that engages me (whether it’s a news article, or fiction, like most of our ‘easy readers’), I’ll keep turning the page.

And if I can’t (metaphorically) put an ebook down, my reading comprehension skills improve, and with them my knowledge of vocabulary, and my confidence with the grammar of the language I’m learning.

As any teacher (or student) knows, boredom’s the enemy! So a writer who knows how to craft a text so that it pulls you in and won’t let go, even if it’s ‘just’ language-study material, is indeed a useful ally!

Don’t forget, the 2025 January Sale is on! To get 25% off everything in your shopping cart, copy/paste the coupon code, which is:


Bene, let’s get to it. I’m on the Catalog page of our online shop, starting a little way down, where it says ‘Italian Easy Readers’ (if you’re learning another language, you’ll need to make your own selections: SpanishFrench | German )

So we have seventeen easy reader ebooks for A1 and A2 students, six at A1 (the lowest level), eight at the ‘half-level’ A1/2, and three at A2 (the harder ones). If you’re not sure which level is right for you, use the Free Sample links and take a look. You should be able to get the gist of the story with only occasional use of a dictionary.

N.b. This article was written a couple of years ago. Since then we’ve published other ebooks, so the selection at your level is probably even more ample than described below. Our Catalog page is always up-to-date, so includes the most recent titles, and free sample chapters!

So honestly? I enjoyed all seventeen. but I’ve been strict with myself and whittled the total down to just two at each level, concentrating on the ones I liked the MOST – the stories that made me actually care about the characters, and about what happened to them next!

(These are extracts from our Catalog page, so you can also see the price, the available formats, and a link to the free sample chapter for each title…)

A1 Italian easy readers: Colpo di forbici - cover image

Colpo di forbici (A1) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
Rosa la cuoca disastrosa (A1) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

A1/2 Italian easy readers - L'ascensore - cover image

Il giocoliere (A1/2) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
L’ascensore (A1/2) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

A2 Cover image: Cielo libero

Cielo libero (A2) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
L’amore ai tempi del supermercato (A2) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

What if those were too easy for you? Nessun problema. For ‘intermediate’ learners we have loads and loads of materials – twenty-two separate titles!

The hard part was choosing between them, but again, I’ve been strict and narrowed it down to two stories at each half level…

A2/B1 Italian easy readers - 2 giugno 1946 - cover image

2 giugno 1946 (A2/B1) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
Il campo di papaveri (A2/B1) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

B1 Easy Italian readers - Dante, gatto vagante - cover image

Caccia all’autografo (B1) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
Dante, gatto vagante (B1) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

B1/B2 Cover image: Segreti e polpette

L’imperatore e i giochi (B1/2) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
Segreti e polpette (B1/2) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

B2 Italian easy reaaders - Le italiane - cover image

Natale a sorpresa (B2) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
Le italiane (B2) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

Hope there was something there that called out “Read me!”

But if you looked at the sample chapters and they were STILL to simple for you, firstly, well done for reading Italian for such confidence, and secondly, brace yourself now for the hard stuff!

B2/C1 Italian easy readers - Prometeo e la guerra dei titani - cover image

Prometeo e la guerra dei titani (B2/C1) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi)
Il bar (B2/C1) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi)

C1 Italian easy reader ebooks - I racconti della vestale - cover image

La commediante (C1) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi)
I racconti della vestale (C1) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi)

C1/C2 Italian easy readers - Il vulcano - cover image

Anselmo e l’omicidio di Giovanni Borgia (C1/2) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
Il vulcano (C1/2) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

C2 Easy Italian readers - La Via Francigena - cover image

La Via Francigena (C2) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
La carriera – dietro le quinte del Palio di Siena (C2) £9.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

Bene. Hope you found lots that will keep you reading in and listening to Italian in 2025!

The prices marked above are the usual, year-round prices, but with the 2025 January Sale promotion (details below) everything in our online store,, is 25% cheaper!

To get your discount, just copy and paste coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off into your shopping cart, then scroll down to check the cart total has been reduced by 25%.

