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This Week’s Half-Price Italian & French Easy Reader Ebooks

It’s mid-summer and the temperature outside is so high that sensible people stay at home with the shutters closed and the air-conditioning at maximum. A private detective is therefore surprised to receive a phone call from the son of an important family. Will he agree to investigate the theft of a famous painting?

Learning Italian or French?

‘Easy readers’ (simplified texts with audio) are an ideal way to consolidate the grammar you’ve studied, improve your reading and listening comprehension, and learn new words.

And yet many language students don’t use them, preferring to concentrate on repetitive exercises.

Personally, I think that’s a mistake. Working through a story is much more interesting, and so motivating!

To encourage people to develop a habit of reading (and listening to) the language they’re studying, we’re therefore running a series of HALF PRICE ‘Book of the Week’ promotions.

For one week only, one of our ‘easy reader’ ebooks (.pdf format with online audio), which normally sells at £7.99, is available for only £3.99!

For that, you get:

  • 7 simplified chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • a glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level

This week’s easy reader offer is B1/2 level, so suitable for learners at intermediate level and above.

We have two versions, one set in Rome (the Italian version) and one in Paris (the French version).

Follow the links below to download the FREE SAMPLE CHAPTER in the language that you’re studying!

But what if the free sample chapter is too easy or too hard for you?

Then use our catalogue page to find material that IS right for your level. There’s plenty to choose from!

Or visit our shop and just browse!

Italian | French | Spanish | German

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Italian, French, Spanish, German Easy Readers – Save 50%!

A student has her purse stolen on a crowded bus. It contains little of value, except a photograph which is precious to her…

Learning Italian, French, Spanish or German?

Reading and listening to the language that you’re studying will help, a lot!

Working through a simplified text is an excellent way to consolidate the grammar you’re studying and to expand your knowledge of the vocabulary, as well as to build reading and listening skills!

And stories are the best types of text to start with, as you’ll naturally want to find out what happens next, which keeps you turning the page!

Try an EasyReaders.Org ‘easy reader’ in the language that you’re studying – this week at HALF PRICE, with our ‘Book of the week’ offer.

You get:

  • a .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online at
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • a glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • normal price £7.99, this week just £3.99

This week’s easy reader offer is ‘The Juggler’, which is A1/2 level but is suitable for just about everyone.

Follow the links below to download a FREE SAMPLE CHAPTER in the language that you’re studying!

And if that one’s too easy, or too hard?

Check out our Catalogue page for material which is more suited to your current level!

Italian | French | Spanish | German

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Online Lessons & Ebooks – Final Day Left to Save 20%!

A quick reminder about the EasyReaders.Org 2018 Summer Sale, which is ending in a little over twenty-four hours, at midnight on Sunday 8th of July.

The cost of EVERYTHING at – online lessons with native speaker teachers, ebooks for learning languages, ‘easy readers’, ‘parallel texts’ – will be reduced by 20% when you use this coupon code:


For example?

Well, ten thirty-minute online lessons with a native speaker teacher (Italian, French, Spanish, German…) would normally cost you £150 (just £15 a lesson).

But with the above coupon code, that figure is reduced to just £120 (£12 a lesson), which is like getting two free lessons!

Or what about this?

An ebook ‘easy reader’ (simplified text + audio) or ‘parallel text’ (simplified text + translation), both of which are ideal for supplementing a more traditional language course, would normally cost £7.99.

But with the coupon code, you could buy several, perhaps at different levels (so anticipating the progress you will make this year) and get MORE learning material for your money.

Add five ebooks to your cart and the twenty percent saving means you’ll only be paying for four. Choose ten but pay for eight, and so on.

So how exactly can you save money on your language-learning this summer?

First, make your selection of one-to-one online lesson options and ebooks from our catalogue page.

(Or view only the language that interests you with these links: Italian | French | Spanish | German | Other languages.)

Then go to your shopping cart and apply coupon code 2018-Summer-Sale-20%-Off to reduce the cart total by 20%.

Remember: the coupon code is only good until tomorrow night, Sunday 8th July.

