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-25% on ‘Il bar’, our latest B2/C1-level Italian Easy Reader

Are you an upper-intermediate- or advanced-level student of Italian looking for something fresh to read/listen to?

Then you’re in luck!

This week at EasyReaders.Org we have a new, simplified ‘easy’ Italian reader, and it’s 25% off the usual easy reader price, at just £5.99!

As this one’s for higher-level learners, the blurb is in Italian…. (If you’re not a higher-level learner, check our catalog for something that might suit you better!

Italian easy reader ebooks - Il bar - cover image

Il signor Mario gira la chiave nella serratura e solleva la serranda del Bar Ateneo. Il locale si trova davanti all’Università Statale nel centro di Milano. Il proprietario del vecchio bar, puntuale come ogni mattina, apre la porta di legno scricchiolante, indossa il grembiule e si aggiusta gli occhiali da miope sul nasone aquilino. Poi si dirige svelto a infornare i cornetti e a preparare la macchina del caffè.

Quando ha finalmente le mani libere, Mario si avvicina al calendario per eliminare la pagina del mese appena trascorso: febbraio. Ha una breve esitazione e prende tempo massaggiandosi i corti ricci grigiastri che, nonostante i suoi cinquantotto anni, resistono sul capoccione a forma d’uovo. Un respiro profondo per farsi coraggio dicendo a se stesso:

“Anche quest’anno è arrivato il primo marzo. Stiamo a vedere che diavolo succede”.

Download the Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) to read more and to get an idea of the level and length of the material.

Save the .pdf on your computer, or print it to study in the old-fashioned way. There’s a link to the online audio in the sample chapter – the entire story is available to listen to FREE online, no purchase required.

N.b. This new ebook is NOT YET available in .mobi (Kindle-compatible) or .epub (Kobo, iBooks and other ereader) formats. For the moment, we only have it in .pdf. We hope to have the other versions ready in a few weeks, when our specialist ebook formatter is back from her travels…

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online at
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at upper-intermediate level or above
  • LAUNCH OFFER (until 23/07/19) just £5.99!
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Your ebook will be emailed to you within 24 hours of purchase.

Buy ‘Il bar‘ | Download the free sample chapter (.pdf) | Browse catalog


Also today, don’t forget to listen (for free) to Tuesday’s bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news:

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One More Day to Save 20% on Online Lessons & Ebooks!

A quick reminder about the EasyReaders.Org 2019 Summer Sale, which is ending in a little under thirty-six hours, at midnight on Sunday 7th of July.

The cost of EVERYTHING at – online lessons with native speaker teachers, ebooks for learning languages, ‘easy readers’, ‘parallel texts’ – will be reduced by 20% when you use this coupon code:


For example?

Well, ten thirty-minute online lessons with a native speaker teacher (Italian, French, Spanish, German…) would normally cost you £150 (just £15 a lesson).

But with the above coupon code, that figure is reduced to just £120 (£12 a lesson), which is like getting two free lessons!

Or what about this?

An ebook ‘easy reader’ (simplified text + audio) or ‘parallel text’ (simplified text + translation), both of which are ideal for supplementing a more traditional language course, would normally cost £7.99.

But with the coupon code, you could buy several, perhaps at different levels (so anticipating the progress you will make this year) and get MORE learning material for your money.

Add five ebooks to your cart and the twenty percent saving means you’ll only be paying for four. Choose ten but pay for eight, and so on.

So how exactly can you save money on your language-learning this summer?

First, make your selection of one-to-one online lesson options and ebooks from our catalog page.

(Or view only the language that interests you with these links: Italian | French | Spanish | German | Other languages.)

Then go to your shopping cart and apply coupon code 2019-Summer-Sale-20%-Off to reduce the cart total by 20%.

Remember: the coupon code is only good until tomorrow night, Sunday 7th July.

Find some time today to stock up on the online lesson credits, easy readers, parallel texts and grammar workbooks that you will need to make progress with your chosen foreign language!

Once again, the coupon code to use in your cart to reduce the published prices by a full 20% is:


Browse the catalog now!

Or go directly to the language you’re studying: Italian | French | Spanish | German | Other languages.

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Don’t Forget: This Week 20% Off Ebooks and Online Lessons!

Don’t forget the EasyReaders.Org ‘Summer Sale’!

Until Sunday night, you can save 20% on our whole range of ebooks for learning foreign languages, and/or on one-to-one lessons with our team of online teachers.

The coupon code you need to get the discount is:


Copy and paste the coupon code (above in bold) into the box in your shopping cart (where it says ‘Apply coupon’).

