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New Italian easy reader ebook -25%, and 4 others half-price!

Our latest Italian ‘easy reader’ ebook is about Joe Petrosino, the first Italian-American police officer, who was famous for his fight against the mafia.

As usual with new publications, this week it’s 25% discounted, compared to the usual ‘easy reader’ ebook price, so just £5.99, rather than £7.99.

We also have four other HALF-PRICE ebooks from our Catalog, about the Italian diaspora in the USA, Australia, Scotland, and Spain. Each of those costs just £3.99.

All five offers end on Sunday 12th March 2023. Scroll down for details!

An original Italian easy reader by Francesca Colombo

Italian easy reader ebook - Joe Petrosino e la lotta alla mafia - cover image

Are Italians immigrants in 19th century New York all the same, ‘a race of criminials’? Find out with our original, ‘easy reader’ ebook, and improve your Italian reading and listening skills at the same time!

“Devono brillare queste scarpe, ragazzo! Oggi non ho fretta. Come ti chiami?” Il ragazzino risponde con un forte accento italiano: “Joe, signore. Mi chiamo Joe Petrosino. Le sue scarpe saranno come nuove in pochi minuti.”

Il poliziotto annuisce distrattamente: “Fai del tuo meglio, Joe.” Intanto osserva il negozio di alimentari fatto saltare in aria il giorno prima. La bomba ha distrutto la porta e la vetrina, l’insegna che dice: “Da Felice, prodotti italiani” è rimasta al suo posto, ma è storta.

Il poliziotto irlandese sospira scuotendo la testa, mentre altri due colleghi più giovani gli si avvicinano. Uno di questi gli chiede: “Chiudiamo il caso, signore? È il solito regolamento di conti fra italiani, è inutile perdere tempo” e l’altro aggiunge: “È impossibile capire quello che dicono e quello che gli passa per la testa. Sono una razza di criminali, e il proprietario del negozio vai a sapere se non era un mezzo mafioso anche lui… tutti uguali, tutti uguali.”

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Joe Petrosino e la lotta alla mafia just £5.99 | FREE sample chapter (.pdf) | Catalog

Read about other famous Italian-Americans in the B2/C1-level La diaspora italiana – Italiani negli Stati Uniti (Free sample chapter .pdf | Read reviews), which is HALF-PRICE this week. Joe is featured in that one, too, but is only one of many interesting characters.

N.b. Given that there was so much to write about Italian-Americans, that one is DOUBLE THE NORMAL LENGTH, sixteen chapters instead of the typical eight. Which at 50% off the usual price makes for an extra-special bargain!

Also half-price this week are the three other titles in our ‘Italian Diaspora’ series:

How do I access my ebooks?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook, where available, cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them. There’s a space to do that on the order form – where it says Additional information, Order notes (optional). If you forget, or if you have problems downloading the .pdf, don’t worry! Email us at the address on the website and we’ll help. Also, why not check out our FAQ?


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Thursday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news (text + online audio) was published this morning.

Subscribers get each thrice-weekly bulletin sent directly to their email inboxes, also for FREE, each Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

Subscribe here.

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Half Price This Week: 4 Italian Easy Reader Ebooks from 2020

This week for our half-price ebook offer, we’re discounting four Italian ‘easy readers’ that we published in 2020.

Until Sunday 5th March 2023, get them for just £3.99 each, rather than the usual ‘easy reader’ price of £7.99!

This week’s half-price ebooks, in level order from easier to hardest, are…

Zio Ciro e la pizza (B1) Easy Italian readers - Zio Ciro e la pizza - cover image

Against her conservative father’s wishes, a nineteen-year-old Italian-American, buys a plane ticket to Napoli, in Italy. The plan is to discover the city her family originated from, and to get to know zio Ciro, the black sheep of the family!

Join Angela as she helps her Neapolitan uncle prepare pizzas for a special lunch, while learning the fascinating history of Napoli’s most famous dish!

