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FREE Online Italian Lesson Offer Next Week!

Here’s a quick ‘heads up!’ about something we have planned for next week at EasyReaders.Org.

Ever wondered what it would be like to take a one-to-one lesson, online, with a native-speaker Italian teacher?

Just you and the teacher.

You could do conversation, work through some grammar, ask for study tips or help with pronunciation. Whatever you want.

So next week? You’ll get the chance to find out!

From the morning of Nov. 4th 2019 until the night of Sunday 10th November 2019, we’ll be having our semi-annual ‘FREE Online Italian Lesson Offer’ (the other one was, and will be, in February.)

The promotion is aimed at attracting new online students, obviously.

The idea is to give people a chance to try a thirty-minute online lesson with one of our team of Italian teachers with absolutely no commitment.

By that I mean we don’t ask for credit card details and you don’t have to pay anything. In fact, there’s no obligation or cost whatsoever.

How will this offer work?

See the page below?

Skype Italian Lessons

You can see there are three options:

On Monday, the price of the first one, 1 x 30-minute Italian lesson £20, will be reduced from £20 to £0.

This offer is for NEW STUDENTS ONLY (we have a list of people who have done a free lesson during previous offers).

If you’d like to try an online lesson, on us, all you have to do (next week – not now) is:

  1. Select the 1 x 30-minute Italian lesson £20 product, which by then will be marked at £0
  2. Add it to your Cart
  3. Proceed with your order in the usual way, except that THERE WILL BE NO PAYMENT STAGE

We’ll need your name and email, obviously.

When we get your confirmed order, our teaching manager (her name is Lucia) will email you to find out what your needs are and when you would like to do your lesson.

That might take a few days if demand is considerable.

When you reply, Lucia will then match you up with an online teacher and put the two of you in contact.

N.b. You don’t actually have to DO the online lesson next week, just book it through the online shop (as outlined above.) So if you’re travelling, or insanely busy, just find a moment to do that and worry about the rest later.

One final thing – once you’ve taken your lesson, Lucia will send you a coupon code to get you a discount on Skype Italian Lessons, should you choose to do some more…

We hope you will!

So that’s next week, starting on Monday 4th November 2019.

In the mean time, why not check out our Catalogue Page, which shows our full range of language-learning options and materials?

Alla prossima settimana!

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Final Ebook in our Historical Mystery Trilogy: Save 25%!

Over the last two weeks we’ve published two new Italian easy reader ebooks, both historical mysteries, Anselmo e l’omicidio di Giovanni Borgia and Anselmo e la moglie spagnola.

So this week there’s the third and final ebook in the trilogy, which recounts the adventures our Borgia-era apothecary: Anselmo e l’avvelenamento del Papa.

Italian easy reader ebooks - Anselmo e l'avvelenamento del Papa - cover image

Anselmo, once known as Rome’s go-to man for unsolvable probems (see the two previous volumes in this trilogy: Anselmo e l’omicidio di Giovanni Borgia and Anselmo e la moglie spagnola), has made a new life with his twin brother Paolo in Belgium, far to the north of the intrigues and dangers of the Papal court.

Life is good. Both Anselmo and Paolo are successful men. But they can’t help following the news and gossip from Rome: Cesare Borgia has had notable military success at the head of the French armies so it now seems that his father, Pope Alessandro VI, is in an unassailable position of power and wealth.

Then one day a letter arrives: Cesare’s syphilis has reoccurred and he once more needs Anselmo’s help.

Paolo, Anselmo’s identical twin, is concerned. But then an idea occurs – accompanying his brother to Rome would be an unmissable chance to see court life at first hand!

Volume 1 of the Anselmo trilogy is ‘Anselmo e l’omicidio di Giovanni Borgia‘, Volume 2 is Anselmo e la moglie spagnola). Volume 3 is Anselmo e l’avvelenamento del Papa.

As always, there’s a Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) so you can get a better idea of the level and length of the material.

Save the .pdf on your computer, or print it to study in the old-fashioned way. And did you know? The entire story is available to listen to FREE online, so if you just want to practice your listening, no purchase is required! There’s a link to the online audio in the Free Sample Chapter (.pdf).

This first week only Anselmo e l’avvelenamento del Papa is 25% off the usual easy reader price at just £5.99!

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .ePub and Mobi (Kindle-compatible) versions available at no extra cost (just ask)
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/Italian glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level (no English!)
  • Suitable for students at intermediate and advanced levels
  • LAUNCH OFFER (until 27/10/19) just £5.99!
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Your ebook will be emailed to you within 24 hours of purchase.

Or find easier material in our catalog!


And/or why not read and listen for free to Tuesday’s bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news, which was published just an hour or two ago?

