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2023 January Sale: 20% Off Graded Language Study Materials!

Everyone learning a foreign language is familiar with the concept of ‘level’.

Some materials are just too hard for where you’re currently at, others might seem just right, whereas the texts you worked on months ago will now, hopefully, feel easy.

We all know that it can be difficult (impossible!) to understand films and so on in the languages we’re learning, or to read an authentic article, say from a newspaper, which is written for educated native-speaker readers.

And yet, clearly, listening to the language as it is really used, and reading articles written in it, are important long-term goals, even if they seem unachievable for the moment.

Plus, it seems likely that the more we read and listen, the more meaningful our studies will be, the more new words we’ll pick up, and the more we’ll feel familiar with the grammar and structures of the languages we’re learning.

Reading and listening to the language you’re studying are unarguably good ways to speed your progress, and in any case, training yourself to listen and to read effectively in the new language is obviously going to be necessary at some point.

But authentic materials are HARD! Often too hard.

The solution to this quandry?

‘Graded’ texts, that is to say materials written by language teachers for learners like you, and designated as suitable for those who have reached or are above a particular level.

The CEFR level system uses six level bands, which are (from easiest to hardest): A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2.

Assume that students at the C levels should be reading and listening to authentic (real-life) texts and audio without too much difficulty. The graded materials at those levels, then, will approximate texts written for native-speakers.

People at the intermediate stage (the B levels) are not yet ready for ‘real’ or ‘nearly real’ listening and reading, but still need to build their skills in anticipation. So the graded materials will be an in-between step, aimed at challenging students to develop their skills further.

The easiest materials (at A1 and A2 levels) are designed to be unintimidating, which means short chapters and simple or simpler grammar and vocabulary. Their purpose is to encourage learners to get into the HABIT of reading and listening to the language they’re learning as early on in the process as possible.

The more reading & listening you do early on, the easier everything that follows will be. You’ll already be used to, for example, guessing meaning from context in a text, or getting the gist of the spoken language even when you can’t pick out every word.

Graded materials are useful at every language-learning level, but their real power can be seen when they are incorporated as an integral part of our studies right from Day 1 with a new language.

The difference between a learner who regularly reads and listens to graded materials, and one who never or rarely spends time on anything other than grammar and vocabulary exercises, is plain to see, if for no other reason than that a student who has no fear of reading and listening (because she is using materials that have been specifically written for her level, remember) comes across as being more confident and more autonomous.

How to find graded materials for your level? Our Catalog page lists materials by type and in level order, which should help.

But importantly, there’s always a free sample chapter, which you should absolutely look at before deciding to buy a particular title.

Have a look at the first few lines, the first paragraph, the first page, even the whole of the first chapter. Can you manage to figure out what’s going on in the story without too much effort, without constantly reaching for the dictionary?

If not, step down a level, try another free sample chapter, keep looking until you find something that you’re comfortable with. Don’t forget to check out the free online audio, if there is one. Usually the link is at the top of the first chapter…

Then, if the story grabs you, go ahead and buy a copy! Read a chapter a day, perhaps. There are usually eight short chapters, so in not much more than a week, you’ll be done.

At which point, you could check out other titles at the same level, or look at free sample chapters for the next level (or half-level) up, to see if you’re ready for something a little more challenging.

Aim to establish a reading/listening HABIT. Move up to the next level only when you’re comfortable, no need to rush,

Gradually, month by month, your reading/listening skills will improve, as will your knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the language you’re learning.

With graded materials, such as ‘easy readers’ and ‘parallel texts’, you’ll master the language you’re studying step-by-step, almost without realising it!


Don’t forget the 2023 January Sale is running this week, and next!

Save a fifth on graded material for learning Italian, Spanish, French, and German.

Everything in our online store,, is 20% cheaper until midnight on Friday 6th January 2023.

But only if you remember to use this coupon code:


Make your selection from our range of ebooks, which have been especially written to keep you interested and making progress.

Apply coupon code January-Sale-2023 in your shopping cart to reduce the cart total by 20%!

