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Half-price easy-reader Italian/French/Spanish/German ebook!

This week’s 50%-Off, easy-reader ‘eBook of the Week’ offer comes in four different language versions!

Read/listen to the story in Italian, French, Spanish or German. Or do as I am doing, and learn more than one of those languages at the same time! I’m reading and listening to the French and Spanish versions this week, one chapter of each per day.

Italian easy readers: il giocoliere

What’s the story about?

A student has her purse stolen on a crowded bus. It contains little of value, except a photograph which is precious to her…

The level of this story is A1-A2 (elementary/pre-intermediate), which means it’s suitable for more or less anyone, even if you’ve had no previous experience reading/listening to the language (or languages) you’re learning!

Normally £7.99, this week’s ebook offer is half price, so just £3.99!

For that, you get:

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • LANGUAGE/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at elementary/pre-intermediate level, or above

Find out more, leaf through the FREE sample chapters, or buy the full version, at half the usual price, with these links:

ITALIAN | Il giocoliere | Free Sample Chapter

FRENCH | Le jongleur | Free Sample Chapter

SPANISH | El malabarista | Free Sample Chapter

GERMAN | Der Jongleur | Free Sample Chapter

N.b. You’ll find the audio link (for the ENTIRE EBOOK) in the free sample chapters. Which means you could, in theory, listen to the whole story, no purchase necessary! Of course, it’s easier if you have the full text to follow along with…

Looked at the FREE sample chapter? Too easy or difficult?

No worries! You’ll find our range of ebooks in each of the above languages on the Catalog page, together with sample chapters and links to find out more about each title.

Use the sample chapters linked to from the Catalog page to select stories that interest you at a level which is more appropriate to where you currently are with your language-learning.


How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’, a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook (.mobi/Kindle-compatible, .epub) cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to those who request them.


For those of you learning Italian, Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news is ready to read/listen to.

Click here to begin improving your Italian reading and listening skills, for FREE!

And why not also subscribe to

That’s also completely free. Enter your email on this page to receive three Easy Italian News bulletins each and every week, with absolutely no obligation!

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Downloaded the FREE Italian/Spanish/French/German e-books, yet?

Yes, that’s correct.

At you can download two different types of ebook, for each of four different languages (Italian/Spanish/French/German), at a cost of ZERO!

The two FREE Italian ebooks are:

Il ristorante‘ is an ‘easy reader’, a simplified story with exercises and audio. It’s IDEAL for beginners!

La sorpresa‘ is an Italian/English parallel text, also intended for beginners. You get the original Italian, and an accompanying English translation, so you can compare the two versions line by line.

The two FREE Spanish ebooks are:

El restaurante‘ is an ‘easy reader’, a simplified story with exercises and audio. It’s IDEAL for beginners!

La sorpresa‘ is a Spanish/English parallel text, also intended for beginners. You get the original Spanish, and the accompanying English translation, so you can compare them line by line.

The two FREE French ebooks are:

Le restaurant‘ is an ‘easy reader’, a simplified story with exercises and audio. It’s IDEAL for beginners!

La surprise‘ is a French/English parallel text, also intended for beginners. You get the original French story, along with the accompanying English translation, so you can compare them line by line.

The two FREE German ebooks are:

Das Restaurant‘ is an ‘easy reader’, a simplified story with exercises and audio. It’s IDEAL for beginners!

Die Überraschung‘ is a German/English parallel text, also intended for beginners. You get the original German text, plus an accompanying English translation, so you can compare them line by line.

Which ebook will be best for you? The ‘easy reader’ (simplified text + audio) or the ‘parallel text’ (simplified text + translation)?

We recommend that you try both formats for the language or languages you’re learning, so you’ll know which best suits your style of learning!

N.b. Next week we’ll be having a half-price offer on another ebook, with versions in these same four languages, at a slightly higher level… More details to follow!

Browse our online shop:

There’s a convenient Catalog of ebooks for language learners, and online lesson options!