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at any level
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Zio Ciro e la pizza just £3.99 | FREE sample chapter (.pdf) | Read reviews! | Catalog

Dante, un’altra marachella (B1/2) Easy Italian reader ebook - Dante, un’altra marachella - cover image

Dante, the black and white feline protagonist of ‘Dante, gatto vagante‘ is once more out and about, roaming the sestiere of Venice where he lives, his earlier misadventures having faded from memory. These days he always finds his way home, safe and sound, to the loving Anna and a delicious bowl of crunchy ‘croccantini’. So why would today be any different?

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at any level
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Dante, un’altra marachella just £3.99 | FREE sample chapter (.pdf) | Read reviews! | Catalog

Chi è per me Cecilia (C1/2) Italian easy readers - Chi è per me Cecilia - cover image

“Grandioso! Licenziato dopo due mesi… E adesso che faccio?!” pensai. Il primo impulso era stato quello di prendere il cellulare. Avevo scorso la rubrica fino alla lettera “C”, poi mi ero fermato a fissare lo schermo. Infine avevo sospirato e lo avevo riposto in tasca. Preso dallo sconforto, mi guardai intorno e chiesi, questa volta ad alta voce: “Che diamine posso fare?”

Milanese twenty-something Matteo loses his first real job after just a few months, and despairs he’ll ever find another. His parents don’t understand how bad his prospects seem, and he hasn’t spoken to his best friend, Cecilia, for several months. Should he call her? But can true friendship between a man and a woman really exist?

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/Italian glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at advanced level
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Chi è per me Cecilia just £3.99 | FREE sample chapter (.pdf) | Read reviews! | Catalog

La carriera – dietro le quinte del Palio di Siena (C2) Italian easy reader ebooks - 'La carriera - dietro le quinte del Palio di Siena' - cover image

“E mancano solo quattro giorni al Palio, la corsa di cavalli più famosa d’Italia!”
sebbene la radio gracchiasse, si distinguevano piuttosto chiaramente le parole dell’esaltato commentatore: “Siena freme e si dipinge dei colori delle contrade, agghindate per la festa. Come ben sapete, cari ascoltatori, tra le dieci contrade che gareggiano vi sono alleanze e rivalità secolari. Per ogni contrada è stato già estratto a sorte un cavallo. I migliori di quest’anno sono il giovane Trifoglio, che è al suo secondo palio e corre per la contrada dell’Istrice, e la veterana Caruccia che vestirà i colori della Lupa. La Lupa e l’Istrice sono due storiche rivali, che fatalità, signori! Se ne vedranno delle belle!”

Follow Il Guercio, the diminutive one-eyed Sardinian jockey, as he’s hired to ride one of the year’s best horses, bareback, in Italy’s most famous urban race, the Siena Palio!

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level (no English!)
  • Suitable for students at upper-intermediate/advanced levels
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy La carriera – dietro le quinte del Palio di Siena just £3.99 | FREE sample chapter (.pdf) | Read reviews! | Catalog

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook, where available, cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them. There’s a space to do that on the order form – where it says Additional information, Order notes (optional). If you forget, or if you have problems downloading the .pdf, don’t worry! Email us at the address on the website and we’ll help. Also, why not check out our FAQ?


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Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news (text + online audio) was published this morning. Reading/listening to it is FREE!

Better still, subscribers get each thrice-weekly bulletin sent directly to their email inboxes, also for FREE, each Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Subscribe here. is FREE because it’s funded by donations from those who know it helps them improve their Italian – support!

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New ‘Easy Reader’ Movie Ebook, ‘Io la conoscevo bene’, -25%!

This week we’ve published a new Italian easy reader in our ‘eBook of the Classic Italian Movie’ series, ‘Io la conoscevo bene‘.

As always with our ‘classic movie’ ebooks, this one is written by an Italian teacher who is also an award-winning scriptwriter, so knows his stuff – they’re ideal for students of Italian who need reading/listening practice, but also for anyone interested in Italian cinema! Browse all eighteen titles in the series here and here.

The latest one is Io la conoscevo bene, level is B1, so intermediate. Until Sunday February 26th it’s reduced 25% from the usual ebook price of £7.99 to just £5.99.