Stock up on online easy readers, parallel texts and grammar workbooks – at an unbeatable price!

Here’s that coupon code again:


Don’t forget to use it when you order, to save 20% on the price of everything in your cart!


Our sister store,, is also running a January Sale promotion – on one-to-one Italian/French/Spanish/German lessons, online with native speaker teachers.

They’re just the thing if you need conversation practice, help with grammar, or just some guidance on how or what to study.

Coupon code January-Sale-2023 will work there, too, so saving you 20% on the advertised prices of one-to-one online lessons.

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2023 January Sale! Save 20% on Ebooks for Language Learners!

The 2023 January Sale has begun!

Which means that students of Italian, Spanish, French or German can save 20% on ebooks to supplement or guide their language learning.

Everything in our ebooks store,, is a fifth cheaper (if you remember to use the coupon code January-Sale-2023 ).

Check out, for instance, the Italian easy readers, parallel texts, and self-study workbooks.

Ebooks for students of French, Spanish and German can be found in our Catalog, where everything is organised by language, type, and level!

Pop 5 ebooks into your shopping cart (reading and listening practice is essential), yet pay for just four of them!

Use the following coupon code to save 20% on your orders, for as long as the promotion lasts, with no minimum or maximum spend:


First make your selection from our range of ebooks, which have been especially written to keep you interested and so making progress!

Then go to your shopping cart and apply coupon code January-Sale-2023 to reduce the cart total by 20%.

Scroll down to verify that the cart total has been reduced by 20% BEFORE proceeding with your payment…

The coupon code is good until midnight on Friday 6th January 2023.

You can use it as often as you wish until then, with no minimum or maximum spend.

Restrictions? Small print?

Coupon code January-Sale-2023 can’t be used together with any other coupon code you may already have.

Besides that, no.

The next sale won’t be until the week before Easter, so a long way off!

Do find some time to stock up on the easy readers, parallel texts and grammar workbooks you’ll need to improve the language you’re learning in 2023 –  at an unbeatable price!

Browse our Catalog now!


Coupon code January-Sale-2023 is also good for a 20% discount on one-to-one lessons purchased from our sister store,

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2023 January Ebook Sale Starts Next Week. Save -20%!

Next week we’re having our 2023 January Sale, which means that everything at our ebook store can be had a fifth cheaper than usual!

On Tuesday 27th December we’ll be emailing a coupon code so students of Italian, Spanish, French and German can save 20% on ebooks for learning foreign languages, such as graded easy readers, parallel texts, and grammar workbooks!

Reading and listening practice is essential to building and maintaining comprehension skills, so take the chance next week to pop 5 ebooks into your shopping cart, yet pay for just four of them!

Watch out for the email with the coupon code on Tuesday 27th December!

In the meantime, why not browse our Catalog page, where you’ll find materials for learning Italian, French, Spanish, German, and certain other languages, organised by type and level.

The Catalog page also has links to free samples for all the languages and for virtually all of the ebook titles. Download a few at different levels and read/listen  to them – it’s a good way to verify your reading/listening comprehension level in the language or languages you’re studying!

Our ebooks are .pdf by default (everyone is familiar with those), but for some types of text we also offer other formats that are compatible with Kindles and other ebook readers, .epub for instance. Both the Catalog page and the product information pages for each individual ebook should make it clear which format or formats are available, and how to get them!

Ebook storeCatalog | FAQ 

No longer interested?

All bulk emails we send (including this one) contain an unsubscribe link, usually at the bottom. Scroll down to find it, click the link and select ‘unsubscribe’. That will permanently remove your email address from our ebooks mailing list.

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Two seasonal Italian ‘easy reader’ ebooks – half price!

Christmas is coming, then New Year, so this week we have not one but two seasonal half-price ‘Ebooks of the Week’ for you!

The first is Natale a sorpresa, and the level is B2.