And/or check out our websites, which offer free material for learning languages: | | |

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Half-priced easy-reader ‘eBook of the Week’: La commediante

This week’s 50%-Off, easy-reader ‘eBook of the Week’ offer is the C1 (advanced) -level La commediante.

Italian easy readers - La commediante - cover image

Nel 1500 nasce in Italia un nuovo modo di fare teatro. Si tratta della “Commedia dell’arte”, un tipo di teatro popolare che prende vita nelle piazze.

Le rappresentazioni non si basavano su un copione ben definito ma, piuttosto, su un “canovaccio” ovvero una traccia generica della storia. Toccava poi agli attori improvvisare le battute.

Le “arti” erano le corporazioni dei lavoratori di uno stesso settore. C’era dunque anche una “arte” degli attori. Fino al 1564 le compagnie di attori erano composte di dieci uomini…

Lucrezia is a young prostitute, whose real passion is show business! And because a troupe of players is in town, the local priest is going to have to wait a little longer to see her. Instead of working this afternoon, she’ll get dressed and go down to the piazza to see the show (for the third time!)

The level of this story is C1 (advanced), so it’s suitable for students who already have some experience reading in Italian, or for those who have studied the language for a while and would now like a challenge!

Normally £7.99, La commediante is half price this week, so just £3.99!

For that, you get:

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at upper-intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

La commediante, just £3.99! | Free Sample Chapter | Catalog

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’, a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook (.mobi/Kindle-compatible, .epub) cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to those who request them.


Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news has just been published.

Click here to read/listen, for FREE!

And why not subscribe, if you haven’t already done so? That’s free, too!

Enter your email on this page and you’ll receive three Easy Italian News bulletins each and every week, with absolutely no obligation!

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Half-priced easy-reader ‘eBook of the Week’: ‘I Malavoglia’

This week’s 50%-Off, easy-reader ‘eBook of the Week’ offer is the B1 (intermediate) -level I Malavoglia.

Easy Italian readers - I Malavoglia - cover image

Giovanni Verga’s classic novel of a struggling family of fishermen is one of the best known works of Italian literature from the nineteenth century.

‘I Malavoglia’, literally ‘the Unwillings’ (an ironic nickname coined, in the Sicilian fashion of the day, by fellow villagers and fisherfolk) are an industrious extended family headed by ‘Ntoni, who fishes from the family’s boat, ‘la Provvidenza’, together with his son, Bastiano, and grandsons.

For generations, hard work and the strength of the family has been enough to ensure survival and respect. But one day, Bastiano’s eldest boy, called ‘Ntoni too, after his grandfather, is drafted to the military. Suddenly the hard-working family is short one set of hands: “nessuno può immaginarne le catastrofiche conseguenze…”

The level of this story is B1 (intermediate), so it’s suitable for anyone who already has some experience reading in Italian, or for those who have studied the language for a while and now would like to start practising it with our short, simplified versions of the classics of Italian literature!

Normally £7.99, I Malavoglia is half price this week, so just £3.99!

For that, you get:

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

I Malavoglia., just £3.99! | Free Sample Chapter | Catalog

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’, a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook (.mobi/Kindle-compatible, .epub) cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to those who request them.


Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news is ready for you to read/listen to.

Click here to begin improving your Italian reading and listening skills, for FREE!

And why not also subscribe to

That’s completely free, too. Just enter your email on this page to receive three Easy Italian News bulletins each and every week, with absolutely no obligation!

Unsubscribing is quick and easy, if you stop studying Italian…

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150 FREE Online Language Lessons Offer: just 36 hours left!!

Here’s a final reminder to snap up your free online language lesson, if you haven’t already done so.

There are only about 36 hours remaining of our Free Trial Online Language Lesson offer, which ends tomorrow night (Sunday February 14th 2021).

There won’t be another chance to try a FREE one-to-one online language lesson (Italian, French, Spanish or German) until November 2021.

This week we’ve already given away around a hundred and fifty FREE online lessons, worth £20 each.

