
Il miracolo del paese (C1)

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(7 customer reviews)
An original Italian easy reader by Francesca Colombo

Italia, circa sette anni dopo la Prima Guerra Mondial

Fuori dalla casa di Luigia c’era un gruppetto di persone che si guardava in attesa. Il marito di Luigia, che stava per diventare padre, mostrava tutta la sua preoccupazione. “Voi credete che sia normale? Tante ore per…”

Il parroco sbottò, quasi fosse offeso: “Certo che è normale, abbi fede nel Signore, che diamine! Le cose ben fatte son lunghe da farsi!”

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at upper-intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)
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Original price was: £9.99.Current price is: £4.99.


An original Italian easy reader by Francesca Colombo

Italia, circa sette anni dopo la Prima Guerra Mondiale e la successiva influenza spagnola, che insieme avevano decimato la popolazione giovane e fertile di Villalba, un piccolo paese nel nord d’Italia

Fuori dalla casa di Luigia c’era un gruppetto di persone che si guardava in attesa. Il marito di Luigia, che stava per diventare padre, mostrava tutta la sua preoccupazione.

“Voi credete che sia normale? Tante ore per…”

Il parroco sbottò, quasi fosse offeso: “Certo che è normale, abbi fede nel Signore, che diamine! Le cose ben fatte son lunghe da farsi!”

Marcello chiese scusa, rammaricato per aver messo in dubbio i piani del buon Dio. Ma in quel momento qualcuno gridò: “È nato, è nato!”

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at upper-intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)
How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook, where available, cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them. There’s a space to do that on the order form – where it says Additional information, Order notes (optional). If you forget, or if you have problems downloading the .pdf, don’t worry! Email us at the address on the website and we’ll help. Also, why not check out our FAQ?

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.epub ebook, .mobi (kindle compatible) ebook, .pdf ebook

7 reviews for Il miracolo del paese (C1)

  1. Donna (verified owner)

    This is the first time that I am leaving a comment on the site immediately after finishing a book. This story is compelling. It tells of a time when mental frailty and physical deformity was treated with cruelty and indifference. It was a time of ignorance. The parents of a child born with deformities blindly place their trust in two types of people who they were taught to respect and honor: a priest and a doctor, and. . .

    I highly recommend this book. The reading level C1 was right on. I am an advanced reader and read all types of material, but when a book succeeds in making me “feel” anger, sadness, and despair, it is truly remarkable.

    • easyreadersorg

      Ciao Donna,
      Many thanks for taking the time to leave a review. As you can see, we don’t get many, so really appreciate it!
      I’m glad you liked the story, by the way!

  2. Margaret (verified owner)

    By the end of the second chapter, I was too engrossed in the story to bother with the exercise, so I carried on reading to the end. I can/will go back and ‘study’ – but the story itself is very moving and definitely worth reading in itself.

  3. Valerie (verified owner)

    Considering that I am at B1-B2 level, I like to challenge myself and I buy every new book on sale regardless of the level in the hope I will get to a C2 level eventually. I found that, although I was able to work out the phrases in this story , there were many, many new words. Therefore I will concentrate on learning the new words from the the Glossario and concentrate more on my listening skills.

    • easyreadersorg

      Thanks for commenting, Valerie. If your level evalutation is correct (B1-B2) with respect to your reading skills, then it’s reassuring to hear that you found this title, at C1 level, a challenge! That’s as we intend things to be!

  4. Barbara Riggs (verified owner)

    I have lessons with Francesca and listened to the book once with great interest having been warned. I then without warning had to answer her questions on how the story developed before I read it! It was a great way of combining listening, speaking and reading, exactly the way Daniel strongly recommends. (However, I have studied a lot of Italian course books over the years with another Italian national leading up to C1 so I rest my case that study is also beneficial!)
    The book, although fictional, is very strongly based on the historical facts of the time and described the horrific events in a very moving way.

  5. Patricia A. Lenz (verified owner)

    This is a very compelling and well written story. I liked that I understood from the beginning tone of the story that this would be a tale without a miraculous ending;
    the language was a bit easier than some of the other C1/2 level books. The story’s content made unfamiliar words and expressions a nice part of the whole experience.
    Not an easy topic to absorb, but really a memorable read.

  6. Tony Prosser (verified owner)

    I completely agree with the previous reviewer. A very sad story, but beautifully written and very moving. Something I really like about this series is that, though they are called ‘easy readers’ there is no attempt to patronise the reader/listener by sacrificing literary quality to make the story more accessible.
    I think C1 is about right for the level. It is definitely not for beginners, but I found it a little easier than the other easy readers at level C1/2. The exercises, at different levels of difficulty, are very useful.
    Highly recommended, and great value.

  7. Karen (verified owner)

    I liked this story very much, although it was a sad tale. It is a reminder of the human capacity for cruelty and lack of compassion. For me, it was like one of those novels which one cannot put down. I did not, as per my usual, look up every unfamiliar word in the italian dictionary(which I know Daniel disapproves of anyway), because I didn’t want it to slow me down in my pursuit to the ending. It did have many unfamiliar words, thus a difficult read for me, as I think I am a B1-B2 level, but I like the opportunity to learn more vocabulary. The book moved me to tears. It had an impact on me, as a good book should.

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