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2022 Summer Sale! Save 20% on Online Lessons & Ebooks

Our 2022 Summer Sale Sale has begun!

Which means that students of Italian, Spanish, French or German can save 20% on ebooks and online lessons, one to one with a native speaker teacher, via Skype or Zoom.

A reminder – we have recently separated the ebooks from the lessons, so as to make it easier for people to find what they need (and easier for us to organise things!)

Which means we now have two different online stores, and, named to make it obvious where you should go for what…

Everything in both stores – online lessons with native-speaker teachers, ebooks for learning foreign languages, easy readers, parallel texts – is a fifth cheaper (if you remember to use the coupon code 2022-Summer-Sale-20%-Off )

You could buy ten one-to-one language lessons while paying for only eight, so two extra lessons of speaking and listening practice, on us!

Or pop 5 ebooks into your shopping cart (reading and listening practice is essential), yet pay for just four of them!

Use the following coupon code to save £££ on your order:


First make your selection from the one-to-one online lesson options and/or from our range of ebooks, which have been especially written to keep you interested and so making progress.

Then go to your shopping cart (carts, if you are stocking up on both lessons and ebooks) and apply coupon code 2022-Summer-Sale-20%-Off to reduce the cart total by 20%. Scroll down to verify that the cart total has been reduced by 20% BEFORE proceeding with your payment…

The coupon code is good until midnight on Sunday 10th July 2022.

You can use it as often as you wish, with no minimum or maximum spend.

Restrictions? Small print?

The coupon code can’t be used together with any other coupon code you may already have.

Besides that, no.

So do find some time this week to stock up on online lesson credits, easy readers, parallel texts and grammar workbooks – at an unbeatable price!

One-to-one lessons via Skype or Zoom | Ebooks for learning languages


Here’s that coupon code again:


And here’s where you can use it:

The next sale won’t be until the end of September, so a long way off!

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2022 Summer Sale from Monday! Online lessons & ebooks -20%!

Next week we’re having our 2022 Summer Sale!

Which means that students of Italian, Spanish, French or German can save 20% on ebooks and online lessons, one to one with a native speaker teacher, via Skype or Zoom.

A reminder – we have recently separated the ebooks from the lessons, so as to make it easier for people to find what they need (and easier for us to organise things!)

Which means we now have two different online stores, and, named to make it obvious where you should go for what…

Everything in both stores – online lessons with native-speaker teachers, ebooks for learning foreign languages, easy readers, parallel texts – will be a fifth cheaper with the coupon code, which we’ll publish on Monday.

You could buy ten one-to-one language lessons while paying for only eight, so two extra lessons of speaking and listening practice, on us!

Or pop 5 ebooks into your shopping cart (reading and listening practice is essential), yet pay for just four of them!

Watch out for an email with the coupon code at the start of next week!

No longer interested?

All bulk emails we send contain an unsubscribe link, usually at the bottom. Scroll down to find it, click the link and select ‘unsubscribe’. That will permanently remove your email address from our mailing list.

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NEW EASY READER EBOOK: Garibaldi sul ‘Piemonte’, -25%

Easy Italian readers - Garibaldi sul 'Piemonte' - cover image

This week is publishing another in our series of history-themed Italian easy reader ebooks.

The new ‘easy reader’ ebook is Garibaldi sul ‘Piemonte’, and the level is B2/C1, so upper-intermediate/advanced.

Until Sunday 26th June it’s discounted 25% compared to the usual ‘easy reader’ price, so just £5.99 rather than £7.99.

Check out the Free Sample Chapter (.pdf), to verify the length, level and format of the ebook.

An original Italian easy reader by Francesca Colombo

Nel 1860 l’Italia non è ancora un unico paese: è divisa in piccoli stati che vengono costantemente attaccati e invasi dalle grandi potenze europee. In questo periodo il sud Italia, dalla Sicilia a Napoli, è occupato dai Borboni. Ed è proprio da qui che il marinaio genovese rivoluzionario e repubblicano Garibaldi e mille volontari (“garibaldini”) spinti dallo spirito patriottico e dall’amore per la libertà, iniziano l’opera di liberazione e unificazione del paese.