You’ll find more details below, but as always, I suggest checking out the FREE sample chapter (.pdf) before you buy a copy. That way, you’ll know whether the level is suitable, and that the format works on the device you intend to use it on.

The FREE sample chapter (.pdf) also contains a link to the audio for the WHOLE STORY, which is available online for anyone who’d like to listen to it (though having the text, which is not free, obviously helps with that…)

Easy Italian reader ebook - Io la conoscevo bene - cover image

Antonio Pietrangeli’s 1965 movie, ‘Io la conoscevo bene’, features Stefania Sandrelli as beautiful Adriana, an aspiring movie star who’s looking for something more than just a career on the screen…

Giovanni Galavotti’s re-telling of the story of the film for learners of Italian makes a great introduction before watching the movie itself (ideally in Italian!) Or it can be used simply as supplementary reading/listening material, guaranteed to liven up any study program!

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at B1 level and above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Io la conoscevo bene just £5.99 | FREE sample chapter (.pdf) | eBook of the Movie (1) | eBook of the Movie (2) | eBook Catalog

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook, where available, cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them. There’s a space to do that on the order form – where it says Additional information, Order notes (optional). If you forget, or if you have problems downloading the .pdf, don’t worry! Email us at the address on the website and we’ll help. Also, why not check out our FAQ?


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Tuesday’s bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news (text + online audio) was published a few minutes ago. And that one is COMPLETELY FREE!

Subscribing, which is also FREE, means getting the thrice-weekly bulletins sent directly to your email inbox, each Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

Subscribe here

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5 half-price Italian ‘easy reader’ ebooks from innocent 2019

A couple of weeks ago we did a half-price offer on four ebook titles we published in 2018, five years ago. It worked well, so today we’re repeating the exercise, but this time with five titles from innocent, pre-pandemic, 2019. Doesn’t that seem a long time ago??

Any of the following five ebooks will cost you just £3.99 until Sunday 19th February 2023. Be aware, the level of these is high, other than the first, which is intermediate. Check the free sample chapters before you buy!

Dante, gatto vagante (B1) Easy Italian readers - Dante, gatto vagante - cover image

Dante is a black and white cat who likes to roam his sestiere of Venice but proudly refuses to wear a collar. So when, one day, he fails to show up for his dinner, frantic owner Anna has no way to trace him. Where can he have got to?

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at any level
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

N.b. If you like this story, you may also enjoy Dante’s further adventure: ‘Dante, un’altra marachella‘.

Buy Dante, gatto vagante just £3.99 | FREE sample chapter (.pdf) | Read reviews! | Catalog

Il vulcano (C1/2) Italian easy readers - Il vulcano - cover image

Il fenomeno delle migrazioni è un tema importate e complesso, che facilmente scalda gli animi.

Nel 2014 in Italia sono arrivati circa tredicimila minori stranieri non accompagnati: ragazzi e ragazze, o bambini e bambine, minorenni, senza la cittadinanza europea, senza la protezione e la tutela dei loro genitori.

Questi minori vengono affidati a famiglie che vogliano e possano prendersene cura o a istituti protetti dove, grazie al sempre più importante aiuto dei volontari, i ragazzi possono trovare qualcuno che li segua nel loro percorso di crescita e che li aiuti a ricucire le loro ferite.

Quella che state per leggere qui di seguito è una storia vera.

The moving story of how the author, a language teacher, is asked to help a child who has crossed the dangerous Mediterranean Sea on a rubber boat with other migrants, having lost his mother somewhere along the route from his home country.

Now a new challenge awaits the boy – he speaks not a word of the Italian yet must soon start school. And, gradually, build a life in this new land.

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at advanced level
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Il vulcano just £3.99 | FREE sample chapter (.pdf) | Read reviews! | Catalog

Il bar (B2/C1) Italian easy reader ebooks - Il bar - cover image

Il signor Mario gira la chiave nella serratura e solleva la serranda del Bar Ateneo. Il locale si trova davanti all’Università Statale nel centro di Milano. Il proprietario del vecchio bar, puntuale come ogni mattina, apre la porta di legno scricchiolante, indossa il grembiule e si aggiusta gli occhiali da miope sul nasone aquilino. Poi si dirige svelto a infornare i cornetti e a preparare la macchina del caffè.