Easy Italian reader - Natale a sorpresa - cover image

Matteo’s supposed to be writing a book – he has a deadline coming up – but he’s suffering terribly from writers’ block. All he can do is stare at a blank computer screen. He’s recently out of a relationship, which hasn’t helped…

Worse, it’s December and Christmas is coming! Normally Matteo spends the festive season with his family, but this year they’re visiting relatives in Australia. So it looks as if he’ll be celebrating alone.

Then he has an idea. He’ll call his best friend Filippo, who’ll surely be able to help! Perhaps they can spend Christmas at Filippo’s place in the mountains, or take a trip somewhere…

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Natale a sorpresa, just £3.99! | Free sample chapter (.pdf) | Catalog

Then there’s  Giallo a Capodanno, level B2/C1, which is slightly harder.

Easy readers in Italian - Giallo a Capodanno - cover image

“Sbrigati Alida, o arriveremo in ritardo alla festa di Capodanno!” ripete nervosamente Martina alla sua compagna di stanza. Alida sta sdraiata sul letto con un libro di Agatha Christie fra le mani. Si toglie pigramente gli occhiali da lettura e guarda fuori dalla finestra: “Nevica ancora, che incubo!”

It’s New Year 1970 and Martina’s all dressed up for the party, determined to enjoy it! But her roommate, Alida is more cynical:

“Ascolta: siamo bloccati dalla neve in un collegio in cui viviamo tutto l’anno. Dei duecento alunni che frequentano la scuola, solo sette (sette, porca miseria!) hanno dei genitori che non li vogliono tra i piedi nemmeno durante le feste. E noi siamo tra questi sette. Quindi puoi anche vestirti come Marilyn Monroe… ma rimani una disgraziata!”

Alida would rather read detective thrillers than pretend to have fun with just six fellow students. But who knows? Perhaps something interesting will happen?

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at upper-intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Giallo a Capodanno, just £3.99! | Free sample chapter (.pdf) | Catalog

How do I access my ebooks?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook, where available, cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them. There’s a space to do that on the order form – where it says Additional information, Order notes (optional). If you forget, or if you have problems downloading the .pdf, don’t worry! Email us at the address on the website and we’ll help. Also, why not check out our FAQ?


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Don’t forget to read/listen to Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news (text + online audio), which was published this morning.

Why not subscribe? That way you’ll receive each thrice-weekly bulletin via email. Subscribing is also FREE.

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New Opera Easy Reader Ebook, ‘La traviata’, -25% This Week!

This fall we’ve been busy publishing ‘easy reader’ ebooks based on famous Italian operas.

The first was a simplified text + audio version of Nabucco, one of composer Verdi’s most famous operas. Next we did Puccini’s romantic classic, Turandot, then another Puccini weepy, La Bohème, and back to Verdi, and his Rigoletto.

This week, yet more Verdi, this time ‘La traviata‘, and as always, the first week it’s 25% discounted (offer ends Sunday 11th December 2022).

Liven up your language studies with this interesting skills practice material, while learning about Italian culture at the same time!

Italian 'easy reader' ebook - La traviatad - cover image

Beautiful Violetta enjoys a busy life of friends, parties and luxuries, thanks to the support of a rich, older man. She sees no need for true love, at least until she receives bad news from her doctor, and is introduced to Alfredo…

Why not begin with our ‘easy reader’ ebook before seeking out a recording of the opera on Youtube? It’ll help! Or just use this original Italian reading/listening practice material to add a little variety to your study program.

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters (based on the act structure of the opera) to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at pre-intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Remember, download your copy by Sunday 22th December and to save 25%, compared to the usual ‘easy reader’ price of £7.99, so just £5.99!

Buy ‘La traviata‘, just £5.99 | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) | Opera | Catalog

How do I access my ebooks?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook, where available, cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them. There’s a space to do that on the order form – where it says Additional information, Order notes (optional). If you forget, or if you have problems downloading the .pdf, don’t worry! Email us at the address on the website and we’ll help. Also, why not check out our FAQ?


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Don’t forget to read/listen to Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news (text + online audio), which was published just a few hours ago.