P.S. Don’t forget the 2025 January Sale!

Don’t forget the 2025 January Sale is running this month!

Save a quarter on graded material for learning Italian, Spanish, French or German.

Everything in our online store,, is 25% cheaper until midnight on Sunday 2nd February 2025.

But only if you remember to use this coupon code:


Browse Italian ebooks by level: A1 | A1/A2 | A2 | A2/B1 | B1 | B1/B2 | B2 | B2/C1 | C1 | C1/C2 | C2

Ebooks for students of French, Spanish and German can be found in our Catalog, where everything is organised by language, type, and level. Scroll down past Italian, or follow these direct links:

French | Spanish | German

Make your selection from our range of ebooks, which have been especially written to keep you interested and making progress.

Apply coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off in your shopping cart to reduce the cart total by 25%!

Stock up on online easy readers, parallel texts and grammar workbooks – at an unbeatable price!

Here’s that coupon code again:


Don’t forget to use it when you order to save 25% on the price of everything in your cart!

Italian | French | Spanish | German

No longer interested?

All bulk emails we send (including this one) contain an unsubscribe link, usually at the bottom. Scroll down to find it, click the link and select ‘unsubscribe’. That will permanently remove your email address from our ebooks mailing list.

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2025 January Sale: 25% Off Graded Language Study Materials!

Everyone learning a foreign language is familiar with the concept of ‘level’.

Some materials are just too hard for where you’re currently at, others might seem just right, whereas the texts you worked on months ago will now, hopefully, feel easy.

We all know that it can be difficult (impossible!) to understand films and so on in the languages we’re learning, or to read an authentic article, say from a newspaper, which is written for educated native-speaker readers.

And yet, clearly, listening to the language as it is really used, and reading articles written in it, are important long-term goals, even if they seem unachievable for the moment.

Plus, it seems likely that the more we read and listen, the more meaningful our studies will be, the more new words we’ll pick up, and the more we’ll feel familiar with the grammar and structures of the languages we’re learning.

Reading and listening to the language you’re studying are unarguably good ways to speed your progress, and in any case, training yourself to listen and to read effectively in the new language is obviously going to be necessary at some point.

But authentic materials are HARD! Often too hard.

The solution to this quandry?

‘Graded’ texts, that is to say materials written by language teachers for learners like you, and designated as suitable for those who have reached or are above a particular level.

The CEFR level system uses six level bands, which are (from easiest to hardest): A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2.

Assume that students at the C levels should be reading and listening to authentic (real-life) texts and audio without too much difficulty. The graded materials at those levels, then, will approximate texts written for native-speakers.

People at the intermediate stage (the B levels) are not yet ready for ‘real’ or ‘nearly real’ listening and reading, but still need to build their skills in anticipation. So the graded materials will be an in-between step, aimed at challenging students to develop their skills further.

The easiest materials (at A1 and A2 levels) are designed to be unintimidating, which means short chapters and simple or simpler grammar and vocabulary. Their purpose is to encourage learners to get into the HABIT of reading and listening to the language they’re learning as early on in the process as possible.

The more reading & listening you do early on, the easier everything that follows will be. You’ll already be used to, for example, guessing meaning from context in a text, or getting the gist of the spoken language even when you can’t pick out every word.

Graded materials are useful at every language-learning level, but their real power can be seen when they are incorporated as an integral part of our studies right from Day 1 with a new language.

The difference between a learner who regularly reads and listens to graded materials, and one who never or rarely spends time on anything other than grammar and vocabulary exercises, is plain to see, if for no other reason than that a student who has no fear of reading and listening (because she is using materials that have been specifically written for her level, remember) comes across as being more confident and more autonomous.

How to find graded materials for your level? Our Catalog page lists materials by type and in level order, which should help.

But importantly, there’s always a free sample chapter, which you should absolutely look at before deciding to buy a particular title.

Have a look at the first few lines, the first paragraph, the first page, even the whole of the first chapter. Can you manage to figure out what’s going on in the story without too much effort, without constantly reaching for the dictionary?