Find some time today to stock up on the online lesson credits, easy readers, parallel texts and grammar workbooks that you will need to make progress with your chosen foreign language!

Once again, the coupon code to use in your cart to reduce the published prices by a full 20% is:


Browse the catalogue now!

Or go directly to the language you’re studying: Italian | French | Spanish | German | Other languages.

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Summer Sale! Save 20% on Online Lessons & Ebooks

The EasyReaders.Org 2018 Summer Sale has begun!

This week only, save 20% on ebooks and online lessons for students of Italian, Spanish, French, German (and certain other languages).

Everything in our shop – online lessons with native-speaker teachers, ebooks for learning foreign languages, easy readers, parallel texts – is a fifth cheaper.

Which means you could, in effect, buy ten one-to-one lessons while paying for only eight.

That’s two extra lessons of speaking and listening practice, on us!

It’s as if, when you pop 5 ebooks into your  shopping cart (reading and listening practice is essential), you’ll pay for just four of them!

Use this coupon code to save £££ on your order:


First make your selection from the one-to-one online lesson options and/or from our range of ebooks, which have been especially written to keep you interested and so making progress:

Italian | French | Spanish | German | Other languages

Then go to your shopping cart and apply coupon code 2018-Summer-Sale-20%-Off to reduce the cart total by 20%.

The coupon code is good until midnight on Sunday 8th July.

You can use it as often as you wish, with no minimum or maximum spend.

Restrictions? Small print?

The code can’t be used together with any other code you may already have.

Besides that, no.

So do find some time this week to stock up on online lesson credits, easy readers, parallel texts and grammar workbooks – at an unbeatable price!

Italian | French | Spanish | German | Other languages


Here’s that coupon code again:


And here’s where you can use it: EasyReaders.Org/Shop

The next sale won’t be until September…

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Fancy a laugh? Meet Ragionier Ugo Fantozzi!

Buongiorno, student of Italian!

This is just to let you know that we have a new ebook easy-reader in our ‘Book of the Classic Italian Movie‘ series.

This time it’s a comedy, the 1975 classic, Fantozzi. Italian easy reaaders - Fantozzi - cover image

These short summaries of some of the jewels of Italian cinema have been prepared for you by an Italian-teacher colleague, Giovanni Galavotti.

But Giovanni is not ‘just’ an Italian teacher. He’s also a scriptwriter, and one who has been nominated for an important award!

So of course, Giovanni has a passion for cinema. Revisiting his favourite classic movies is no hardship for him.

He’ll select a film, then watch it over and over again while making notes so he can later summarise the action and dialogues in eight or nine short, simplified chapters.

Giovanni’s ebook versions of these classics of Italian cinema are an excellent support to anyone wanting to watch the actual movies (but read our ebooks first!)

Or they could stand alone from the films, as orginal and useful study materials which would be an ideal supplement to a more traditional Italian course.

So far, Giovanni has done twelve classic movies for us. They range in difficulty from A2 (pre-intermediate) to B2 (upper-intermediate).

There are free sample chapters for all of them. Find and download them easily on our catalogue page (or you could just browse.)

But back to Fantozzi.

I’d heard of the film, of course. EVERY Italian knows Fantozzi, and you can’t live in Italy without coming across references to him.

But until Giovanni sent me his simplified version, I’d assumed it wouldn’t be my sort of thing. I admit, I’ll generally avoid comedies (and Italian movies) if I can…

The story, though, had me laughing out loud. When I’d finished it, I searched online for the movie itself, and watched it several times!!

What’s the film about? Here’s the description from our online shop:

Ragionier Fantozzi, Ugo is an Italian everyman, though not a very happy one!

Ugo is ambivalent, to say the least, about his job and his family. He dares to hope for more from both his professional and personal lives, though never seems surprised when his ambitions are thwarted!

The 1971 book was a million-seller. And mention the 1975 film, on which our ‘easy reader’ is based, to any Italian to get them happily talking you through their favourite scenes.

For a rather different insight into Italian life and attitudes, don’t miss the unforgettable cultural meme that is Fantozzi!