Subscribers get each thrice-weekly bulletin sent directly to their email inboxes, which is also FREE.

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This week, select your own ‘Half-price Ebook of the Week’!

When we’re not publishing and promoting new ebook titles for students of Italian (and other languages), we like to do the occasional ‘Half-price Ebook of the Week’ offer.

Just £3.99 for an ebook that normally sells for £7.99 is excellent value, especially as you can ask for additional versions which are suitable for use on Kindles and other ebook readers, at no extra charge.

The problem with offering one ebook title, though, is level. We use six levels and six half-levels to give an indication of the ease or difficulty of our texts, so that’s quite a range!

Take a look at our online Catalog and try comparing the texts in the FREE sample chapters at different levels, say A1 (the easiest) versus C2 (the hardest). They’re totally different, and it’s that which makes it difficult to select a single ‘Half-price Ebook of the Week’ that will have wide appeal, no matter where people currently are with their language studies.

So we’re experimenting with a different format of promotion, the idea being to offer a coupon code that’s equivalent to a 50% reduction in price on any ‘easy reader’ ebook, and let the potential customers pick one out for themselves.

Last week’s new publication, ‘Rigoletto‘, for instance, is no longer discounted 25% and so sells at our usual ‘easy reader’ price of £7.99.

Were we to offer it as a ‘Half-price Ebook of the Week’ at some point (we usually wait a few years after publication before doing so), then half-price would be £3.99. The difference is £4.

To offer everyone the chance of a half-price ‘easy reader’ at their particular levels, I therefore need to create a ‘one use’ coupon for that amount, £4.

Here it is:

Save £4!

Browse our online Catalog, downloading sample chapters for anything that interests you, until you find one or more titles that will liven up your studies and provide valuable extra reading/listening practice.

Add them to your Cart, in the usual way.

Then copy and paste coupon code Save £4! into your cart (before proceeding with the payment, obviously…) and that’ll reduce the total of whatever’s in there by the promised £4.

Just buy one title, normal price £7.99 and (assuming you remember to use coupon code Save £4! ) the amount charged will be just £3.99.

N.b. This offer ends during the night of Dec. 3rd 2022. Please note that it is one discount, not one discount on each product. Also the technology is set up to be one use per customer, so if you mess up your order (say you choose the wrong payment option), then try again with a new order, the coupon won’t work the second time.

In which case, just email. I’ll fix it for you by deleting the messed-up order, and you’re good to try again, more carefully.

So, ready to pick out your own, personalised -50% BotW (Book of the Week) from our Catalog page?

Don’t forget to take a look at the free sample chapters before you decide what to spend your £4 discount on!

Don’t know where to start? Then try exploring these categories:

Easy readers | History/historical | Literature | Cinema | Opera | Italian-English parallel texts

But also:

French | Spanish | German | Portuguese | Turkish | Swedish

How do I access my ebooks?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook, where available, cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them. There’s a space to do that on the order form – where it says Additional information, Order notes (optional). If you forget, or if you have problems downloading the .pdf, don’t worry! Email us at the address on the website and we’ll help. Also, why not check out our FAQ?


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Have you listened to Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news (text + online audio), which was published this morning?

That valuable resource for students of Italian is FREE because its bills are (mostly) paid with contributions from readers.

Thanks to everyone who helped the ‘easy news’ team out with their donations during their appeal last week. The appeal has ended, but if you missed it, it’s never to late to support the website with your donation.

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New Opera ‘Easy Reader’ Ebook, Rigoletto, -25% This Week!

Over the last couple of months we’ve been publishing ‘easy reader’ ebooks based on famous Italian operas.

The first was a simplified text + audio version of Nabucco, one of composer Verdi’s most famous operas. Next we did Puccini’s romantic classic, Turandot, then another Puccini weepy, La Bohème. This week we’re back to Verdi, and his Rigoletto.

Grab yourself a copy at the 25% launch discount price and, besides saving a couple of pounds, you’ll liven up your language studies with this interesting skills practice material, while learning about Italian culture at the same time!