“Voi sapete che questa riunione è segreta, giusto? Non potete dire niente a nessuno, ci siamo capiti?!” chiede ansiosamente Raffaele Rubattino, il grande costruttore e proprietario di navi ai tre uomini presenti. Poi si alza dalla sedia e si stropiccia la faccia con la mano.

“Oh mio Dio, cosa sto facendo!” dice Rubattino ridendo nervosamente. Garibaldi, seduto su una sedia di legno, lo guarda con un sorriso sereno, si gratta la barba bionda, si passa una mano fra i capelli lunghi e pettinati all’indietro e poi nasconde le braccia nel suo poncho. Alle sue spalle stanno in piedi Pasquale e Pietro, due garibaldini che lo hanno accompagnato all’incontro. Entrambi sono venditori del mercato, abituati a fare affari, ma questa volta non si tratta di vendere frutta e formaggi!

Garibaldi, che fino a quel momento è rimasto in silenzio, prende la parola con il suo tono autoritario e calmo: “Vi ripeto il piano, signor Rubattino. I vostri lavoratori lasceranno le due navi, che chiameremo il Piemonte e il Lombardo, giù nel porto. Poi i miei uomini le prenderanno. Sembrerà un furto, e con le navi rubate partiremo da Quar…”

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Garibaldi sul ‘Piemonte’ just £5.99! | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) | History-themed easy reader ebooks | Catalog

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment is confirmed), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook (.mobi/Kindle-compatible, .epub) cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them.


Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news (text + online audio) from was just published. Take a few minutes of your day to read/listen to it!

And, if you like it, why not subscribe (that’s also free), and so receive all future bulletins via email?

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New ‘eBook of the Movie’ Easy Reader (and 25% coupon code!)

On Sunday we published a new ‘easy reader’ ebook, Lo chiamavano Trinità. The level B1/B2, so intermediate.

Italian easy readers - Lo chiamavano Trinità - cover image

We also activated a coupon code ( 25%OFFMovieEasyReaders ), which will get you a discount on any/all of our ‘ebook of the classic movie’ easy Italian readers.


That’s because of the 25% coupon code. To get this new one for the usual 25%’just published’ discount, you should use this coupon code:


Copy and paste the coupon code, carefully, into the space in your cart and it will reduce the price of this one, and any other ‘ebook of the classic movie’ easy readers you select, by 25%, which means £5.99 rather than the usual £7.99.

Once you’re in your cart and you’ve carefully pasted in coupon code 25%OFFMovieEasyReaders and pressed the ‘Apply Coupon’ button, scroll down and check that the discount has been applied to the CART TOTAL, rather than to the individual items.

‘Lo chiamavano Trinità’ (English language title ‘They Call Me Trinity’) is a 1970 spaghetti western comedy, filmed in Italy’s Lazio region and starring Italian actors Bud Spencer and Terence Hill (real names Carlo Pedersoli and Mario Girotti). The duo were and still are famous in Italy and Europe for the many films they made together, movies which were usually characterised by a gentle irony and by the regular punch-ups that substituted for the bloodier violence of other genres.

Giovanni Galavotti’s re-telling of the story of the film for learners of Italian makes a great introduction before watching the movie itself (ideally in Italian!) Or it can be used simply as supplementary reading/listening material which, for lovers of the wild west, is guaranteed to liven up your study program!

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at B1/B2 level and above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Lo chiamavano Trinità, just £5.99 (IF you remember to use the coupon code) | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) | ALL FILM EBOOKS | | Catalog


How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook (.mobi/Kindle-compatible, .epub) cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them.


Tuesday’s bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news is ready for you to read/listen to, for FREE!

And if you subscribe, you’ll receive three bulletins like that one each week, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Also FREE!

Subscribe here.

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‘Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto’ -50%

Italian easy reader ebooks - Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto - cover image

This week’s half-price, easy reader ‘eBook of the Week’ is the B2 (upper-intermediate) -level Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto.