Quando ha finalmente le mani libere, Mario si avvicina al calendario per eliminare la pagina del mese appena trascorso: febbraio. Ha una breve esitazione e prende tempo massaggiandosi i corti ricci grigiastri che, nonostante i suoi cinquantotto anni, resistono sul capoccione a forma d’uovo. Un respiro profondo per farsi coraggio dicendo a se stesso:

“Anche quest’anno è arrivato il primo marzo. Stiamo a vedere che diavolo succede”.

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at upper-intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Il bar just £3.99 | FREE sample chapter (.pdf) | Read reviews! | Catalog

Prometeo e la guerra dei titani (B2/C1) Italian easy readers - Prometeo e la guerra dei titani - cover image

Un altro giovedì di gennaio al liceo classico Parini di Milano. E’ passato da poco mezzogiorno e alla quarta ora la 5C ha greco: la lezione sembra essere infinita…

But wait! What’s that the teacher’s saying?

“Sapete che secondo il mito greco nella notte dei tempi si combatte una terribile guerra tra immortali? L’obiettivo della guerra è il dominio dell’intero universo.”

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at upper-intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Prometeo e la guerra dei titani just £3.99 | FREE sample chapter (.pdf) | Read reviews! | Catalog

Il mistero della quercia (B2/C1) Easy Italian readers - Il mistero della quercia - cover image

Why does a village traffic accident, which resulted in no injuries besides some damage to a roadside oak tree, have everyone so worried?

Luisa, who’s spending a month with her grandparents, will keep asking questions until someone tells her what’s going on!

What is ‘Il mistero della quercia’?

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at upper-intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Il mistero della quercia just £3.99 | FREE sample chapter (.pdf) | Read reviews! | Catalog

How do I access my ebooks?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment), download links will be automatically emailed to you. They’re valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebooks in a safe place. Other versions of the ebooks, where available, cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them. There’s a space to do that on the order form – where it says Additional information, Order notes (optional). If you forget, or if you have problems downloading the .pdfs, don’t worry! Email us at the address on the website and we’ll help. Also, why not check out our FAQ?


Logo of EasyItalianNews.comDon’t forget to read/listen to Tuesday’s bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news.

Improved comprehension skills make other aspects of language learning (grammar, vocabulary, speaking etc.) easier.

The more you read and listen, the more you learn. And it’s FREE!

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New Easy Reader Ebook, ‘Tutti parlano di Marconi’, -25%!

This week at we’ve published a new ‘easy reader’ ebook, part of the ‘A day in the life of’ series of tales from the lives of famous ‘Italians’.

So far, these have included Galileo, Colombo, Raffaello, Vivaldi, Leonardo, Garibaldi, Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Verdi, and, um, Plinio. See them all here.

This time , though, it’s a more modern figure, the ‘father of radio’,  Nobel-prize winner Guglielmo Marconi. The story is called Tutti parlano di Marconi, because a hundred or so years ago, everyone was!

The level of this one is B1/B2, so intermediate. Until Sunday February 12th it’s reduced 25% from the usual ebook price – just £5.99. There are full details below, but as always, I suggest checking out the FREE sample chapter (.pdf) before you buy your copy.

That way, you’ll know whether the level is suitable and that the format works on the device you intend to use it on.

An original Italian easy reader by Francesca Colombo

Italian Easy Reader Ebook - Tutti parlano di Marconi - cover image

Guglielmo’s mother is explaining to the university physics professor that her son finds school boring, and is, in any case, busy with his hobbies, so she doesn’t insist he go. The professor nods politely – he’s used to wealthy families and their spoilt, lazy offspring…

The woman continues – her son is designing, what does he call it, ‘a battery’ – in the little laboratory they’ve built for him. The nodding stops. Perhaps the Marconi boy really doesn’t need to go to school? Bring him along to the university, the professor suggests. Why not tomorrow?