Italian 'easy reader' ebooks - Rigoletto - cover image

Court jester to a sex-addicted aristocrat, Rigoletto earns a nice living mocking the courtiers whose wives his boss seduces, safe in the knowledge that the Duke he amuses will protect him. But then his many enemies learn that Rigoletto has a secret…

Begin with the ‘easy reader’ ebook before, perhaps, seeking out a recording of the opera on Youtube. Our material is written to help learners understand and enjoy the Verdi’s production, in the original Italian! Or just use this original Italian reading/listening practice material to add a little variety to your study program.

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 5 chapters (based on the act structure of the opera) to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at pre-intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Download your copy by Sunday 27th November and you’ll save 25%, compared to the usual ‘easy reader’ price of £7.99, so just £5.99!

Buy Rigoletto, just £5.99 | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) | Opera | Catalog

How do I access my ebooks?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook, where available, cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them. There’s a space to do that on the order form – where it says Additional information, Order notes (optional). If you forget, or if you have problems downloading the .pdf, don’t worry! Email us at the address on the website and we’ll help. Also, why not check out our FAQ?


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Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news (text + online audio) was published this morning. Subscribers get each thrice-weekly bulletin sent directly to their email inboxes. That’s also FREE. Subscribe here.

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New Opera ‘Easy Reader’ Ebook, La Bohème, -25% This Week!

Liven up your language studies with some interesting skills practice material, while learning about Italian culture at the same time!

Recently we’ve been publishing ‘easy reader’ ebooks based on famous Italian operas. The first was a simplified text + audio version of Nabucco, one of composer Verdi’s most famous operas. Next we did Puccini’s romantic classic, Turandot, and this week it’s another Puccini weepy, La Bohème.

Easy Italian reader ebook - La Bohème - cover image

Giacomo Puccini’s famous opera, first performed in Turin in 1896, is here simplifed for learners of Italian (with quotes from the actual libretto!)

Christmas Eve 1830, Paris: a group of young friends – a writer, a painter, a musician and a philosopher – are hungry and cold in their shared garret. Marcello, the artist, decides to burn his landscape to warm the room, but the oil paint would smell, so Rodolfo offers his play, instead. As the chapters burn, Schaunard, the musician, arrives home. He has news!

Begin with this ‘easy reader’ ebook before watching the actual opera, or simply use this original Italian reading/listening practice material to add a little variety to your study program.

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 6 chapters (based on Puccini’s Act/Scene structure) to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at pre-intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Download your copy by Sunday 13th November and you’ll save 25%, compared to the usual ‘easy reader’ price of £7.99, so just £5.99!

Buy La Bohème, just £5.99 | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) | Opera | Catalog

How do I access my ebooks?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook, where available, cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them. There’s a space to do that on the order form – where it says Additional information, Order notes (optional). If you forget, or if you have problems downloading the .pdf, don’t worry! Email us at the address on the website and we’ll help. Also, why not check out our FAQ?


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Don’t forget to read/listen to Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news (text + online audio). There’ll be another tomorrow (Thursday) and another on Saturday!

Subscribers get each thrice-weekly bulletin sent directly to their email inboxes. That’s also FREE. Subscribe here.

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FOUR eBooks for Learning Italian, Levels A1-B2, -50%!!

This week we have not one but FOUR half-price ebooks for learning Italian, one at each level from A1 to B2, each costing just £3.99!

There are free sample chapters for all four titles, so you can take a look and select the ones that are most suitable for your current level in Italian.

The offer ends on Sunday night, November 6th, after which the price of these four titles will revert to the usual £7.99.

So, in level order, from the easiest to the hardest, we have…

Yue a Bologna (A1)

Easy Italian readers - Yue a Bologna - cover image

Yue, a talented young Japanese from a rural community in Hokkaido, wins a one-year scholarship to study opera at the ‘Conservatorio’ in Bologna, home to Europe’s oldest university.

But the thought of leaving her parents and brother for a whole year disturbs her.