But we still have the capacity and budget for a few more, so if you’d like to try an online lesson (via Skype or Zoom) with a native-speaker teacher, follow these links to claim yours:

Italian | Spanish | French | German | Catalog

N.b. There’s no need to buy one to get one free, and you don’t have to provide credit card or payment details. Anyone who wants to try a one-to-one online lesson, gets one for free!

Of course, the idea is that some of you will buy additional lesson credits and continue to learn this way. Others won’t, but that’s fine – hopefully those people will say nice things about us to others they know who are learning Italian/French/Spanish/German.

This offer is for new students only. The Free Trial Online Language Lesson offer is limited to one free online lesson per person.

Grab yours!

Italian | Spanish | French | German | Catalog

When we receive your order, our teaching management assistant will email you to find out what your needs and preferences are and WHEN you’d like to do your free lesson.

  • The Free Trial Online Italian Lesson offer ends on Sunday 14th February 2021
  • You don’t have to DO the lesson this week, just ‘order’ it
  • Around a hundred and fifty people have already signed up for a trial lesson, but there are a few slots still available
  • This offer is for NEW STUDENTS ONLY
  • If you booked a free trial last time but didn’t take it – try again!
  • But if you’ve already done a free trial in the past, sorry but this isn’t for you
  • Once you’ve completed your lesson, you’ll be sent a 15% discount coupon

View online lesson prices in our Catalog.

Then click one of these links to book your free trial Italian lesson:

Italian | Spanish | French | German

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Don’t forget the 150 FREE One-to-One Language Lessons!

Here’s a quick reminder: this week at EasyReaders.Org we’re giving away 150 FREE ONE-TO-ONE LANGUAGE LESSONS (the offer is for new students only.)

There are the just two opportunities each year to try an online lesson (via Skype or Zoom) with one of our native-speaker teachers – for FREE!

You don’t have to buy anything, or provide credit card details – all we need is your email address, so our teaching management assistant can contact you to organise your lesson.

This promotion is for new students only and is limited to one FREE lesson per person.

Here’s are the links you need to ‘order’ your free trial language lesson:

Italian | Spanish | French | German | Catalog

N.b. The offer ends on Sunday night, though that’s the deadline for responding to the offer, not for actually doing the lesson.

  • The Free Trial Online Language Lesson offer ends on Sunday 14/02/21
  • You don’t have to DO the lesson this week, just ‘order’ it
  • This offer is for NEW STUDENTS ONLY and is limited to one FREE lesson per person
  • If you ordered a free trial last time but didn’t take it – try again!
  • But if you’ve already done a free trial in the past, sorry but this isn’t for you
  • After your lesson, you’ll get a 15% discount coupon valid for your first purchase of one-to-one language lessons

Follow these links to ‘order’ your FREE trial language lesson:

Italian | Spanish | French | German | Catalog

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This Week, 150 FREE One-to-One Language Lessons!

It’s February, so time for our semi-annual ‘FREE One-to-One Language Lesson’ offer!

This week at EasyReaders.Org we’ll be giving away 150 FREE ONE-TO-ONE LANGUAGE LESSONS (the offer is for new students only.)

This is a promotion we do twice a year when things are otherwise quiet – the last one was in November 2020 and the next one will be in November 2021.

Twice a year we aim to give away a hundred and fifty free online language lessons, normally priced at £20 each.

Try an online lesson (via Skype or Zoom) with one of our native-speaker teachers, at a cost of exactly ZERO.

You don’t have to buy a lesson to get one free, we won’t even ask for your card details – all we need to organise your lesson is your email address, so our teaching management assistant can contact you to organise your lesson.

It’s a genuinely-free offer!

N.B. This promotion is for new students only. The free trial lesson offer is limited to one lesson per person.

To claim your FREE trial one-to-one lesson, follow these links to our online shop:

Italian | Spanish | French | German | Catalog

Once we’ve received your order (there’s no payment stage, don’t worry), our teaching management assistant will contact you to find out what your needs and preferences are and, importantly, WHEN you’d like to do your free lesson.

That could take a few hours, or as long as a day or two, so be patient. If you don’t see an email from our team in your inbox, please check the spam/junk folders before writing to us. 