Sounds fun? Then download the free sample chapter (.pdf) to check the format and level of the material.

Liked that? Fantozzi is 25% off the usual ebook easy-reader price this week, at just £5.99.

The offer is good until Sunday night.

But if it was too hard for you, or too easy?

No worries! Go browse the Italian section of our online shop, where’ll you surely find something more suited to your level.

Or pick study materials from our catalogue page, which lists everything by type and in level-order.

Buono studio, allora.

E buon divertimento!

FREE sample chapter | ‘Fantozzi’ ebook, just £5.99 | Classic movie ebooks | All Italian ebooksCatalogue

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You might also enjoy…

This week, EasyReaders.Org published a new ebook ‘easy reader’ for students of Italian.

Easy Italian readers - La Via Francigena - cover image It’s called La Via Francigena, and tells of the author’s 20-day, 300 kilometer trek down the pilgrim’s trail from Lucca in Tuscany to Rome, where he lives (and teaches Italian.)

This is an excellent read, comes with free online audio, and includes many stimulating exercises.

Better still, it’s 25% off the usual ‘easy reader’ price, at just £5.99, instead of £7.99.

What’s not to like?


It’s a C2 level.

Which means that for a typical student of Italian, it’s going to be too hard, with complex language and an audio recorded at normal, native-speaker speed.

But I don’t want to put you off.

Check it for yourself by clicking on the free sample chapter download link below.

And the audio?

You’ll find the link to the free online audio – the WHOLE story – at the top of Chapter 1).

La Via Francigena (C2) £5.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

Too fast, right?

Never mind.

Roberto, the author with the blisters, has done other ebooks for us, too.

And at various levels.

Below you’ll find details of all his previous ‘easy reader’ ebooks in level order, from the simplest to the most complex (and all with free sample chapters, and free online audio!)

Take a look.

There’s SURE to be something that you’ll enjoy!

A1-level (elementary)

Italian easy readers: Colpo di forbici - cover imageAntonio and Martina have been married for forty years and together run their own hairdressing salon. Naturally, they know everyone’s secrets, and like to help people if they can…

Colpo di forbici (A1) £7.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

Rosa is a good mother and an excellent grandmother… but an awful cook! When Valeria, Rosa’s health-conscious daughter, has a domestic emergency, Rosa is left to prepare lunch for her two grandchildren…Cover image: Rosa la cuoca disastrosa

Rosa la cuoca disastrosa (A1) £7.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

A1/2-level (pre-intermediate)

Two neigbours, who have long argued about noise levels in their apartment building, are stuck in a lift together. They press the alarm button, but no one answers their call for help…Italian easy readers - L'ascensore - cover image

L’ascensore (A1/2) £7.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

The Circo Garotti is the most famous circus in Italy. But lately its owner, Alvise, has been troubled by the disappearance of some of the circus’s performing animals… Can Alvise find out the truth behind these mysterious events?Cover image: Mistero al Circo Garotti

Mistero al Circo Garotti (A1/2) £7.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

A2/B1-level (low intermediate)

Italian easy readers - 2 giugno 1946 - cover imageBologna, 2nd of June 1946. Italy is slowly recovering from the devastating effects of World War II. A referendum has been organised to decide whether the reborn state will be a republic or continue as a monarchy. And for the first time in history, Italian women can go to the polls! Newly-wed Marcella is so excited at the prospect she barely slept last night. But her husband, Antonio, is unconvinced…

2 giugno 1946 (A2/B1) £7.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

B1/B2-level (intermediate)

Cover image: Le tante facce del futuroA politician, a prisoner, a child in hospital: a cast of characters imagine what the future holds for them in these eight short stories based on the use of the Italian future tense (plus, a riddle to solve!)

Le tante facce del futuro (B1/2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf)

B2-level (upper-intermediate)

Italian easy reaaders - Le italiane - cover imageA cool-headed resistance fighter, an Oscar-winning actor, a doctor, a singer, an Olympian, an astronaut, a TV presenter, and a victim of the mafia. What do they all have in common?

Read and listen to the moving stories of these eight determined Italian women to find out!