Improve your Italian reading and listening skills with this intermediate-level ‘easy reader’ ebook:

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Tutti parlano di Marconi just £5.99 | FREE sample chapter (.pdf) | ‘Day in the life of…’ series | Catalog

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally, immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook (.mobi/Kindle-compatible, .epub) cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them.


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Don’t forget to read/listen to Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news (text + online audio), which was published a few minutes ago.

Subscribers get each thrice-weekly bulletin sent directly to their email inboxes, which is also FREE.

Subscribe here

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4 half-price Italian ‘easy reader’ ebooks from distant 2018

This week for our half-price ebook offer, we’re revisiting four ebooks that we first published in distant 2018. Until Sunday 5th February 2023 any of the four will cost you just £3.99, instead of the usual ‘easy reader’ ebook price tag of £7.99.

Regular ebook buyers should please be aware that these all sold quite well when first published, and subsequently, so it’s possible you have one or more of them already. I can do refunds if mistakes are made, but better to check your ebook library before hitting the ‘buy’ button.

Yue a Bologna (A1) Easy Italian readers - Yue a Bologna - cover image

Yue, a talented young Japanese from a rural community in Hokkaido, wins a one-year scholarship to study opera at the ‘Conservatorio’ in Bologna, home to Europe’s oldest university. But the thought of leaving her parents and brother for a whole year disturbs her. And, before studying at the ‘Conservatorio’, she’ll first have to learn Italian…

Buy Yue a Bologna just £3.99 | FREE sample chapter (.pdf) | Read reviews! | Catalog

Le italiane (B2) Italian easy reaaders - Le italiane - cover image

A cool-headed resistance fighter, an Oscar-winning actor, a doctor, a singer, an Olympian, an astronaut, a TV presenter, and a victim of the mafia. What do they all have in common? Read and listen to the moving stories of these eight determined Italians to find out!

Buy Le italiane just £3.99 | FREE sample chapter (.pdf) | Read reviews! | Catalog

Valeria, Michele e le maschere (B2)Easy Italian readers - Valeria, Michele e le maschere - cover image

Valeria has been single for months now. She meets men but after going out a few times they seem reluctant to commit, or even return her messages! She wonders whether the dating app, Tinder, might be worth a try? Michele spends his Saturday evenings alone, playing computer games. If only he wasn’t so shy, he’d meet more people. And then, maybe find a girlfriend? Perhaps the solution is online… Read and listen to find out!

Buy Valeria, Michele e le maschere just £3.99 | FREE sample chapter (.pdf) | Read reviews! | Catalog

La Via Francigena (C2)Easy Italian readers - La Via Francigena - cover image

“Venti giorni di cammino, di fatica, di entusiasmo e di scoperta. Venti giorni di avventura lungo una delle vie più importanti d’Europa, percorsa, negli ultimi mille anni, da principi, imperatori, cardinali, pellegrini, viandanti, giovani, vecchi, bambini, donne, uomini e animali. Una via che racchiude in sé la storia del nostro Paese, una storia fatta di accoglienza, generosità, passione e paesaggi mozzafiato: la Via Francigena.” Join Italian teacher and author, Roberto Gamberini as he follows this famous route of pilgrimage from Lucca in Tuscany to Rome in Lazio.

Buy La Via Francigena just £3.99 | FREE sample chapter (.pdf) | Read reviews! | Catalog

How do I access my ebooks?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally, immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook (.mobi/Kindle-compatible, .epub) cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them.


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Don’t forget to read/listen to Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news (text + online audio), which was published this morning.

Subscribers get each thrice-weekly bulletin sent directly to their email inboxes, also for FREE. is FREE for anyone to use (and subscribe to, if they choose) because it’s funded by donations from students who know it is helping them improve their Italian reading and listening skills…


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New Opera Easy Reader Ebook, ‘Aida’, -25% This Week!