The 1970 political thriller on which this ‘easy reader’ is based was a massive success for director Elio Petri, winning many prizes, including that year’s Oscar for the Best Foreign Language movie.

The story takes place in Rome in the summer of 1969, at what would be the beginning of Italy’s ‘years of lead’. It reflects on the power of the apparatus of the state, and the roles played by those who worked within it or rebelled against it.

The unnamed protagonist, a senior police officer and head of the homicide squad, murders his lover but then immediately sets out to leave as many clues as possible…

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level and above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto, just £3.99! | Free Sample Chapter | ‘Italian Cinema’ easy reader ebooks | Catalog

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’, a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook (.mobi/Kindle-compatible, .epub) cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to those who request them.


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Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news is out now – subscribers will have already received their free copy via email. If you didn’t, why don’t you subscribe, too? It’s free!

Enter your email on this page to receive three Easy Italian News bulletins each and every week, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

There’s absolutely no obligation to pay anything. And you can easily unsubscribe if you don’t find the materials useful or are no longer learning Italian.

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NEW EASY READER EBOOK: Plinio e l’eruzione del Vesuvio, -25%

Easy Italian readers - Plinio e l'eruzione del Vesuvio - cover image

This week is publishing another in our series of history-themed Italian easy reader ebooks.

Roman-era admiral and ‘natural historian’, Plinio, is having a lazy afternoon with his scrolls, when his sister rushes in, alarmed by smoke rising from nearby Vesuvio!

The new ‘easy reader’ ebook is Plinio e l’eruzione del Vesuvio, and the level is B2/C1, so upper-intermediate/advanced.

Until Sunday 5th June it’s discounted 25% compared to the usual ‘easy reader’ price, so just £5.99 rather than £7.99.

Find out more about Plinio e l’eruzione del Vesuvio in our online shop.

Check out the Free Sample Chapter (.pdf), to verify the length, level and format of the ebook.

Caio Plinio Secondo, più conosciuto come “Plinio il Vecchio”, ha scritto la più grande enciclopedia del mondo antico. Quest’opera, intitolata “Osservazione della natura” (Naturalis historia) è un immenso trattato di antropologia, storia dell’arte, zoologia, botanica, medicina, geografia e mineralogia.

Durante i suoi numerosi viaggi come comandante militare e governatore delle province di Roma, Plinio non ha mai smesso di osservare i fenomeni naturali, le piante, gli animali e le persone, né di raccogliere informazioni.

Nell’anno 79 d.C., Plinio è a capo della flotta militare romana, tenuta nel porto di Miseno, perciò vive in una villa vicino a Napoli. Proprio in quell’anno, dal Vesuvio, enorme vulcano attivo della Campania, comincia a uscire del fumo…

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Plinio e l’eruzione del Vesuvio just £5.99! | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) | Catalog

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment is confirmed), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook (.mobi/Kindle-compatible, .epub) cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them.


Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news (text + online audio) from was published this morning. Why take a few minutes of your day to read/listen to it?

Or subscribe (that’s also free), and so receive all future bulletins via email!

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50% OFF Easy-Reader eBook: 2 giugno 1946 (A2/B1)

Italian easy readers - 2 giugno 1946 - cover image

This week’s half-price, easy reader ‘eBook of the Week’ is the A2/B1 (pre-intermediate/intermediate) -level 2 giugno 1946.

Bologna, 2nd of June 1946. Italy is slowly recovering from the devastating effects of World War II. A referendum has been organised to decide whether the reborn state will be a republic or continue as a monarchy. And for the first time in history, Italian women can go to the polls! Newly-wed Marcella is so excited at the prospect she barely slept last night. But her husband, Antonio, is unconvinced…

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at any level
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy 2 giugno 1946, just £3.99! | Free Sample Chapter | Catalog

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’, a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook (.mobi/Kindle-compatible, .epub) cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to those who request them.


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Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news was published earlier today – subscribers will have already received their free copy via email. If you didn’t, why don’t you subscribe, too? It’s free!

There’s absolutely no obligation to pay anything. And you can easily unsubscribe if you don’t find the materials useful or are no longer learning Italian.