Le italiane (B2) £7.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

C2-level (very advanced)

“Venti giorni di cammino, di fatica, di entusiasmo e di scoperta. Venti giorni di avventura lungo una delle vie più importanti d’Europa, percorsa, negli ultimi mille anni, da principi, imperatori, cardinali, pellegrini, viandanti, giovani, vecchi, bambini, donne, uomini e animali. Una via che racchiude in sé la storia del nostro Paese, una storia fatta di accoglienza, generosità, passione e paesaggi mozzafiato: la Via Francigena.”Easy Italian readers - La Via Francigena - cover image

Join Italian teacher and author, Roberto Gamberini as he walks this famous route of pilgrimage from Lucca in Tuscany to Rome in Lazio.

La Via Francigena (C2) £5.99 | Download FREE sample (.pdf)

Still nothing?

We’ve published around a hundred ebooks for people learning Italian, including lots by other talented Italian teachers.

See them all, organised by level, on the Catalog page.

All have free sample chapters, so you can work up from easiest to hardest, level by level, downloading the free sample .pdfs until you find something that’s suitable for the point you’ve reached with your Italian.

Buona lettura!

Catalog | Ebooks for Italian | Other languages

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Last Few Days to Save 20% on Ebooks and Online Lessons!

A reminder – the EasyReaders.Org ‘Easter Sale’ ends in just a few days!

Don’t miss the chance to save 20% on ebooks for learning foreign languages and/or on one-to-one lessons with our team of expert online teachers.

The coupon code you need to get the discount is:

easter offer 2018

Ready to save big on your language learning??

Select materials and online lessons for the language or languages that you’re learning:

Italian | French | Spanish | German | Other languages

Or see EVERYTHING on the catalog page, all in one place, language by language.

Knock a fifth off the price of everything in your shopping cart by copying and pasting coupon code easter offer 2018 into the box (where it says ‘Apply coupon’).

Press the ‘Apply coupon’ button and scroll down (to check that the cart total has been discounted.)

If you need help, either with the coupon code or in choosing what might be most suitable for your level and situation, feel free to email us.

Full details of this offer are:

  • Coupon code easter offer 2018 gets you a 20% discount on everything in your cart
  • The coupon will work until midnight on Sunday 8th of April 2018
  • Use the coupon as often as you wish while the offer lasts…
  • There’s no minimum or maximum spend
  • Some items are already discounted, such as multipacks of ebooks or lesson credits. Save even more with the coupon code!
  • Pay with Amazon, Paypal, or by direct payment to our UK bank account
  • N.b. Coupon code easter offer 2018 can’t be used with other coupons.

Shop now!

Italian | French | Spanish | German | Other languages

Or visit the catalog page.

Four more days to go!


Don’t forget to use coupon code easter offer 2018

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Easter Sale: Save 20% on Ebooks and Online Lessons!

Just a quick email to let you know that the EasyReaders.Org ‘Easter Sale’ starts today!

Save an impressive 20% on ebooks for learning foreign languages and/or on one-to-one lessons with our team of online teachers.

The coupon code you need to get the discount is:

easter offer 2018

To reduce the price of everything by 20% compared to the prices shown in the shop, copy and paste the coupon code into the box in your shopping cart (where it says ‘Apply coupon’).

Then scroll down to check that the cart total has been discounted.

Here are full details of this offer:

  • The code above gets you a 20% discount on anything/everything
  • It’s valid until midnight on Sunday 8th of April 2018
  • There’s no minimum or maxium spend
  • Use the coupon as often as you wish while the offer lasts
  • It will even work on items which are already discounted such as ebook multipacks
  • But it can’t be used with other coupons…
  • Payment options include Amazon, Paypal, or direct payment to our UK bank account

If you need help, either with the coupon code or in choosing what might be most suitable for your level and situation, feel free to email me.

So, ready to save £££ and turbo charge your study program??

Click these links to choose materials and online lessons for the language or languages that you’re learning:

Italian | French | Spanish | German | All languages

Or (and this is a GOOD option) browse our catalog page.