N.b. It’s possible to subscribe to, which is totally free, and so get each thrice-weekly edition of simplified Italian news (with audio!) directly in your email inbox.

What’s not to like about that?

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25% Off the Second Ebook in our Historical Mystery Trilogy!

LAST WEEK we published a new easy Italian reader ebook, a historical mystery, Anselmo e l’omicidio di Giovanni Borgia.

It was the first in a trilogy featuring Anselmo the apothecary, a Borgia-era fixer cum solver of mysteries.

Easy Italian readers - Anselmo e la moglie spagnola - cover image

THIS WEEK then, we have the second of the three ebooks recounting the adventures our pharmacist/detective: Anselmo e la moglie spagnola.

Meet Anselmo the apothecary, now owner of the most successful pharmacy in Bruges, but formerly of Rome, where he was known as the man to turn to with probems no one else could fix.

A pair of dark-haired horsemen arrive at Anselmo’s home in Belgium having galloped for weeks north through Europe. Their employers, Spanish aristocrats who married into the Borgia family, now find their lives in danger because of a new alliance between the Pope and the French. Will Anselmo help?

Of course, the apothecary can’t refuse a plea for help. Nor the chance to return once more to the court of the Borgias, the setting for his first adventure three years earlier.

There’s a Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) so you can get a better idea of the level and length of the material.

Save the .pdf on your computer, or print it to study in the old-fashioned way. There’s a link to the online audio in the sample chapter – the entire story is available to listen to FREE online, no purchase required.

As usual, this first week only Anselmo e la moglie spagnola is 25% off the usual easy reader price at just £5.99!

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .ePub and Mobi (Kindle-compatible) versions available at no extra cost (just ask)
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate and advanced levels
  • LAUNCH OFFER (until 20/10/19) just £5.99!
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Your ebook will be emailed to you within 24 hours of purchase.

(Vol. 1.) Anselmo e l’omicidio di Giovanni Borgia | (Vol. 2.) Anselmo e la moglie spagnola | Find easier material in our catalog


Today’s bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news has just been published. Read/listen to it
HERE. For free!

Or subscribe, which is also free, and get each thrice-weekly edition directly in your email inbox!

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New Ebook, 25% Off: Anselmo e l’omicidio di Giovanni Borgia

If you like both mysteries and history, you’ll love this week’s new easy Italian reader ebook: Anselmo e l’omicidio di Giovanni Borgia.

Italian easy readers - Anselmo e l'omicidio di Giovanni Borgia - cover image

Meet Anselmo the apothecary, one of the few educated men of his day. And it’s because of his learning that he’s occasionially called upon by the powerful when they need help resolving their problems.

This time, the apothecary’s task is to discover who was behind the killing of the Pope’s son. Certainly a learned man should be able to figure it out! An important political alliance depends on his answer, not least the unity of the Borgias themselves, a powerful ruling family who are famous for their power struggles and indfidelities.

As Anselmo soon learns, though, it appears to be in nobody’s interest for him to actually find the truth. And in an age in which only power really matters, he’s playing a dangerous game…

The level is C1/C2 (advanced) so it’s suitable for anyone who already has some experience reading in Italian.

There’s a Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) so you can get a better idea of the level and length of the material.

Save the .pdf on your computer, or print it to study in the old-fashioned way. There’s a link to the online audio in the sample chapter – the entire story is available to listen to FREE online, no purchase required.

As usual, this first week only Anselmo e l’omicidio di Giovanni Borgia is 25% off the usual easy reader price at just £5.99!

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .ePub and Mobi (Kindle-compatible) versions available at no extra cost (just ask)
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate and advanced levels
  • LAUNCH OFFER (until 13/10/19) just £5.99!
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Your ebook will be emailed to you within 24 hours of purchase.

Buy ‘Anselmo e l’omicidio di Giovanni Borgia‘ | Download the free sample chapter (.pdf) | Browse catalog


Want to improve your Italian but can’t spend any cash just now?

So listen to today’s bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news.

You can subscribe, and so receive regular simplified news bulletins in Italian via email (text plus audio), also at ZERO COST!

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Autumn/Fall Sale Ending: Last Chance to Save 20%!

A quick reminder about the EasyReaders.Org 2019 Autumn/Fall Sale, which is ending in a little under thirty-six hours, at midnight on Sunday 29th September.

The cost of EVERYTHING at – online lessons with native speaker teachers, ebooks for learning languages, ‘easy readers’, ‘parallel texts’ – will be reduced by 20% when you use this coupon code:


For example?

Well, ten thirty-minute online lessons with a native speaker teacher (Italian, French, Spanish, German…) would normally cost you £150 (just £15 a lesson).