Then scroll down to check that the cart total has been discounted.

  • The code above gets you a 20% discount on anything!
  • It’s valid until midnight on Sunday 07th July 2019
  • There’s no minimum or maxium spend
  • Use the coupon as often as you wish while the offer lasts
  • It will even work on items which are already discounted such as ebook multipacks
  • But it can’t be used with other coupons…
  • Payment options include Amazon, Paypal, or direct payment to our UK bank account

Email us if you need help, either with the coupon code or in choosing what might be most suitable for your level and situation.

Browse our catalog page, which shows everything, all in one place, language by language, and organised by type and in level order.

Or click these links to choose materials and online lessons for the language or languages that you’re learning:

Italian | French | Spanish | German | All languages


Don’t forget to use the coupon code! It’s 2019-Summer-Sale-20%-Off

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Summer Sale 2019: Save 20% on Ebooks and Online Lessons!

Just a quick email to let you know that the EasyReaders.Org ‘Summer Sale’ starts today!

Which means that you can save 20% on our whole range of ebooks for learning foreign languages, and/or on one-to-one lessons with our team of online teachers.

The coupon code you need to get the discount is:


To reduce the price of everything by 20% compared to the prices shown in the shop, copy and paste the coupon code (above in bold) into the box in your shopping cart (where it says ‘Apply coupon’).

Then scroll down to check that the cart total has been discounted.

Here are full details of this offer:

  • The code above gets you a 20% discount on anything!
  • It’s valid until midnight on Sunday 07th July 2019
  • There’s no minimum or maxium spend
  • Use the coupon as often as you wish while the offer lasts
  • It will even work on items which are already discounted such as ebook multipacks
  • But it can’t be used with other coupons…
  • Payment options include Amazon, Paypal, or direct payment to our UK bank account

If you need help, either with the coupon code or in choosing what might be most suitable for your level and situation, feel free to email me.

So, ready to save £££ and turbo charge your study program??

Click these links to choose materials and online lessons for the language or languages that you’re learning:

Italian | French | Spanish | German | All languages

Or browse our catalog page, which shows everything, all in one place, language by language, and organised by type and in level order.

There you’ll find our full range of lessons, easy readers, ‘book of the film’, ‘parallel texts’, grammar workbooks, and so on.

Along with the prices and links to the product information page and to the downloadable free sample chapters.

Visit the catalog page.

Or browse only the language that you’re currently studying:

Italian | French | Spanish | German | other languages


Here’s that coupon code again: 2019-Summer-Sale-20%-Off

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Summer Sale Soon: Save 20% on Ebooks & Online Lessons!

Next week at EasyReaders.Org we’re having our 2019 Summer Sale.

Which means a great 20% discount on ebooks for learning languages and online lessons with native-speaker teachers.

The sale starts on Monday 01st July and ends in the night of Sunday 07th July.

Look out for an email on Monday with the vital coupon code!

If you’d like to start planning your purchases, take a look at the Catalog page at our online shop, where you’ll find everything listed by language, type and level.

Remember to mentally knock 20% off the prices you see listed there!

Until Monday, then.


If you would prefer NOT to hear about the Summer Sale, use the ‘Unsubscribe’ link, which you should find either at the top or at the bottom of this article, to permanently remove your email address from our mailing list.

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Half-Price ‘Ebook of the Week’ (Kindle-compatible, too!)

Another week, another half-price ‘EBook of the Week’ offer!

And as well as the usual .pdf format ebook (printable, viewable on most devices), as an extra, at no additional cost, why not ask us to send the .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and/or .epub (other ebook readers) AS WELL?

That way you can continue improving your Italian in bed, or wherever you happen to be, with your Kindle, Kobo or ebook reader app!

Add a note to the order form to let us know which additional format or formats you would like.

Or, if you forget to do that while completing your order, just email me.

So what’s this week half-price ebook offer, then?

Italian easy readers - 2 giugno 1946 - cover image

Bologna, 2nd of June 1946. Italy is slowly recovering from the devastating effects of World War II. A referendum has been organised to decide whether the reborn state will be a republic or continue as a monarchy. And for the first time in history, Italian women can go to the polls! Newly-wed Marcella is so excited at the prospect she barely slept last night. But her husband, Antonio, is unconvinced…

2 giugno 1946 is an A2/B1 (lower-intermediate) -level Italian ‘easy’ reader.

Normally £7.99, 2 giugno 1946 is 50% off, so just £3.99, until Sunday night (not conincidentally, the date in the book’s title!)

For £3.99 you get:

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online at
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at any level
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Your e-book will be emailed to you within 24 hours of your purchase.