In the fall we began publishing a new series of ‘easy reader’ ebooks based on famous Italian operas.

The first was a simplified text + audio version of Nabucco, one of composer Verdi’s most famous operas. Next we did Puccini’s romantic classic, Turandot, then another Puccini weepy, La Bohème, returning to Verdi for the final two publications of 2022, Rigoletto and La traviata.

Now the festive period is behind us, we restart, with yet more Verdi, the spectacular Aida, and as always, this first week it’s 25% discounted (offer ends Sunday 29th January 2023).

Easy Italian reader ebooks - Aida - cover image

Giuseppe Verdi’s musical exploration of love, jealousy, patriotism and divided-loyalties is here simplifed for learners of Italian (with quotes from the actual libretto!)

Aida, daughter of Amonasro, King of Ethiopia, was captured and is now slave to the Egyptian princess, Amneris, who is unaware of her true identity. Both women are princesses, and both have feelings for handsome soldier Radamès. When Aida’s father leads an Ethiopian military expedition against Egypt, Radames takes command of the defence…

Written to celebrate the opening of the Suez canal, Aida was first performed in 1871 and has been a favorite of opera goers ever since!

Why not begin with our ‘easy reader’ ebook before seeking out a recording of the opera on Youtube? It’ll help! Or just use this original Italian reading/listening practice material to add a little variety to your study program.

Liven up your language studies with this interesting skills practice material, while learning about Italian culture at the same time!

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 7 chapters (based on the act structure of the opera) to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at pre-intermediate level or above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

This being the first week, Aida is 25% discounted, so just £5.99 rather than the usual ‘easy reader’ ebook price of £7.99.

Do check out the FREE sample chapter (.pdf) before you buy a copy, though. That way, you’ll know whether the level is suitable and that the format works on the device you intend to use it on.

Buy Aida just £5.99 | FREE sample chapter (.pdf) | Opera ebooks | Catalog

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally, immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook (.mobi/Kindle-compatible, .epub) cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them.

Remember, download your copy by Sunday 29th January and you’ll save 25%, compared to the usual ‘easy reader’ price of £7.99, so pay just £5.99!


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Don’t forget to read/listen to Tuesday’s FREE bulletin of ‘easy’ Italian news (text + online audio), which was just published.

Subscribers get each thrice-weekly bulletin sent directly to their email inboxes, which is also FREE. is free for anyone to use (and subscribe to, if they choose) because it’s funded by donations from students who know it is helping them improve their Italian reading and listening skills.


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2 Half-Price Classic Italian Movie Ebooks & 20% coupon code

This week, has two half-price eBook offers, both from our Classic Italian Movies series.

Fantozzi (B2)

Italian easy reaaders - Fantozzi - cover image

Ragionier Fantozzi, Ugo is an Italian everyman, though not a very happy one!

Ugo is ambivalent, to say the least, about his job and his family. He dares to hope for more from both his professional and personal lives, though never seems surprised when his ambitions are thwarted!

The 1971 book was a million-seller. And mention the 1975 film, on which our ‘easy reader’ is based, to any Italian to get them happily talking you through their favourite scenes.

For a rather different insight into Italian life and attitudes, don’t miss the unforgettable cultural meme that is Fantozzi!

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 9 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level and above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

Buy Fantozzi (B2) just £3.99!

Il secondo tragico Fantozzi (B2)

Italian easy readers - Il secondo tragico Fantozzi - cover image

Ragionier Fantozzi, Ugo is the Italian everyman: abused by his employer, unhappy at home, and so occasionally tempted to rebel – in the hope of a better future…

“Of course! Everyone knows Fantozzi”, declared this copywriter’s Italian wife, on entering the kitchen to find out what he was laughing out loud about.

The 1971 book was a million-seller and was followed by several unforgettable movies, from which this second volume of mishaps has been selected (find the other here: Fantozzi)

  • .pdf e-book (+ audio available free online)
  • .mobi (Kindle-compatible) and .epub (other ebook readers) available on request at no extra charge – just add a note to the order form or email us
  • 8 chapters to read and listen to
  • Comprehension questions to check your understanding
  • Italian/English glossary of ‘difficult’ terms for the level
  • Suitable for students at intermediate level and above
  • Download your Free Sample Chapter (.pdf)

 Buy Il secondo tragico Fantozzi (B2),  just £3.99!