But with the above coupon code, that figure is reduced to just £120 (£12 a lesson), which is like getting two free lessons!

Or what about this?

An ebook ‘easy reader’ (simplified text + audio) or ‘parallel text’ (simplified text + translation), both of which are ideal for supplementing a more traditional language course, would normally cost £7.99.

But with the coupon code, you could buy several, perhaps at different levels (so anticipating the progress you will make this year) and get MORE learning material for your money.

Add five ebooks to your cart and the twenty percent saving means you’ll only be paying for four. Choose ten but pay for eight, and so on.

So how exactly can you save money on your language-learning?

First, make your selection of one-to-one online lesson options and ebooks from our catalog page.

(Or view only the language that interests you with these links: Italian | French | Spanish | German | Other languages.)

Then go to your shopping cart and apply coupon code Autumn-Sale-2019 to reduce the cart total by 20%.

Remember: the coupon code is only good until tomorrow night, Sunday 29th September.

Find some time today to stock up on the online lesson credits, easy readers, parallel texts and grammar workbooks that you will need to make progress with your chosen foreign language!

Once again, the coupon code to use in your cart to reduce the published prices by a full 20% is:


Browse the catalog now!

Or go directly to the language you’re studying: Italian | French | Spanish | German | Other languages.

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Don’t Miss Saving 20% on Ebooks & online Italian Lessons!

Don’t forget the EasyReaders.Org 2019 Autumn/Fall Sale!

Make your selections from our online catalog:

And until Sunday night, save 20% on our whole range of ebooks for learning foreign languages, and/or on one-to-one lessons with our team of online teachers using coupon code:


Copy and paste the coupon code (above in bold) into the box in your shopping cart (where it says ‘Apply coupon’).

Then scroll down to check that the cart total has been discounted.

  • The code above gets you a 20% discount on anything!
  • It’s valid until midnight on Sunday 29th September 2019
  • There’s no minimum or maxium spend
  • Use the coupon as often as you wish while the offer lasts
  • It will even work on items which are already discounted such as ebook multipacks
  • But it can’t be used with other coupons…
  • Payment options include Amazon, Paypal, or direct payment to our UK bank account

Email us if you need help, either with the coupon code or in choosing what might be most suitable for your level and situation.

Browse our catalog page, which shows everything, all in one place, language by language, and organised by type and in level order.

Or click these links to choose materials and online lessons for the language or languages that you’re learning:

Italian | French | Spanish | German | All languages


Don’t forget to use the coupon code!

It’s: Autumn-Sale-2019

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Autumn Sale Starts Today: Save 20% on Ebooks and Lessons!

Just a quick email to let you know that the EasyReaders.Org ‘2019 Autumn/Fall Sale’ starts today!

Which means that you can save 20% on our whole range of ebooks for learning foreign languages, and/or on one-to-one lessons with our team of online teachers.


If you would prefer NOT to hear about the 2019 Autumn/Fall Sale, use the ‘Unsubscribe’ link, which you should find either at the top or at the bottom of this article, to permanently remove your email address from our mailing list.

Where was I? Ah yes… The coupon code you need to save 20% on ebooks and lessons is:


To reduce the price of everything by 20% compared to the prices shown in the shop, copy and paste the coupon code (above in bold) into the box in your shopping cart (where it says ‘Apply coupon’).

Then scroll down to check that the cart total has been discounted.

Here are full details of this offer:

  • The code above gets you a 20% discount on anything!
  • It’s valid until midnight on Sunday 29th September 2019
  • There’s no minimum or maxium spend
  • Use the coupon as often as you wish while the offer lasts
  • It will even work on items which are already discounted such as ebook multipacks
  • But it can’t be used with other coupons…
  • Payment options include Amazon, Paypal, or direct payment to our UK bank account

If you need help, either with the coupon code or in choosing what might be most suitable for your level and situation, feel free to email me.

So, ready to save £££ and turbo charge your study program??

Click these links to choose materials and online lessons for the language or languages that you’re learning:

Italian | French | Spanish | German | All languages

Or browse our catalog page, which shows everything, all in one place, language by language, and organised by type and in level order.

There you’ll find our full range of lessons, easy readers, ‘book of the film’, ‘parallel texts’, grammar workbooks, and so on.

Along with the prices and links to the product information page and to the downloadable free sample chapters.

Visit the catalog page.

Or browse only the language that you’re currently studying:

Italian | French | Spanish | German | other languages


Here’s that coupon code again: Autumn-Sale-2019

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Save 25% on the new ‘Best of 2018-2019’

This week we’re celebrating the first anniversary of our sister website,, by publishing an ebook containing a selection of news stories and feature articles from their first year.