Enter your email on this page to receive three Easy Italian News bulletins each and every week, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

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Colpa della terra, Libro 5, La mia gente, -25%!

Easy Italian reader ebook - Colpa della terra, Libro 5, La mia gente - cover image

This week we published the final ebook in a series of five ‘easy readers’, Colpa della terra, Libro 5, La mia gente, which together tell the story of three generations of an Italian family that emigrates to the USA.

If you missed Libri 1, 2, 3, and 4 you’ll find them here:

Colpa della terra, Libro 1, Colpa della terra, £7.99 | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Colpa della terra, Libro 2, La traversata, £7.99 | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Colpa della terra, Libro 3, Senza dire niente, £7.99 | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Colpa della terra, Libro 4, Infanzia di un immigrato, £7.99 | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Libro 5 is narrated by Anna, the first child to be born in the U.S.A., now an adult and, by 1941, long frustrated with the lack of job opportunities and the overt discrimination shown to Italian immigrants. The outbreak of WWII hasn’t helped…

Facevo la donna di servizio a casa dei Parkinson. I Parkinson erano una coppia di vecchi ricconi conservatori, lui un pomposo avvocato e lei un’ereditiera fannullona, che avevano una elegante villa nella zona est di New York.

Ma una bella mattina, leggendo il giornale e scuotendo la testa, Mr. Parkinson se ne era uscito con questa frase: “Il governo americano dovrebbe fare qualcosa. Siamo pieni di italiani, maledetti italiani! Stupidi guidos, sono anche pericolosi! Portano qui, nella terra della libertà e della democrazia, le terribili idee di quel dittatore presuntuoso e ridicolo, quel Mussolini…”

La sua vecchia moglie isterica aveva subito squittito, con voce acuta e lamentosa: “E ci portano anche un sacco di malattie!” Poi si era girata verso di me e Paolo, che stavamo pulendo le finestre e la sala in silenzio, e aveva sibilato: “Quella gente… Ci entrano fino dentro casa, come dei ratti affamati, non è tollerabile.”

Tutto il personale di casa Parkinson era italo-americano perché, come dice sempre mio fratello Riccardo: “Siamo scuri ma non siamo negri. In più, costiamo la metà degli irlandesi e lavoriamo il doppio.” Mr. Parkinson, che ora si presentava come il paladino della giustizia, aveva avuto una lunga relazione extra-coniugale con Mariella, un’amica anche lei italo-americana, di mia madre.

Era stata Mariella che lo aveva convinto ad assumermi, quindici anni fa. E perciò, da quando avevo quattordici anni, avevo sempre e solo lavorato dai Parkinson. Mai sposata, mai avuto figli, ci sono già abbastanza grane a dover pensare a se stessi!

Mrs. Parkinson aveva sempre sospettato che il marito avesse un’altra, un’italiana, ma non aveva mai detto nulla. Però questa era la sua occasione di vendicarsi e l’aveva presa al volo: “Voglio questi vermi italiani fuori da casa mia, spie maledette, sporchi parassiti! E non voglio ripeterlo! Prendete le vostre cose e andate via! George, mandali via!” aveva gridato isterica al marito.

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to!
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Colpa della terra, Libro 5, La mia gente, just £5.99 this week! | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) | Catalog

And the others in the series are:

This series is aimed at students who can read confidently at intermediate level or above, but there are plenty of easier, and harder, stories listed, by type and in level order, on our Catalog page. They all have free sample chapters, which means you can evaluate the level and format of the material, and check that you know how to open it on the device you plan to use it on, BEFORE buying!

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook (.mobi/Kindle-compatible, .epub) cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them.


Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news (text + audio) is ready for you to read/listen to!

Subscribing is also FREE. Subscribers receive each thrice-weekly bulletin by email, so don’t need to remember to look at the website each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

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50% OFF Easy-Reader eBook: Caravaggio nei vicoli di Roma

Italian easy reaaders - Caravaggio nei vicoli di Roma - cover image

This week’s half-price, easy reader ‘eBook of the Week’ is the B2 (intermediate/upper-intermediate) -level Caravaggio nei vicoli di Roma.