It’ll show you everything, all in one place, language by language.

The catalog groups together material according to type (lessons, easy readers, ‘book of the film’, ‘parallel texts’, grammar workbooks, and so on), along with the prices and links to the product information page and to the downloadable free sample chapters.

View the catalog page.

Happy Easter!


Here’s that coupon code again: easter offer 2018

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New Italian ‘Easy Reader’ ebook – ‘Le italiane’ – Save 25%!

Italian easy reaaders - Le italiane - cover imageLearning Italian?

Intermediate-level or above?

Then do have a look at our latest ‘easy reader’ ebook (a simplified text with online audio), which this week is 25% off the usual price!

Le italiane‘ is an upper-intermediate level and would be ideal material to supplement an Italian course or online lessons.

‘Easy readers’ are original stories, written specifically for people like you who are learning a foreign language.

This one is non-fiction and contains profiles of eight noteworthy Italian women from different periods and different walks of life. All are engaging and interesting, even moving!

This material is intended to:

  • encourage you to read and listen to Italian
  • motivate you to study – you’ll want to find out what happens next!
  • help you consolidate the grammar and vocabulary you have already encountered
  • introduce you to new words and expressions

The author, Roberto Gamberini, is an experienced Italian teacher, currently working in Rome.

Find out more about ‘Le italiane‘ in our online shop.

Or click this link to download the free sample chapter (.pdf). Then you can take a look at the level of the material and see whether it’s right for you.

The .pdf file format is designed to open on just about anything – tablets, phones, computers and, of course computers – so you should have no problem viewing it.

But just to be sure, use the free sample chapter download to verify that the ebook will open on the device you intend to use it on.

Level and format fine?

Then remember, for just a few more days, you can get the complete version for just £5.99.

From Monday onwards, this ebook will sell for £7.99, just like our other easy readers for students of Italian.

But if this easy reader is TOO easy, or perhaps still too hard for your current level?

Or if the topic just doesn’t interest you that much?

So leaf through our catalog, where you’ll see all of our ebook titles, organised by language and level.

There is a wide range of ebooks for students learning Italian, but also titles for students of French, German, Spanish and other languages!

Buy ‘Le italiane’ | FREE sample chapter | Catalog | Browse shop

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New Italian ‘Easy Reader’ ebook on Caravaggio – Save 25%!

Italian easy reaaders - Caravaggio nei vicoli di Roma - cover image

Studying Italian?

Then take a look at our latest ‘easy reader’ ebook (simplified text + online audio), which this week is 25% off the usual price!

Caravaggio nei vicoli di Roma‘ is an upper-intermediate level. If you’ve got a few years of Italian under your belt, and now want something a bit different to supplement your Italian course or lessons, it’s ideal!

‘Easy readers’ are original stories, written specifically for people like you who are learning a foreign language. They’ll help you by:

  • encouraging you to read and listen to Italian
  • motivating you to study – you’ll want to find out what happens next!
  • consolidating the grammar and vocabulary you have already encountered
  • introducing you to new words and expressions

Caravaggio nei vicoli di Roma‘ (Caravaggio in the Alleyways of Rome) finds the famous artist in jail again, drunk as a lord and facing charges for throwing a plate of artichokes at a waiter…

Download the free sample chapter (.pdf) to take a look at the level of the material and see whether it’s right for you.

The .pdf file format is designed to open on just about anything – tablets, phones, computers and, of course computers – so you should have no problem viewing it.

But just to be sure, use the free sample chapter download to verify that the ebook will open on the device you intend to use it on.

Level and format fine?

Then don’t forget, this weekend only, you can get the complete version for just £5.99.

From Monday onwards, this ebook will sell for £7.99, just like the other stories in this series.

What about if this easy reader is TOO easy, or perhaps still too hard for your current level, or if the topic just doesn’t interest you that much?

Then browse our catalog, where you’ll see all of our titles, organised by language and level.

We have a wide range of ebooks for students learning Italian, but also titles in French, German, Spanish and other languages, too!

Buy ‘Caravaggio’ | FREE sample chapter | Catalog | Browse shop