Best of 2018-2019 - cover image

This ebook is rather longer than usual at 78 pages and so will sell for £9.99. But, as usual, this first week you can save 25% and so get a copy for just £7.99.

Take a look at the free sample chapter (.pdf) – actually it’s several chapters. There’s no audio with this one, just text, but there are glossaries of difficult words for each topic area. And of course, it’s excellent reading practice for learners of Italian!

The full version is available for purchase from our online shop: Best of 2018-2019.

But wait!

Did you, at any point in the last twelve months, donate to

That site is funded directly by readers. You can see the names of people who helped us out here. (Some chose to remain anyonymous…)

We kept a list of donor emails with the idea of sending a FREE COPY of the planned ebook to everyone who helped us out during our first year – now done!

If you gifted money at any point, check your inbox, spam folder and so on for an email (sent yesterday – Monday 17th Sept.) about how to get your free ebook.

HOWEVER, our mailing system will have screened out the email addresses of anyone who unsubscribed from one of our mailing lists (there are several) or marked any email we sent as spam, so as to ensure that people aren’t disturbed by emails they’d prefer not to see.

Did you donate but subsequently get tired of receiving ‘easy’ news bulletins or emails from one of our other lists?

Then you may not have received the email with instructions on how to get your free ebook.

If you’d like it anyway, just email and we’ll find a way to get your copy to you!


Every ‘bulk’ email we send, for example this article, has an unsubscribe link, either at the top, the bottom, or both. If you’d rather not receive emails from us, click it and so specify. As I mentioned above, once someone has unsubscribed, that’s it. No more emails.

BUT, if your email address is on more than one list (for example or as well as this one), you may need to unsubscribe separately for each. This is because we use three different mailing systems. For help with unsubscribing, or anything else, just email us!

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Save 25% on our new ebook: ‘L’imperatore e i giochi’

Give your Italian study program a boost this week with our exciting, new easy Italian reader ebook: L’imperatore e i giochi.

It’s set in ancient Rome, and there are gladiators!

The level is B1/B2 (intermediate) so it’s suitable for anyone who’s been learning Italian for a while already…

And this week only L’imperatore e i giochi is 25% off the usual easy reader price, so just £5.99!

So what’s it about?

‘The philosopher’, Marco Aurelio (121 – 180 CE), was the last of the ‘Five Good Emperors’ who ruled during the Pax Romana, an age of relative peace and stability.

Join him and his son as they head off to the Colosseum for an afternoon of ‘entertainment’ – watching gladiators fight to the death.

The boy can’t wait! But his father is less than enthusiastic…

Download the Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) to read more and to get an idea of the level and length of the material.

Save the .pdf on your computer, or print it to study in the old-fashioned way. There’s a link to the online audio in the sample chapter – the entire story is available to listen to FREE online, no purchase required.

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .ePub and Mobi (Kindle-compatible) versions available at no extra cost (just ask)
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level or above
  • LAUNCH OFFER (until 15/09/19) just £5.99!
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Your ebook will be emailed to you within 24 hours of purchase.

Buy ‘L’imperatore e i giochi‘ | Download the free sample chapter (.pdf) | Browse catalog


Don’t forget to listen to today’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news, will you? Here’s the link:

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Something new to read/listen to (and save 25%!)

If you’ve been learning Italian for years now, you may need something fresh to read/listen to, so as to stay motivated.

This week at EasyReaders.Org we have a new, ‘easy’ Italian reader for you: ‘Il mistero della quercia‘.

And besides being hot off the presses?

It’s 25% off the usual easy reader price between now and Sunday, at just £5.99!

Easy Italian readers - Il mistero della quercia - cover image

Why does a village traffic accident, which resulted in no injuries besides some damage to a roadside oak tree, have everyone so worried?

Luisa, who’s spending a month with her grandparents, will keep asking questions until someone tells her what’s going on!

What is ‘Il mistero della quercia’?

Download the Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) to read more and to get an idea of the level and length of the material.

Save the .pdf on your computer, or print it to study in the old-fashioned way. There’s a link to the online audio in the sample chapter – the entire story is available to listen to FREE online, no purchase required.

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .ePub and Mobi (Kindle-compatible) versions available at no extra cost (just ask)
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at upper-intermediate level or above
  • LAUNCH OFFER (until 01/09/19) just £5.99!
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Your ebook will be emailed to you within 24 hours of purchase.

Buy ‘Il mistero della quercia‘ | Download the free sample chapter (.pdf) | Browse catalog


Also today, don’t forget to listen to Tuesday’s bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news: – it’s FREE!