Besides the two half-price ebooks, also this week there’s a 20% coupon code, valid for all the other ebooks in the Classic Italian Movies series, fifteen titles in total! The coupon code is: 20%OffMovieEasyReaders

Copy/paste it carefully into your cart, press the ‘Apply coupon’ button, and it should reduce the cart total by deducting 20% from the price of any applicable items, which are all the ebooks in the movie series, except the nine-ebook bundle (which is already discounted 50%) and the two half-price eBook of the Week offers.

Fantozzi | Il secondo tragico Fantozzi | Classic Italian Movie ebooks | Catalog

How do I access my ebook?

When your order is ‘completed’ (normally immediately after your payment), a download link will be automatically emailed to you. It’s valid for 7 days and 3 download attempts so please save a copy of the .pdf ebook in a safe place. Other versions of the ebook, where available, cannot be downloaded but will be emailed to people who request them. There’s a space to do that on the order form – where it says Additional information, Order notes (optional). If you forget, or if you have problems downloading the .pdf, don’t worry! Email us at the address on the website and we’ll help. Also, why not check out our FAQ?


Don’t forget to use coupon code 20%OffMovieEasyReaders if you decide to buy any of the Classic Italian Movie ebooks

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Don’t forget – the 2023 January Sale on ebooks ends tonight!

Don’t forget – the 2023 January Sale ends tonight, January 6th 2023.

Coupon code January-Sale-2023 is still valid on EVERYTHING in our online store,, which specialises in ebooks for learning foreign languages, in particular Italian, but also French, Spanish, German, and some other languages.

Browse the Catalog now! There you’ll find FREE sample chapters for just about everything, so you can get an idea of the level and format of the material, and decide what may work best to keep you learning in 2023.

For example,’Easy reader’ ebooks, which are simplified texts and accompanying online audio, at 12 different levels!

Or ‘parallel text’ ebooks (simplified texts + translations) at different levels – the language you’re learning along with a line-by-line translation into English.

Depending on the way you prefer to learn, either could be ideal for supplementing a more traditional language course, or just for self-study.

These materials normally cost £7.99, but until midnight tonight you can use coupon code January-Sale-2023 to reduce that by 20%, to just £6.39.

Stock up on the study materials you need today, before the 2023 January Sale ends. The next similar promotion won’t be until the end of March…

Don’t forget, the coupon code to save 20% on the published prices is January-Sale-2023.

Paste it carefully into the box in your cart, where it says, Coupon Code.

Then presss the ‘Apply Coupon’ button. Finally scroll down to check that your order total has been discounted by 20%, before proceeding – it’s the order total that is discounted, not the item price which you see on your screen, though that amounts to the same thing.

Ebooks for learning Italian/French/Spanish/German


Coupon code January-Sale-2023 is also good for a 20% discount at our online lessons store,, but only until midnight on January 6th 2023!

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2023 January Sale: ‘easy reader’ ebook picks at your level!

Last Tuesday we announced that our 2023 January Sale had begun. Find out more here.

So today, as part of this promotion, I’m going to give you my top ebook picks for beginner, intermediate, and advanced-learners of Italian – I hope there’ll be something here that grabs you!

When I say ‘my top picks’, what I mean is the ebooks that I have enjoyed the most (I read them all, multiple times, during the editing and publishing process).

My criteria is just that: enjoyment. Why?

Because as a language-learner myself, I find that if there’s a story that engages me (whether it’s a news article, or fiction, like our ‘easy readers’), I’ll keep turning the page.

And if I can’t (metaphorically) put an ebook down, my reading comprehension skills improve, and with them my knowledge of vocabulary, and my confidence with the grammar of the language I’m learning.