N.b. There’s no rush to do the free trial lesson, which doesn’t have to be this week – the offer ends on Sunday night (Feb. 14th 2021), but that’s just a promotional deadline, not a limit for actually doing the lesson.

  • The Free Trial One-to-One Language Lesson offer ends on Sunday, 14/02/21
  • No need to actually DO the lesson this week, just ‘order’ it
  • Remember: this offer is for NEW STUDENTS ONLY
  • If you ordered a free trial last time but didn’t take it – do try again!
  • But if you’ve already done a free trial in the past, sorry…
  • After completing your lesson, you’ll be sent a 15% discount coupon

Ready to order your FREE trial one-to-one lesson?

Italian | Spanish | French | German | Catalog

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From Monday 8th February: 150 FREE Online Language Lessons!

It’s February, so ALMOST time for our semi-annual ‘Free Trial Online Lesson’ offer – and this time it’s not just Italian lessons we’re giving away, but one-to-one Spanish, French and German lessons too!

Next week at EasyReaders.Org, 150 FREE ONLINE LANGUAGE LESSONS are up for grabs (the offer begins on Monday 8th February and is for new students only.)

This is a promotion we do twice a year, when things are otherwise quiet – the last one was in November 2020, the February offer is next week, and the next promotion of this type won’t be until November 2021.

Each time we do this offer, we aim to give away a hundred and fifty free online language lessons, which are normally priced at £20 each (you’d pay less per lesson for packs of ten, twenty or thirty 30-minute lesson credits – see prices.)

So why not try an online lesson (via Skype or Zoom) with one of our friendly mother-tongue teachers, at a cost of exactly ZERO? We have hundreds of online students, mostly of Italian but now also for other languages, and most of them began this way, with a free trial. Read genuine, unedited customer reviews in our online shop, for example here.

N.b. You don’t have to buy a lesson to get one free, we won’t even ask for your card details – all we need to organise your lesson is your email address (which you see, we already have…), so our teaching management assistant can arrange for a suitable member of our teaching team to contact you to organise your lesson.

Before allocating a teacher, we’ll email you a brief questionnaire to find out your existing level in the language you want to practice, and whether you have any particular needs or preferences for your 30-minute trial.

Be assured – this is a genuinely-free offer! But if you’re uninterested in hearing more about next week’s promotion?

Each ‘bulk’ emailed article we send out, including this one, has an UNSUBSCRIBE LINK, normally at the bottom. If you’d prefer not to hear from us in future, SCROLL DOWN NOW and click the unsubscribe link – it takes just seconds to permanently remove your email address from our database.

Offer details:

  • The Free Trial Online Lesson offer begins on Monday February 8th and ends on Sunday February 14th 2021
  • There’s no need to actually DO your free lesson that week, just ‘book’ it
  • This offer is for NEW STUDENTS ONLY
  • If you booked a free trial last time but didn’t take it – do try again!
  • But if you’ve already done a free trial in the past, sorry but this is not for you…
  • After completing your lesson, you’ll be sent a 15% discount coupon which gets you a one-time discount on future online lessons, to incentivize you continue (view prices)
  • Besides that coupon, we have four 20%-Off promotions each year (in the spring, the summer, the fall, and at New Year), so most of our regular students pay 20% less than the prices you see in the shop, here

Browse our catalog of language lessons and ebooks, where you’ll also find free ebook downloads for learners of Italian, Spanish, French, German and certain other languages.

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25% Off New Italian Easy Reader Ebook: Decameron

Italian easy reader ebooks - Decameron - cover image

Yesterday we published a new, B1/2-level, easy Italian reader ebook, ‘Decameron‘, the newest addition to our ‘Literature series‘!

Iniziato nel 1348 all’indomani della peste, il Decameron è una raccolta di cento novelle, scritte con un linguaggio che fa del Boccaccio il vero iniziatore della prosa narrativa italiana. Le novelle sono di diversa lunghezza, narrano avventure straordinarie ma anche fatti quotidiani…

… and some of them made me laugh out loud! Picture an Italian ‘The Canterbury Tales’ and you’ll have a good idea what to expect. Our Italian-teacher writer has selected just eight of the tales for us, and rewritten them in modern Italian. Thirty pages of text and approximately forty minutes of online audio, which together offer an entertaining insight into fourteenth century Florence, and the origins of Italian literature.