And, before studying at the ‘Conservatorio’, she’ll first have to learn Italian…

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at elementary level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Yue a Bologna, just £3.99! | Free sample chapter (.pdf) | Other ‘easy reader’ ebooks | Catalog

Italian/English Parallel Text: La montagna (A2)

Italian English parallel texts - La montagna - cover image

Learn Italian with parallel texts: an original story in Italian with an accompanying English translation!

A group of friends who haven’t seen each other for a while plan a trip to the mountains. But the strains in their friendship start to show…

  • .pdf e-book
  • original text in Italian / translation in English
  • 8 short chapters to read and study
  • Suitable for students at any level
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Italian/English Parallel Text: La montagna, just £3.99! | Free sample chapter (.pdf) | Other Italian/English Parallel Text ebooks | Catalog

Roma città aperta (B1)

Cover image: Roma città aperta

This moving masterpiece of Italian neo-realism, set in WW2 Rome, tells the story of how resistance leader Giorgio, along with his friends, neighbours and family members, fight the Nazi forces occupying their city.

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at B1 level and above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Roma città aperta, just £3.99! | Free sample chapter (.pdf) | Other Movie ‘easy readers’ | Catalog

Uno, nessuno e centomila (B2)

Easy Italian readers - Uno, nessuno e centomila - cover image

Nobel Prize winner Luigi Pirandello’s long-unfinshed novel of a privileged young man who one day realises that the way others perceive him is not the way he has always seen himself. Dissatisfied with the idea that everyone who knows him has a different picture of who he is, based on their own preconceptions, he decides to shake things up!

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Uno, nessuno e centomila, just £3.99! | Free sample chapter (.pdf) | Other Literature ‘easy readers’ | Catalog

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook, where available, cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them. There’s a space to do that on the order form – where it says Additional information, Order notes (optional). If you forget, or if you have problems downloading the .pdf, don’t worry! Email us at the address on the website and we’ll help. Also, why not check out our FAQ?


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Thursday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news was published this morning.

Subscribers receive their free copy via email. If you don’t get yours, check your spam/junk folder.

Not a subscriber? To receive three Easy Italian News bulletins, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, click here to visit the ‘Subscribe’ page, type in your email address, then look out for a ‘please confirm’ email.

Subscribing is free, and you can unsubscribe easily, if you stop learning Italian or don’t find the material useful.

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Turandot: New Opera ‘Easy Reader’ Ebook, -25% This Week!

Bored with conjugating Italian verbs?

Then why not liven up your language studies with some interesting skills practice material? And learn about Italian culture at the same time!

You may have already seen our simplified text + audio version of Nabucco, one of composer Verdi’s most famous operas.

So this week at we’re doing Puccini’s romantic classic, Turandot, which is a little more difficult at B1/B2 level (intermediate), but worth the effort!

Get your copy by Sunday 30th October to save 25%, compared to the usual ‘easy reader’ price of £7.99, so just £5.99 to improve your Italian AND your knowledge of Italian musical culture!

An original Italian easy reader by Francesca Colombo Easy Italian readers - Turandot - cover image

Giacomo Puccini’s famous opera, here simplifed for learners of Italian (with quotes from the actual libretto!)

First performed in Milan in 1926, only after Puccini’s death from cancer, the story is set in a mythical Peking, capital of China. The ferocious, but fantastically beautiful Chinese princess, Turandot, daugher of the aged emperor, is set on avenging an ancestor who was kidnapped by a foreign prince. With the reluctant agreement of her father, she sets a condition for her own marriage: any man who wishes to marry her must come to the palace and beat a gong, then answer three riddles. If he succeeds, he wins a bride, and an empire! But those who cannot answer her riddles correctly will have their heads chopped off, already the fate of many would-be suitors…

Begin with this ‘easy reader’ ebook before watching the actual opera, or simply use this original Italian reading/listening practice material to add a little variety to your study program.

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 6 chapters (based on Puccini’s Act/Scene structure) to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Turandot, just £5.99 | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) | Opera | Catalog

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