As any teacher (or student) knows, boredom is the enemy! So a writer that knows how to craft a text so that it pulls you in and won’t let go, even if it’s ‘just’ language-study material, is indeed a useful ally!

Don’t forget, the 2023 January Sale is on! To get 20% off everything in your shopping cart, copy/paste the coupon code, which is:


Bene, let’s get to it. I’m on the Catalog page of our online shop, starting a little way down, where it says ‘Italian Easy Readers’ (if you’re learning another language, you’ll need to scroll down the Catalog page and make your own selections, sorry!)

So we have seventeen easy reader ebooks for A1 and A2 students, six at A1 (the lowest level), eight at the ‘half-level’ A1/2, and three at A2 (the harder ones). If you’re not sure which level is right for you, use the Free Sample links and take a look. You should be able to get the gist of the story with only occasional use of a dictionary.

N.b. This article was written a couple of years ago. Since then we’ve published other ebooks, so the selection at your level is probably even more ample than described below. Our Catalog page is always up-to-date, so includes the most recent titles, and free sample chapters!

So honestly? I enjoyed all seventeen. but I’ve been strict with myself and whittled the total down to just two at each level, concentrating on the ones I liked the MOST – the stories that made me actually care about the characters, and about what happened to them next!

(These are extracts from our Catalog page, so you can also see the price, the available formats, and a link to the free sample chapter for each title…)

A1 Italian easy readers: Colpo di forbici - cover image

Colpo di forbici (A1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
Rosa la cuoca disastrosa (A1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

A1/2 Italian easy readers - L'ascensore - cover image

Il giocoliere (A1/2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
L’ascensore (A1/2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

A2 Cover image: Cielo libero

Cielo libero (A2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
L’amore ai tempi del supermercato (A2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

What if those were too easy for you? Nessun problema. For ‘intermediate’ learners we have loads and loads of materials – twenty-two separate titles!

The hard part was choosing between them, but again, I’ve been strict and narrowed it down to two stories at each half level…

A2/B1 Italian easy readers - 2 giugno 1946 - cover image

2 giugno 1946 (A2/B1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
Il campo di papaveri (A2/B1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

B1 Easy Italian readers - Dante, gatto vagante - cover image

Caccia all’autografo (B1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
Dante, gatto vagante (B1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

B1/B2 Cover image: Segreti e polpette

L’imperatore e i giochi (B1/2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
Segreti e polpette (B1/2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

B2 Italian easy reaaders - Le italiane - cover image

Natale a sorpresa (B2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
Le italiane (B2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

Hope there was something there that called out “Read me!”

But if you looked at the sample chapters and they were STILL to simple for you, firstly, well done for reading Italian for such confidence, and secondly, brace yourself now for the hard stuff!

B2/C1 Italian easy readers - Prometeo e la guerra dei titani - cover image

Prometeo e la guerra dei titani (B2/C1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi)
Il bar (B2/C1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi)

C1 Italian easy reader ebooks - I racconti della vestale - cover image

La commediante (C1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi)
I racconti della vestale (C1) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi)

C1/C2 Italian easy readers - Il vulcano - cover image

Anselmo e l’omicidio di Giovanni Borgia (C1/2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
Il vulcano (C1/2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

C2 Easy Italian readers - La Via Francigena - cover image

La Via Francigena (C2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)
La carriera – dietro le quinte del Palio di Siena (C2) £7.99 Download FREE sample (.pdf, .epub, .mobi/Kindle)

Bene. Hope you found lots that will keep you reading in and listening to Italian in 2023!

The prices marked above are the usual, year-round prices but with the 2023 January Sale promotion (which ends on Friday 6th January 2023) everything in our TWO online stores ( for ebooks, for online lesson credits) is 20% cheaper!

Copy and paste the coupon code January-Sale-2023 into your shopping cart in either store, then scroll down to check the cart total has been reduced by 20%.

Make your selections today! (ebooks) | (online lessons)


Check out the ‘easy reader’ ebook MULTIPACKS, which get you a three-for-two deal, or better.

AND the 20% discount!

Assuming you remember to use the coupon code, that is…