Find out more about this story in our online shop and/or check out the Free Sample Chapter (.pdf), to get an idea of the length, level and format of the ebook.

At the top of Chapter 1 in the free sample chapter download (.pdf) there’s a link to the online audio. The audio version of the entire story is available to listen to, FREE, even if you don’t buy the ebook, though, obviously, having the full text will make it easier.

As always, this first week only, ‘Decameron‘ is 25% off – so just £5.99 rather than the usual ‘easy reader’ price of £7.99!

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .ePub and Mobi (Kindle-compatible) versions available at no extra cost (just ask)
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level or above
  • LAUNCH OFFER (until 31/01/21) just £5.99!
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Once your order is completed, normally as soon as the payment has cleared, you will receive a download link for the full version of the ebook. It’s valid for 7 days / 3 download attempts, so save the .pdf ebook in a safe place on your device!

Buy ‘Decameron‘, just £5.99! | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) | ‘Literature series‘ | Catalog


Don’t forget today’s bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news, which is now ready for you to read/listen to online, FREE!

It’s also FREE to subscribe to  – subscribers receive each thrice-weekly, simplified Italian news bulletin (online audio plus supporting text) via email, each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday!

Enter your email address on this page, look out for the ‘please confirm’ email (and click the link it contains) and you’ll be reminded to read/listen to Italian each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday!

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TWO Half-Price ‘eBooks of the Week’: a Movie and a Novel

This week we have TWO 50%-Off ‘eBooks of the Week’ for you, one is a simplified retelling of a classic Italian movie, while the other is our short version of a famous novel. It’s a culture feast, but specifically for language-learners!

Cover image: Amarcord

Directed by the brilliant Federico Fellini, ‘Amarcord’ is a masterpiece of Italian movie history. The title means “I remember” in dialect. The movie is Fellini’s heartfelt homage to his hometown, Rimini. Through the eyes of Titta – the young protagonist – we meet some of Rimini’s characters and live through a typical year in the town’s life in the early 1930s.

The level of this story is A2-B1 (pre-intermediate/intermediate) so it’s suitable for more or less anyone, other than complete beginners. As is this week’s second ‘easy Italian reader’ offer, at a B1 (intermediate) level:

Italian 'easy reader' ebook - La coscienza di Zeno - cover image

Italo Svevo’s self-published 1923 novel takes the form of memoirs written by his protagonist, Zeno, a sick young man who is undergoing the new therapy of psychoanalysis and writing down his thoughts – on the instructions of his doctor, who later betrays him – as part of that process.

Follow poor Zeno as he explores his addictive personality, acquires a wife and later a lover, grieves for his dead father, fails at business, and eventually, many years later comes to the realisation that…

Normally £7.99, both of these easy reader ebooks are half price this week, so just £3.99.

For that you get:

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at pre-intermediate level or above

And as always, there are FREE SAMPLE CHAPTERS available for each ebook. Just follow the links below to download them. N.b. You can listen to the entire story for free using the link in the sample chapter.

And if you love it? Then buy the full text – at a fantastic discount!

Amarcord, just £3.99! | Free Sample Chapter

La coscienza di Zeno, just £3.99! | Free Sample Chapter

What if those two are too easy, or too difficult, for your current level? Go check out our catalog page to find all of our ebook easy readers listed by type, and in level order (all with FREE sample chapters to read/listen to…)

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’,, which normally happens immediately after your payment is cleared, a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please open the emails our shop software sends and save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook (.mobi/Kindle-compatible, .epub) cannot be downloaded but will be emailed manually to those who request them.


Today’s free bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news is ready for you to listen to and read. Click here to take a look!

Subscribing to is also completely free. Just enter your email on this page to receive the three, weekly Easy Italian News bulletins (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) as soon as they are published, directly to your email inbox, and with absolutely no obligation!