Caravaggio’s in jail again, drunk as a lord and facing charges for throwing a plate of artichokes at a waiter…

ROMA, 1604 – Carceri dello Stato Pontificio

“Ancora lui? Ma come…?!”, il comandante delle guardie non crede alle sue orecchie.

La giovane guardia cerca di giustificarsi: “Comandante, noi abbiamo cercato di…”

“Non abbastanza! Com’è possibile che sia sempre qui?”

Il comandante si passa una mano sugli occhi, sospira: “Questo mese sarà già la quinta volta…”

Normally £7.99, ‘Caravaggio nei vicoli di Roma‘ is half price this week, so just £3.99!

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Caravaggio nei vicoli di Roma, just £3.99! | Free Sample Chapter | Other ‘Day in the life of’ ‘easy readers’ | Catalog

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’, a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook (.mobi/Kindle-compatible, .epub) cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to those who request them.


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Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news was published this morning – subscribers will have already received their free copy via email. If you didn’t, why don’t you subscribe, too? It’s free!

Enter your email on this page to receive three Easy Italian News bulletins each and every week, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

There’s absolutely no obligation to pay anything. And you can easily unsubscribe if you don’t find the materials useful or are no longer learning Italian.

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Colpa della terra, Libro 4, Infanzia di un immigrato, -25%!

Italian easy reader ebook - Colpa della terra, Libro 4, Infanzia di un immigrato - cover image

This week we published the fourth in a series of five ‘easy reader’ ebooks, Colpa della terra, Libro 4, Infanzia di un immigrato, which together tell the story of three generations of an Italian family that emigrates to the USA.

If you missed Libri 1, 2, and 3, you’ll find them here:

Colpa della terra, Libro 1, Colpa della terra, £7.99 | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Colpa della terra, Libro 2, La traversata, £7.99 | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Colpa della terra, Libro 3, Senza dire niente, £7.99 | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Libro 4 is narrated by Riccardo, aged nine, merchant seaman Antonio’s second child, younger brother to Anna, who’s already left home. Riccardo and Anna are the first two members of the family to be born in the U.S.A., but things are still not going as well as the migrant family had hoped when they sailed from Napoli thirty years earlier…

“Non ci sono sabati né domeniche, per chi lavora in mare!” Lo zio Giuliano indica con un cenno mio padre, la cui ombra si intravede dietro la finestra, poi mi guarda. Stringe in una mano un fagotto, con l’altra tiene il bastone per camminare: “Che pensi?” mi chiede.

Sputa a terra. Il suo tono, sempre un po’ aggressivo e inquisitorio, mi mette agitazione. Dice sempre che non gli piacciono i bambini e che “fino ai tredici anni sono inutili.” Perciò io, che ho solo nove anni, ho ancora molta strada da fare per diventare utile. Quando è di malumore mi dice: “Riccardo, per diventare un uomo sul serio ti mancano ancora cinque o sei anni. Adesso sei solo un marmocchio.”

“Penso…” mi mordo il labbro per non piangere (lo zio detesta i frignoni.) “Papà è pazzo?” gli chiedo con un filo di voce e un nodo in gola.

“Tuo padre è un brav’uomo, ci dà da campare. Pazzo è questo qui” risponde mia madre, che è comparsa all’improvviso alle mie spalle, indicando lo zio.

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to!
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Colpa della terra, Libro 4, Infanzia di un immigrato, just £5.99 this week! | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) | Catalog

And the others in the series are:

N.b. There are plenty of easier, and harder, stories listed, by type and in level order, on our Catalog page, and they all have free sample chapters, which means you can evaluate the level and format of the material, and check that you know how to open it on the device you plan to use it on, BEFORE buying!

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook (.mobi/Kindle-compatible, .epub) cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them.


Tuesday’s bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news (text + audio) is ready for you to read/listen to, for FREE!

Click here to check it out. Subscribing is also free – subscribers receive each thrice-weekly bulletin by email, so don’t need to remember to look at the website each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday…