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-50% Easy-Reader eBook: ‘Valeria, Michele e le maschere’, B2

Easy Italian readers - Valeria, Michele e le maschere - cover image

This week’s half-price, easy reader ‘eBook of the Week’ is the B2- (upper-intermediate) level Valeria, Michele e le maschere.

Valeria has been single for months now. She meets men but after going out a few times they seem reluctant to commit, or even return her messages! She wonders whether the dating app, Tinder, might be worth a try?

Michele spends his Saturday evenings alone, playing computer games. If only he wasn’t so shy, he’d meet more people. And then, maybe find a girlfriend? Perhaps the solution is online…

Read and listen to find out!

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Valeria, Michele e le maschere, just £3.99! | Free Sample Chapter | Catalog

And if your level’s not B2? If you’re just starting out with Italian, or have been at it for years and so already read and listen confidently?

Find materials for your level by checking out the HUNDREDS of free sample chapters (most with free online audio) on our Catalog page.

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook, where available, cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them. There’s a space to do that on the order form – where it says Additional information, Order notes (optional). If you forget, or if you have problems downloading the .pdf, don’t worry! Email us at the address on the website and we’ll help. Also, why not check out our FAQ?


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Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news is published this morning.

Subscribers receive their free copy via email. If you don’t get yours, check your spam/junk folder.

Not a subscriber?

To receive three Easy Italian News bulletins, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, click here to visit the ‘Subscribe’ page, type in your email address, then look out for a ‘please confirm’ email.

Subscribing is free, and you can unsubscribe easily, if you stop learning Italian or don’t find the material useful.

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NEW EASY READER EBOOK: La metamorfosi, -25%

Easy Italian readers - La metamorfosi - cover image

The newest title in our ‘World Literature‘ series of Italian easy reader ebooks is Franza Kafka’s unsettling ‘La metamorfosi‘, which we published yesterday.

We already had ‘easy reader’ ebook versions of ‘I racconti di Canterbury‘ and ‘Don Chisciotte della Mancia’, plus six Italian literature ‘easy reader’ ebooks.

La metamorfosi‘ is B2/C1-level, which means upper-intermediate/advanced.

Until Sunday 21st August it’s discounted 25% compared to the usual ‘easy reader’ price, so just £5.99 rather than £7.99.

What’s this one about, then?

Scritto nel 1912, La metamorfosi è uno dei testi più noti dello scrittore, in cui si descrivono le vicende di un uomo, Gregorio Samsa, che di mestiere fa il commesso viaggiatore, e che una mattina si sveglia e scopre di essersi trasformato in un enorme scarafaggio.

Kafka fu un autore allegorico, perché rappresentava una vicenda per “dire altro”; ha voluto forse rappresentare la solitudine e il senso di diversità dell’ebreo nella Mitteleuropa,la propria estraneità alla sua famiglia, il senso di colpa e l’impotenza umana del singolo di fronte al mondo e alla sua burocrazia. La maggior parte delle sue opere, come ‘La metamorfosi’, ‘Il processo’ e ‘Il castello’, sono piene di temi di alienazione, brutalità fisica e psicologica, e conflittualità genitori-figli.

Cheerful stuff indeed, but it’s a twentieth century classic and well worth a look! Find out more about ‘La metamorfosi‘ in our online shop. Check out the Free Sample Chapter (.pdf), to verify the length, level and format of the ebook.

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy ‘La metamorfosi‘ just £5.99! | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) | World Literature series | Italian literature series | Catalog

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook, where available, cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them. There’s a space to do that on the order form – where it says Additional information, Order notes (optional). If you forget, or if you have problems downloading the .pdf, don’t worry! Email us at the address on the website and we’ll help. Also, why not check out our FAQ?


If you’re an subscriber, you should have already received, or shortly be receiving, an email with Tuesday’s FREE bulletin.

If not, why not subscribe (it’s FREE), so you’ll receive future bulletins, each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday?

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50% OFF Easy-Reader eBook: ‘Aria di festa’ (B1/2)

Cover image: Aria di festa

This week’s half-price, easy reader ‘eBook of the Week’ is the B1/2 (intermediate/upper-intermediate) -level Aria di festa.

Gianni is a gourmet journalist who is increasingly cynical about the popular ‘Slow Food’ movement. He persuades his editor to let him spend the summer searching out and reviewing ‘Slow Food’ events, but the more he finds out, the more his fears seem to be confirmed…

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at any level
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Aria di festa, just £3.99! | Free Sample Chapter | Catalog

And if you’re level’s not B1/B2? If you’re just starting out with Italian, or have been at it for years, so now read and listen confidently?

Find materials for your level by checking out the HUNDREDS of free sample chapters (most with free online audio) on our Catalog page.

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook, where available, cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them. There’s a space to do that on the order form – where it says Additional information, Order notes (optional). If you forget, or if you have problems downloading the .pdf, don’t worry! Email us at the address on the website and we’ll help. Also, why not check out our FAQ?


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Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news has just been published – subscribers receive their free copy via email. If you didn’t get yours, check your spam/junk folder.

Not a subscriber? Why don’t you join us? It’s free!

Just type in your email on this page to receive three Easy Italian News bulletins on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

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New ebook: La diaspora italiana – Italiani negli Stati Uniti

Easy Italian readers - La diaspora italiana - Italiani negli Stati Uniti - cover image

This week has published another new title in our series of ebooks about the Italian diaspora, La diaspora italiana – Italiani negli Stati Uniti.

Previous ebooks in this series were La diaspora italiana – Italiani in Spagna and La diaspora italiana – Italiani in Scozia, and the level of this one is similar, at B2/C1, so upper-intermediate/advanced.

However, because the Italian diaspora in the USA is such a big topic, the latest one is much longer than the others, at 16 chapters rather than the usual 8!

Better still, until Sunday 7th August it’s discounted 25% compared to the usual ‘easy reader’ price, so just £5.99 rather than £7.99.

Check out the Free Sample Chapter (.pdf), to verify the length, level and format of the ebook.

An original Italian easy reader, by Francesca Colombo

A ‘diaspora’ is a population that lives somewhere different from their original home, or that of their forebears. Since the late nineteenth century, millions of Italians have emigrated in search of better prospects. By 1980 it was estimated that twenty-five million Italians had made their home outside of Italy, in countries all over the world…

Secondo il censimento del 2010, gli Italo-americani sono 17.250.000 e corrispondono al sesto gruppo etnico più numeroso negli Stati Uniti d’America.

Gli Italo-americani si sono distinti nei più diversi settori della società. Nel campo dell’invenzione, per esempio, ricordiamo Antonio Meucci, il padre del telefono, e la famiglia di origine friulana Jacuzzi, che ha prodotto le famose vasche da bagno.

In ambito sportivo si sono distinti, fra gli altri, il mitico giocatore di baseball Joltin’ Joe (Giuseppe Paolo) di Maggio, sposato per qualche anno con la diva Marilyn Monroe e citato in una famosa canzone di Simon and Garfunkel, e poi il campione dei pesi massimi Rocco Francis Marchegiano, meglio conosciuto come Rocky Marciano, the Brockton Blockbuster.

Anche nel mondo dello spettacolo non mancano cognomi italiani: da Frank Sinatra a Leonardo di Caprio, da John Turturro a Madonna (alias Veronica Ciccone) a Frank Zappa, passando per Robert De Niro, Jake LaMotta, Joe Pesci, Liza Minelli, Al Pacino e Jon Bon Jovi… La lista è lunghissima!

E, infine, un buon numero di italiani di prima, seconda, terza o quarta generazione hanno contribuito a governare il paese. Per esempio, Fiorello La Guardia è stato sindaco di New York negli anni della Grande Depressione.

“Little Flower”, così era chiamato (traduzione letterale del suo nome italiano), ha amministrato con grande onestà ed efficienza la città e ne ha rilanciato l’economia.

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 16 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy La diaspora italiana – Italiani negli Stati Uniti just £5.99! | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) | Catalog

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook, where available, cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them. There’s a space to do that on the order form – where it says Additional information, Order notes (optional). If you forget, or if you have problems downloading the .pdf, don’t worry! Email us at the address on the website and we’ll help. Also, why not check out our FAQ?


Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news (text + online audio) from was published this morning. Read/listen now, for FREE!

And why not subscribe, and so receive three bulletins of ‘easy’ Italian news each week, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday? Subscribing is also FREE!

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50% OFF Easy-Reader eBook: ‘Un furto ad arte’ (B1/2)

Italian easy reader: Un furto ad arte

This week’s half-price, easy reader ‘eBook of the Week’ is the B1/2 (intermediate/upper-intermediate) -level Un furto ad arte.

Rome, mid-summer, and the temperature outside is so high that sensible people stay at home with the shutters closed and the air-conditioning at maximum. So a private detective is surprised when he receives a phone call from the son of one of the city’s great families. Will he agree to investigate the theft of a famous painting?

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online at
  • 7 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at any level
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Un furto ad arte, just £3.99! | Free Sample Chapter | Catalog

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook, where available, cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them. There’s a space to do that on the order form – where it says Additional information, Order notes (optional). If you forget, or if you have problems downloading the .pdf, don’t worry! Email us at the address on the website and we’ll help. Also, why not check out our FAQ?


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Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news was published this morning – subscribers will have already received their free copy via email. If you didn’t, why don’t you subscribe, too? It’s free!

Type in your email on this page and you’ll receive three Easy Italian News bulletins each and every week, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

N.b. You can easily unsubscribe if you don’t find the materials useful, or are no longer learning Italian.

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NEW EASY READER EBOOK: Vita in trincea (B1/2)

Easy Italian reader ebook - Vita in trincea - cover image

This week has published another new title in our series of history-themed Italian easy reader ebooks.

The latest ‘easy reader’ ebook is Vita in trincea, and the level is B1/B2, so intermediate.

Until Sunday 24th July it’s discounted 25% compared to the usual ‘easy reader’ price, so just £5.99 rather than £7.99.

Check out the Free Sample Chapter (.pdf), to verify the length, level and format of the ebook.

An original Italian easy reader by Francesca Colombo

World War I. A conscript army defends Italy from the Austro-Hungarians. New recruits Rino and Felice march, footsore, towards the trenches carved into the Alps.

Tra il 1915 e il 1917, durante la Prima Guerra Mondiale, l’esercito italiano e quello austriaco si scontrano nella zona montana delle Alpi Carniche, vicino al fiume Isonzo. I militari italiani, reclutati in tutta Italia, vengono mandati al fronte.

“La terra delle montagne, qui, ha un odore strano, una puzza terribile a dire la verità. Non è come a casa” dice Rino a suo fratello Felice a bassa voce, mentre il rumore di molti stivali come i loro marca il ritmo della marcia. “Ancora pochi minuti e arriviamo alla trincea, accelerate il passo!” comanda un ufficiale che cammina poco avanti a loro.

Gli stivali sono scomodi, con il fondo di cartone e i chiodi sulla suola sottile. I piedi dei soldati sanguinano dopo le lunghe ore di cammino al freddo sulle Alpi. L’odore, intanto, è sempre più forte. “Questa puzza viene sicuramente dalla trincea” pensa Rino di nuovo. Felice gli stringe un braccio e dice: “Non ce la faccio più, lo giuro. Devo fermarmi un poco” mentre va avanti a fatica. Rino lo incoraggia: “E dai, che stiamo arrivando, resisti!”

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Vita in trincea just £5.99! | Free Sample Chapter (.pdf) | History-themed easy reader ebooks | Catalog

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook, where available, cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them. There’s a space to do that on the order form – where it says Additional information, Order notes (optional). If you forget, or if you have problems downloading the .pdf, don’t worry! Email us at the address on the website and we’ll help. Also, why not check out our FAQ?


Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news (text + online audio) from is ready for you to read/listen to: click here!

Subscribing, to receive three bulletins of ‘easy’ Italian news each week, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, is also FREE.

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Don’t forget – the 2022 Summer Sale ends tonight!

Don’t forget – the 2022 Summer Sale ends tonight, Sunday 10th July 2022.

Coupon code …


… is currently valid on EVERYTHING in our TWO online stores, (ebooks for learning languages, ‘easy readers’, ‘parallel texts’) and (one-to-one lessons) …

but expires tonight!

Ten thirty-minute online lessons with a native speaker teacher (Italian, French, Spanish, German…) would normally cost you £180

But with coupon code 2022-Summer-Sale-20%-Off?

Just £144 (£14.40 a lesson).

And the ebook ‘easy readers’ (simplified texts + audio) or ‘parallel texts’ (simplified texts + translations), which are ideal for supplementing a more traditional language course, normally cost £7.99.

But are just £6.39 each with the coupon code.

For a few more hours, at least…

Stock up on the lesson credits and study materials you need now, while there’s still time! (ebooks) | (lessons)

Don’t forget, the coupon code to save 20% on the published prices is:


Paste it carefully into the box in your cart, where it says, Coupon Code. Then presss the Apply Coupon button. Finally scroll down to check that your order total has been discounted by 20%, before proceeding. (ebooks) | (lessons)

(The next sale won’t be until the the end of September…)

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2022 Summer Sale: Lessons & Ebooks -20%, final 36 hours!

A quick reminder about our 2022 Summer Sale, which will end at midnight on Sunday 10th July 2022.

Save 20% on EVERYTHING in our TWO online stores, (ebooks for learning languages, ‘easy readers’, ‘parallel texts’) and (one-to-one lessons), by using this coupon code:


Ten thirty-minute online lessons with a native speaker teacher (Italian, French, Spanish, German…) would normally cost you £180 (just £18 a lesson).

But with the coupon code 2022-Summer-Sale-20%-Off, that figure is reduced to just £144! (£14.40 a lesson.)

That’s like getting two free lessons!

Ebook ‘easy readers’ (simplified texts + audio) or ‘parallel texts’ (simplified texts + translation), either of which are ideal for supplementing a more traditional language course, normally sell at £7.99.

But with coupon code 2022-Summer-Sale-20%-Off, you could add five ebooks to your cart and the twenty percent saving means you’ll only pay for four!

So how exactly do you save money on your language-learning?

Start by making your selection of one-to-one online lesson options and ebooks from (ebooks for learning languages, ‘easy readers’, ‘parallel texts’) and/or (one-to-one lessons).

Next, go to your shopping cart and paste in coupon code 2022-Summer-Sale-20%-Off (where it says ‘Apply coupon’), which will reduce the cart total by 20%. Press the ‘Apply coupon’ button and scroll down to check that the CART TOTAL (not the individual item price) really is discounted by 20%.

Remember: coupon code 2022-Summer-Sale-20%-Off expires at midnight on Sunday 10th July 2022.

Stock up today on the online lesson credits, easy readers, parallel texts and grammar workbooks that you’ll need to make progress with your chosen foreign language!

Here’s that coupon code once more:


Use it in either or both of our online stores: (ebooks) | (lessons)

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2022 Summer Sale: ‘easy reader’ ebook picks at your level!

On Tuesday we announced that our 2022 Summer Sale has begun. Find out more here.

So today, as part of our 2022 Summer Sale promotion, I’m going to give you my top ebook picks for beginner, intermediate, and advanced-learners of Italian – I hope there’ll be something here that grabs you!

When I say ‘my top picks’, what I mean is the ebooks that I have enjoyed the most (I read them all, multiple times, during the editing and publishing process).

My criteria is just that: enjoyment. Why?

Because as a language-learner myself, I find that if there’s a story that engages me (whether it’s a news article, or fiction, like our ‘easy readers’), I’ll keep turning the page.

And if I can’t (metaphorically) put an ebook down, my reading comprehension skills improve, and with them my knowledge of vocabulary, and my confidence with the grammar of the language I’m learning.

As any teacher (or student) knows, boredom is the enemy! So a writer that knows how to craft a text so that it pulls you in and won’t let go, even if it’s ‘just’ language-study material, is indeed a useful ally!

Don’t forget, the 2022 Summer Sale is on! To get 20% off everything in your shopping cart, copy/paste the coupon code, which is:


Bene, let’s get to it. I’m on the Catalog page of our online shop, starting a little way down, where it says ‘Italian Easy Readers‘ (if you’re learning another language, you’ll need to scroll down the Catalog page and make your own selections, sorry!)

So we have seventeen easy reader ebooks for A1 and A2 students, six at A1 (the lowest level), eight at the ‘half-level’ A1/2, and three at A2 (the harder ones). If you’re not sure which level is right for you, use the Free Sample links and take a look. You should be able to get the gist of the story with only occasional use of a dictionary.

N.b. This article was written a couple of years ago. Since then we’ve published other ebooks, so the selection at your level is probably even more ample than described below. Our Catalog page is always up-to-date, so includes the most recent titles, and free sample chapters!

So honestly? I enjoyed all seventeen. but I’ve been strict with myself and whittled the total down to just two at each level, concentrating on the ones I liked the MOST – the stories that made me actually care about the characters, and about what happened to them next!

(These are extracts from our Catalog page, so you can also see the price, the available formats, and a link to the free sample chapter for each title…)

A1 Italian easy readers: Colpo di forbici - cover image

Colpo di forbici (A1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
Rosa la cuoca disastrosa (A1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

A1/2 Italian easy readers - L'ascensore - cover image

Il giocoliere (A1/2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
L’ascensore (A1/2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

A2 Cover image: Cielo libero

Cielo libero (A2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
L’amore ai tempi del supermercato (A2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

What if those were too easy for you? Nessun problema. For ‘intermediate’ learners we have loads and loads of materials – twenty-two separate titles!

The hard part was choosing between them, but again, I’ve been strict and narrowed it down to two stories at each half level…

A2/B1 Italian easy readers - 2 giugno 1946 - cover image

2 giugno 1946 (A2/B1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
Il campo di papaveri (A2/B1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

B1 Easy Italian readers - Dante, gatto vagante - cover image

Caccia all’autografo (B1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
Dante, gatto vagante (B1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

B1/B2 Cover image: Segreti e polpette

L’imperatore e i giochi (B1/2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
Segreti e polpette (B1/2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

B2 Italian easy reaaders - Le italiane - cover image

Natale a sorpresa (B2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
Le italiane (B2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

Hope there was something there that called out “Read me!”

But if you looked at the sample chapters and they were STILL to simple for you, firstly, well done for reading Italian for such confidence, and secondly, brace yourself now for the hard stuff!

B2/C1 Italian easy readers - Prometeo e la guerra dei titani - cover image

Prometeo e la guerra dei titani (B2/C1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi)
Il bar (B2/C1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi)

C1 Italian easy reader ebooks - I racconti della vestale - cover image

La commediante (C1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi)
I racconti della vestale (C1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi)

C1/C2 Italian easy readers - Il vulcano - cover image

Anselmo e l’omicidio di Giovanni Borgia (C1/2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
Il vulcano (C1/2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

C2 Easy Italian readers - La Via Francigena - cover image

La Via Francigena (C2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
La carriera – dietro le quinte del Palio di Siena (C2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

Bene. Hope you found lots that will keep you reading in and listening to Italian in 2022 and beyond!

The prices marked above are the usual, year-round prices but with the 2022 Summer Sale promotion (which ends on Sunday 10th July 2022) everything in our TWO online stores ( for ebooks, for online lesson credits) is 20% cheaper!

Copy and paste the coupon code 2022-Summer-Sale-20%-Off into your shopping cart in either store, then scroll down to check the cart total has been reduced by 20%.

Make your selections today! (now only ebooks) | (online lessons)


Check out the ‘easy reader’ ebook MULTIPACKS, which get you a three-for-two deal, or better.

AND the 20% discount!

Assuming you remember to use the coupon code, that is…


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2022 Summer Sale: graded materials to build your skills -20%

Everyone learning a foreign language is familiar with the concept of ‘level’.

Some materials are just too hard for where you’re currently at, others might seem just right, whereas the texts you worked on months ago will now, hopefully, feel easy.

We all know that it can be difficult (impossible!) to understand films and so on in the languages we’re learning, or to read an authentic article, say from a newspaper, which is written for educated native-speaker readers.

And yet, clearly, listening to the language as it is really used, and reading articles written in it, are important long-term goals, even if they seem unachievable for the moment.

Plus, it seems likely that the more we read and listen, the more meaningful our studies will be, the more new words we’ll pick up, and the more we’ll feel familiar with the grammar and structures of the languages we’re learning.

Reading and listening to the language you’re studying are unarguably good ways to speed your progress, and in any case, training yourself to listen and to read effectively in the new language is obviously going to be necessary at some point.

But authentic materials are HARD! Often too hard.

The solution to this quandry?

‘Graded’ texts, that is to say materials written by language teachers for learners like you, and designated as suitable for those who have reached or are above a particular level.

The CEFR level system uses six level bands, which are (from easiest to hardest): A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2.

Assume that students at the C levels should be reading and listening to authentic (real-life) texts and audio without too much difficulty. The graded materials at those levels, then, will approximate texts written for native-speakers.

People at the intermediate stage (the B levels) are not yet ready for ‘real’ or ‘nearly real’ listening and reading, but still need to build their skills in anticipation. So the graded materials will be an in-between step, aimed at challenging students to develop their skills further.

The easiest materials (at A1 and A2 levels) are designed to be unintimidating, which means short chapters and simple or simpler grammar and vocabulary. Their purpose is to encourage learners to get into the HABIT of reading and listening to the language they’re learning as early on in the process as possible.

The more reading & listening you do early on, the easier everything that follows will be. You’ll already be used to, for example, guessing meaning from context in a text, or getting the gist of the spoken language even when you can’t pick out every word.

Graded materials are useful at every language-learning level, but their real power can be seen when they are incorporated as an integral part of our studies right from Day 1 with a new language.

The difference between a learner who regularly reads and listens to graded materials, and one who never or rarely spends time on anything other than grammar and vocabulary exercises, is plain to see, if for no other reason than that a student who has no fear of reading and listening (because she is using materials that have been specifically written for her level, remember) comes across as being more confident and more autonomous.

How to find graded materials for your level? Our Catalog page lists materials by type and in level order, which should help.

But importantly, there’s always a free sample chapter, which you should absolutely look at before deciding to buy a particular title.

Have a look at the first few lines, the first paragraph, the first page, even the whole of the first chapter. Can you manage to figure out what’s going on in the story without too much effort, without constantly reaching for the dictionary?

If not, step down a level, try another free sample chapter, keep looking until you find something that you’re comfortable with. Don’t forget to check out the free online audio, if there is one. Usually the link is at the top of the first chapter…

Then, if the story grabs you, go ahead and buy a copy! Read a chapter a day, perhaps. There are usually eight short chapters, so in not much more than a week, you’ll be done.

At which point, you could check out other titles at the same level, or look at free sample chapters for the next level (or half-level) up, to see if you’re ready for something a little more challenging.

Aim to establish a reading/listening HABIT. Move up to the next level only when you’re comfortable, no need to rush,

Gradually, month by month, your reading/listening skills will improve, as will your knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the language you’re learning.

With graded materials, such as ‘easy readers’ and ‘parallel texts’, you’ll master the language you’re studying step-by-step, almost without realising it!


Don’t forget the 2022 Summer Sale is running this week!

Save a fifth on graded material (and online lessons) for learning Italian, Spanish, French, and/or German.

Everything in our TWO online stores ( for ebooks, for online lesson credits) is 20% cheaper until midnight on Sunday 10th July 2022.

But only if you remember to use this coupon code (it works in both stores):


Make your selection from the one-to-one online lesson options and/or from our range of ebooks, which have been especially written to keep you interested and making progress.

Apply coupon code 2022-Summer-Sale-20%-Off in your shopping cart to reduce the cart total by 20%!

Stock up on online lesson credits, easy readers, parallel texts and grammar workbooks – at an unbeatable price! (ebooks) | (online lessons)


Here’s that coupon code again:


Don’t forget to use it when you order and you’ll save 20% on the price of everything in your cart: (ebooks) | (one-to-one lessons)