If not, step down a level, try another free sample chapter, keep looking until you find something that you’re comfortable with. Don’t forget to check out the free online audio, if there is one. Usually the link is at the top of the first chapter…

Then, if the story grabs you, go ahead and buy a copy! Read a chapter a day, perhaps. There are usually eight short chapters, so in not much more than a week, you’ll be done.

At which point, you could check out other titles at the same level, or look at free sample chapters for the next level (or half-level) up, to see if you’re ready for something a little more challenging.

Aim to establish a reading/listening HABIT. Move up to the next level only when you’re comfortable, no need to rush,

Gradually, month by month, your reading/listening skills will improve, as will your knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the language you’re learning.

With graded materials, such as ‘easy readers’ and ‘parallel texts’, you’ll master the language you’re studying step-by-step, almost without realising it!


Don’t forget the 2025 January Sale is running this month!

Save a quarter on graded material for learning Italian, Spanish, French or German.

Everything in our online store,, is 25% cheaper until midnight on Sunday 2nd February 2025.

But only if you remember to use this coupon code:


Browse Italian ebooks by level: A1 | A1/A2 | A2 | A2/B1 | B1 | B1/B2 | B2 | B2/C1 | C1 | C1/C2 | C2

Ebooks for students of French, Spanish and German can be found in our Catalog, where everything is organised by language, type, and level. Scroll down past Italian, or follow these direct links:

French | Spanish | German

Make your selection from our range of ebooks, which have been especially written to keep you interested and making progress.

Apply coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off in your shopping cart to reduce the cart total by 25%!

Stock up on online easy readers, parallel texts and grammar workbooks – at an unbeatable price!

Here’s that coupon code again:


Don’t forget to use it when you order to save 25% on the price of everything in your cart!

Italian | French | Spanish | German

No longer interested?

All bulk emails we send (including this one) contain an unsubscribe link, usually at the bottom. Scroll down to find it, click the link and select ‘unsubscribe’. That will permanently remove your email address from our ebooks mailing list.

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2025 January Sale: save 25% on ebooks for language learners

The 2025 January Sale has begun!

Which means that students of Italian, Spanish, French or German can save 25% on ebooks to supplement or guide their language learning.

Everything in our ebooks store,, will be 25% cheaper if you remember to use coupon code:


Check out, for instance, the Italian easy readers, parallel texts, and self-study workbooks.

Or browse Italian ebooks by level: A1 | A1/A2 | A2 | A2/B1 | B1 | B1/B2 | B2 | B2/C1 | C1 | C1/C2 | C2

Ebooks for students of French, Spanish and German can be found in our Catalog, where everything is organised by language, type, and level. Scroll down past Italian, or follow these direct links:

French | Spanish | German

Add 4 ‘easy reader’ or ‘parallel text’ ebooks into your shopping cart (reading and listening practice is essential), enter the 25% coupon code, and it’ll be as if you pay for just three of them!

Use the following coupon code to save 25% on your orders, for as long as the promotion lasts, with no minimum or maximum spend:


First make your selection from our range of ebooks, which have been especially written to keep you interested and so making progress.

Then go to your shopping cart and apply coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off to reduce the cart total by 25%.

Scroll down to verify that the cart total has been reduced by 25% BEFORE proceeding with your payment…

The coupon code is good until midnight on February 2nd 2025.

You can use it as often as you wish until then, with no minimum or maximum spend.

Restrictions? Small print?

Coupon code 2025-January-Sale-25%-Off can’t be used together with any other coupon code you may already have.

Besides that, no.

The next sale won’t be until the spring, so a long way off!

Do find some time to stock up on the easy readers, parallel texts and grammar workbooks you’ll need to improve the language you’re learning in 2025 – now at an unbeatable price!

Browse the Catalog.

Or go directly to the language or languages that interest you:

Italian | French | Spanish | German

No longer interested?

All bulk emails we send (including this one) contain an unsubscribe link, usually at the bottom. Scroll down to find it, click the link and select ‘unsubscribe’. That will permanently remove your email address from our ebooks mailing list.