2 giugno 1946 | Free Sample Chapter | Catalog


Have you read/listened to today’s (Thursday’s), yet?

It’s completely free to access for students of Italian anywhere in the world, with no registration/sign up necessary.

Just click and read/listen!

Or better still subscribe, also completely free, and so receive three Easy Italian News bulletins each week via email.

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New B2/C1-Level Italian ‘Easy’ Reader: 25% Off!

For upper-intermediate to advanced-level students of Italian looking for something new to read/listen to, this week at EasyReaders.Org we have a new, simplified ‘easy’ Italian reader!

Italian easy readers - Prometeo e la guerra dei titani - cover image

Join the fifth-year class at a ‘liceo classico’ in Milan as they are shaken from their slumbers by the drama of a Greek myth!

Prometeo e la guerra dei titani‘ is the story of how a class of high school students discover the power of legend.

“Sapete che secondo il mito greco nella notte dei tempi si combatte una terribile guerra tra immortali? L’obiettivo della guerra è il dominio dell’intero universo.”

Download the Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) to get an idea of the level and content of the material.

N.b. This new ebook is also available in .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (Kobo, iBooks and other ereader) formats, at no additional cost!

Save the .pdf on your computer, or print it to study in the old-fashioned way. Ask us for the ereader version, too, so you can read it while travelling or in bed.

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online at
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at upper-intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Your e-book will be e-mailed to you within 24 hours of purchase.

Buy ‘Prometeo e la guerra dei titani‘ | Download the free sample chapter (.pdf) | Browse catalog


Also today, listen (for free) to Tuesday’s bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news:

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Half-Price ‘Ebook of the Week’ – Now for Kindle, iBooks etc.

This week’s half-price ‘EBook of the Week’ offer is the usual .pdf format ebook (printable, viewable on most devices) but as an extra, at no additional cost, you get the option to receive the .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and/or .epub (other ebook readers) AS WELL.

Just add a note to the order form specifying your choice of format or formats. Or, if you forget, email the details.Italian easy readers - Leonardo in riva all'Adda - cover image

Leonardo in riva all’Adda is a B2 (upper-intermediate) -level Italian ‘easy’ reader.

Normally £7.99, Leonardo in riva all’Adda is now 50% off, so just £3.99, until Sunday night.

For £3.99 you get:

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online at
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and/or .epub (other ebook readers) as a free extra – just let us know your choice of formats at the time of your order
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • an Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • download the Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) to check the level and format BEFORE you buy

Your e-book will be emailed to you within 24 hours of your purchase.

Leonardo in riva all’Adda | Free Sample Chapter | Catalog


Have you read/listened to today’s, yet? It’s absolutely free!

Click here to read/listen.

Or subscribe, which is also completely free, to receive three Easy Italian News bulletins each week via email.

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New Advanced-Level Italian ‘Easy’ Reader: 25% Off!

For advanced-level students of Italian in search of stimulating study materials, this week at EasyReaders.Org we have a new ‘easy’ Italian reader!

Italian easy readers - Il vulcano - cover image

Il vulcano‘ is the story of how the author, an Italian teacher, is asked to help a child who has crossed the dangerous Mediterranean Sea on a rubber boat with other migrants, having lost his mother somewhere along the route from his home country.

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online at
  • .epub format ebook also available at no extra charge (Kobo/iPad compatible – ask at the time of your order!)
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at advanced level
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)
  • Launch offer, just £5.99! (Normal price from next week will be £7.99)
  • Your e-book will be e-mailed to you within 24 hours of purchase

Buy Il vulcano | Download the free sample chapter (.pdf) | Browse catalog


Don’t forget to listen to today’s (FREE) bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news, from!

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‘Ebook of the Week’ – 50% Off an Italian Easy Reader

Don’t miss this week’s half-price ebook ‘EBook of the Week’ offer!

Cover image: Caccia all'autografo

It’s Caccia all’autografo, level B1 (intermediate).

Having passed his last exam of the academic year, university student Alberto flies to Sicily to visit his grandfather, who soon realizes that something is troubling the lad…

Normally £7.99, Caccia all’autografo is 50% off, so just £3.99, until Sunday night.

For £3.99 you get:

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online at
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • an Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • download the Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) to check the level and format BEFORE you buy

Your e-book will be emailed to you within 24 hours of your purchase.

Caccia all’autografo | Free Sample Chapter | Catalog.


Don’t forget to listen to / read the today’s, which is absolutely free!

Click here to start building your Italian reading and listening skills.

Subscribe and you’ll receive three Easy Italian News bulletins each week via email.

Also absolutely free of charge.